"Manager Xiaochen, what's the matter with you calling me here?"

Vermouth smiled and looked at the man in front of her. The expression on his face seemed very surprised, as if he didn't know what Xiaochen was going to do.

Holding Xiaoai, he got out of the car. Xiaochen's face didn't show any special emotions. After all, he didn't come to kill her.

"Okay, Dr. Xinchu, no, or I should call you Vermouth."

Xiao Xiaochen's very affirmative tone, even Vermouth was a little surprised, obviously she didn't expect how the other party recognized her.

Her disguise should be very perfect. She had never been discovered before, but today she was discovered for the first time. What a mysterious man!

Xiaoai just looked at her indifferently. Obviously, Vermouth did not have any influence on her.

After all, her current strength is very strong, and the ability of the freezing fruit is almost invincible in this world. It is impossible for her to have any opponent.

As long as she doesn't meet Koizumi Akako, no one can even hurt her. Elementalization can be immune to all physical damage, but it has no resistance to magic.

""Pa pa pa!"

Vermouth clapped her hands, as if to encourage him. This woman always had a faint smile on her face.

"Yes, I am Vermouth, but I don't know how you recognized me."

She tore off the human skin mask on her face, twisted it gently, and the airbags filled on her body disappeared.

Her graceful figure was revealed. She gently shook her golden hair and her charming red lips. She was really a beautiful woman. She leaned gently against her car, lit a lady's cigarette, and took a puff.

She didn't seem to feel any tension about Xiaochen's arrival. She looked normal, and nothing could scare her.

"Oh! I see, it's the women's sunglasses I wore when I was cooking with glowing food."

As if she had confirmed this answer, Vermouth took the last puff of her cigarette, snuffed out the butt, stepped on the ground a few times, and twisted it a few times.

"No, you are wrong, Vermouth, I recognized you as soon as you entered the store."

"I also know why you came to my house, it's for Xiao Ai, right?"

The two of them talked like old friends, and it was completely impossible to tell that they were two enemies. Xiao Ai didn't even look at Belmode.

To her, Belmode was just a weakling, and she could easily get rid of her.

Unfortunately, Belmode didn't know this, and she even thought she had already won.

"Yes, but I don't know whether to say you are stupid or smart."

"He clearly knew my purpose, but he still brought this little girl with him. Isn't he waiting to give me a big gift?"

He bent down slightly, took out a pistol from his ankle, and suddenly pointed it at them.

With a charming smile on his face,

"So goodbye and go to hell with your stupid parents!"

Until this sentence, Belmode finally showed a ferocious expression on her face, pointed at Xiaoai's head, and pulled the trigger. With a bang, the bullet flew towards Xiaodai at a high speed.

From beginning to end, the two did not have any expression changes, and Xiaoai even almost laughed out loud.

The bullet just passed through Xiaoai's body, but did not cause any injury to her.

Belmode looked at Xiaoai with a puzzled look, and finally turned into surprise and fear.

Xiaoai's clothes had a hole, but it seemed that she was not injured at all, and the whole person was still very energetic.

Belmode, who did not believe in evil, fired again and again, and several bullets flew towards Xiaoai, even Xiaochen.

It was also at this time that a huge ice shield blocked them in front of them, blocking all the bullets.

Under Belmode's horrified gaze, Xiaoai took Xiaochen's hand and approached Belmode step by step.

With every step, the cold air seemed to spread around, and pieces of ice crystals appeared under her feet. Even such hot weather became extremely cold at this moment.

"What? Aren't you going to send me to hell?"

"Why not shoot now?"

"You are as weak as a bug to me. You can't even interest me once."

He walked past Vermouth and patted her car with his hand. Frost quickly covered the car, and the whole car was frozen into a big ice block. The time during this period was not even a second.

You can imagine how terrifying Xiao Ai's strength is now.

"You can go back and tell your boss now that you'd better not mess with me, or I will completely destroy your organization."

"Believe me, I can do this easily."

Another snap of the fingers, a small area of the sea was frozen by Xiao Ai, and another snap of the fingers, the ice on the sea surface melted again.

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