"Today's dinner is the magical six-flavor mapo tofu with black-bone chicken stewed rice!"

"Hmm! The side dishes are swirl shark fin sausage and smiling buns!"

"As for the soup, it is jumping turtle soup!"

After serving the dishes to the table, Xiaochen introduced the dishes.

These were all imitated by him based on the dishes in the world of Little Chef.

Although there is no recipe, with his current ability as a half-step chef, it is not difficult to imitate these dishes.

So it is quite easy to make.

Sitting at the table are Suzuki Sonoko and Xiaolan who are into yuri, Akai Mari who is in her 50s, Sera Masumi and Miyano Akemi who are in a daze.

There is also Xiaoai who is held by Xiaochen.

After everyone took out their sunglasses and put them on, they signaled Miyano Akemi and Sera Masumi to open the lid.

After all, there are still a few dishes today, and they all know that Xiaochen's dishes have a serious overdose of fluorescent agent.

Looking at them too much will blind your eyes.


"Six-flavor magic mapo tofu?"

After being baptized by several rays of light, the dish prepared by Xiaochen was finally presented.

For a moment, everyone was a little curious.

Mapo tofu, although it is called neon here, there are still many people who have eaten it. As for how magical this magic mapo tofu is, they are still not very clear.

Only after Xiaochen scooped a spoonful with a spoon to feed Xiaoai, everyone started to move their chopsticks.

Even though Xiaochen said it was six flavors in one, but...how to say it, they can't feel any difference from other tofu except that it is delicious.

Well, the food in this world is too rubbish, let alone six flavors, it's already awesome to have five flavors.


""Xiaochen, I want more!"

Xiaoai was so excited after swallowing a mouthful. She had never eaten such delicious tofu before. Bah, I have never eaten tofu before.

She just felt that it was delicious.

It was much more comfortable than chewing the panel in the laboratory.

Xiaoai was naturally very happy that she liked to eat Xiaochen. She was not in a hurry to eat. She wanted to feed this little cutie first.

But after Xiaoai took a few bites and found that Xiaochen herself did not eat, she felt a little embarrassed.

This seemed to be impolite. Relationships require two people to pay together. If she relied on Xiaochen's love to ask for it, she felt that this relationship would break sooner or later.

She was not stupid herself.

Ignoring the strange looks of Yuanzi and Xiaolan who were unaware of the situation at the table, she changed to a more convenient posture to feed Xiaochen and then sat down to feed Xiaochen.

The two of them took a bite each.

It was as if they were immersed in this world of two people.

"Xiaolan...I still want to call the police……"

Ignoring Suzuki Sonoko who was yelling to call the police every day, Xiaolan served a bowl of black-bone chicken meal, a dish that just emitted a black light.

The chicken was black in both bones and meat. There was no black-bone chicken in Neon, and because of the high price, not many people ate it.

In other words, not many people know how to make black-bone chicken delicious.

As a result, there are very few people who know about black-bone chicken.

This time, watching Xiaochen wrap rice with black-bone chicken to steam, she was still curious about the taste of the rice.

What's the difference from ordinary rice?

Until, after taking a bite.

Xiaolan felt as if she had flown into the clouds, her eyes were extremely bright, the rice was soft and delicious, and even the aroma of the chicken was all integrated into the rice.

It made her feel extremely wonderful, as if she was in heaven.

After Akai Mary found that Xiaolan showed such an expression after just taking a bite of white rice, she looked at Xiaolan with a little disdain.

It seemed that the other party had no knowledge. Isn't it just a black-bone chicken?

It's not like she hasn't eaten it before.


"Damn! This……"

Well, it smells really good. I just looked down on Xiaolan, but now she eats faster than anyone else, even eating the food on the table.

Shaking her head, Suzuki Sonoko thought everyone was exaggerating.

Picking up a sausage...

Suzuki Sonoko:"……"

"Oh my god! Is this made of shark fin?"

Feeling the scene in my mouth as if a hurricane passed through, is that why it is called vortex shark fin sausage?

It actually made a hurricane-like feeling in my mouth. The rotation force and the fresh and sweet taste were simply unforgettable.

In the end, Suzuki Sonoko also joined the group of people who kept their mouths shut and quickly finished the food.

Eating one less chopstick is a loss.

Xiao Ai and Xiao Chen are slower than others because you feed me with one chopstick and I feed you with one chopstick.

After the whole table of dishes was cleared, even the black-bone chicken was eaten clean by Suzuki Sonoko.

Wow, Xiao Chen's mentality exploded.

After making so much, it's not enough to eat?

You are bandits who haven't eaten for hundreds of years, right? Where is the reservedness of girls?

Xiao Ai, who had a dark face and wanted to pick up a chopstick, had a mentality that exploded more than Xiao Chen.

She should eat by herself, why feed Xiao Chen, isn't it delicious to eat by herself?

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