After Xiaochen's appearance triggered a small butterfly effect.

Now the world line of this world has also changed a lot.

Just talking about Tequila's death, originally Tequila died and it would not cause trouble to Gin, but just because he was asked to help catch someone.

As a result, Tequila's death was directly suspected, and many people did not believe the organization's investigation results.

However, Gin didn't care about all this. Tequila died and he didn't want to care what others thought of him.

But as long as they dared to talk in front of him, Gin would send them to hell with one bullet each, and he would never be soft-hearted. Xiaochen and others who didn't know all this are still on vacation at the beach.

Suzuki Sonoko and Sera Masumi, two weirdos, were kneeling on the ground with their hands touching the ground, with despair on their faces.


"Why is there nothing to eat? Sister... ahem, brother-in-law... that’s not right... Manager Xiaochen!"

"Manager Xiaochen, I'm so hungry. I can swear that Suzuki Sonoko and I haven't���"What does it matter? Why did Suzuki Sonoko make you unhappy? Let's play and be punished together."

Sera Masumi shouted in despair. She had a big appetite and she would have been starving at this time. But she found that there was nothing to eat.

As Sera Masumi's mother, Akai Mary could no longer bear it and finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She stepped Sera Masumi's head into the sand pit. It was so embarrassing. It was just a meal.

This made her embarrassed. She cared about face sometimes.

As the culprit, Suzuki Sonoko was even more desperate. She just said a few words, but they wanted to cut off her food. There was no need to be so cruel. Why was Xiaolan fine? This was different treatment.

"Master! I know I was wrong. Please, it's almost eleven o'clock. If I don't eat on time, I'll be hungry. If I'm hungry, I won't have the energy to play in the afternoon. If I don't have the energy to play, I'll be in a bad mood."

"I will definitely scold you if I'm in a bad mood!"

At this moment, Suzuki Sonoko dared to be so arrogant. Xiaochen felt that he was still too gentle.

He turned around and walked back to the room, pretending to get the ingredients, but actually took the caught seafood out of the system space.

It was also at this time that Suzuki Sonoko secretly told Xiaolan about Xiaochen.

"Xiaolan, you see, Master is so stingy. I wouldn't say anything bad about ordinary people."

Sure enough, Suzuki Sonoko's lesson was too lenient.

""That's enough, Sonoko! Master really won't give you any food later, let's see what you'll do then."

There's nothing she can do, after all Suzuki Sonoko is her best friend.

Xiaolan is really worried about this Suzuki Sonoko, who always acts stupidly in front of Xiaochen, and she has lost all the awe she had at the beginning.

Xiaochen's good temper is also a problem, so she's going to teach this idiot Suzuki Sonoko a lesson today.

"Humph! I don't believe it. I was just teasing him. He has a sharp tongue but a soft heart. When did he start saying he wanted to teach me a lesson?"

"He hasn't really done anything yet. As long as I pretend to be a bit more like him, this matter will just pass."

At this time, Suzuki Sonoko felt that she was really too smart. It's not like she can't pretend. Now Xiaochen is going to get the ingredients, which proves that Xiaochen lost and she won!

Finally, after Xiaochen came out with the barbecue grill, various seasonings, and seafood.

Suzuki Sonoko was even more excited. She should be eating seafood barbecue. It was great.

It was not until Xiaochen asked Xiaolan to grill it that everyone started eating, but Xiaochen stood in front of her.

Suzuki Sonoko:"????"

""Master! What are you doing?"

Suzuki Sonoko was confused. Why did they stop her? It was barbecue. They ate it so fast. Seeing everyone finishing the barbecue faster and faster, Suzuki Sonoko was so excited that she almost bit someone.

"Master, the barbecue is almost gone, I'm really hungry! Please be kind and let me go."

Suzuki Sonoko was almost acting like a spoiled child, but Xiaochen remained unmoved, just biting a squid tentacles and watching her quietly.


At this moment, Suzuki Sonoko knew that it was over...

Xiaochen was serious this time. If she really pissed Xiaochen off, she would just say a few words.

"Master! I was wrong. I won't belabor the point anymore. I'll learn cooking seriously and listen to your lectures carefully. Don't belabor the point when you do things!"

"Be a good and obedient student and become a first-class chef as soon as possible. With Xiaolan's current status as a top chef, no!"

"I will strive to become a top chef! You are my most respected, amiable, kind, and gentle master!"

After discovering the problem, Suzuki Sonoko's attitude changed 180 degrees. She hugged Xiaochen's thigh and burst into tears, as if she had done something terribly wrong and begged for forgiveness.

Damn, is this the first time I've discovered that Suzuki Sonoko is so dramatic? The first sentence was Xiao exposing her skin, and the second sentence was amiable and a bunch of messed up adjectives.

Can you have some moral integrity? You just called him an idiot, and the next moment you called him dad. What's the rhythm?

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