Vermouth ignored Xiaochen and focused on eating the food she had grabbed.

To be honest, she hadn't eaten for several days.

She had tried other things, but they all tasted so bad that she vomited. Only Xiaochen's food made her feel delicious.

In fact, this problem was really Xiaochen's fault.

It was indeed the problem of the glowing food.

Xiaochen's glowing food was very special, and there was a slight difference from the glowing food in Xiaocheung's house.

When the glowing food in the bright cuisine world is done to a high level, it will produce food meaning, and people who have eaten it will feel extremely happy.

Although Xiaochen's food will still feel better, it will not affect diners from eating other things.

Secondly, the glowing food in the dark cuisine world has the opposite effect when it is done to the extreme.

It will not make people feel happy, but it will fill their taste buds with its deliciousness, so that their body and mind can only accept the chef's craftsmanship.

This is the food tyrant effect in the dark cuisine world. At least for a few days, eating other things will only make them feel sick.

Even to the extent of boredom.

Xiaochen's glowing food has both effects, but which effect to trigger depends on the situation.

If the mind is pure and there are no thoughts, or if it is just eating, then the effect of food righteousness should be triggered, making people feel happy.

But Belmode happened to have a lot of little thoughts, so she was unlucky enough to trigger the food tyrant.

Unless the food is made by Xiaochen, it will definitely make her feel disgusted to the point of being unable to swallow.

She has been almost starving these days.

Although it is not that she cannot eat other things, Belmode does not want to suffer. The feeling of being hungry is much better than those disgusting feelings.

Eating cake is like eating foam, and eating meat is like chewing rotten wood. This is really not something that ordinary people can bear.

Fortunately, she came to the right place to eat today, and she can also make a joke or two with Xiaochen. It is already awesome for her. It is lucky that she did not starve to death.

As for the guests who are eating here today...

Chef Lin's dishes are delicious, but not everyone can afford them.

Just looking at the current state of this group of people, you can see that they are fighting for each other and are about to fight for a bite of food.

Basically, the food tyrant effect has been triggered. If I can bear it for the next few days, it will be fine after the food tyrant effect passes.

Otherwise, I can only eat the food cooked by Xiaochen. This is a means of controlling people in the dark cuisine world.

Now all of them have been eaten by these guys.

Suzuki Shiro is fine. He has no bad intentions towards Xiaochen, nor is he greedy. It was only the food righteousness that was triggered, which made him feel that making friends with Xiaochen was a good choice.

Of course, before that, there was a big purge after the banquet.

Although this Suzuki family banquet was embarrassing for him, a group of big men actually fought for a few pieces of food. Although it was delicious, it shouldn't be like this. They even didn't listen to his orders.

He hadn't even picked up a few chopsticks from the crystal phoenix, which was very good, but someone grabbed it and bit off the head of the phoenix. He just held it and gnawed it and it was over.

So when he found out that his family members actually left the table with a small plate to eat, his face became even darker.

Whose birthday is today?

He didn't think there was something wrong with the food. After all, he was eating, and Suzuki Sonoko and the others were eating too, but they were fine.

This group of guests were like crazy, as if they hadn't eaten for hundreds of years, and there was even a bloody incident.

And when they found out that Chris Wynyard was actually sitting with Xiaochen to eat, the two sisters Suzuki Sonoko and Suzuki Ayako were actually talking and laughing while eating. They were almost playing mahjong with Xiaolan and Sera Masumi.

Suzuki Shiro was so angry. His daughter was so disappointing, and these bastards embarrassed him.

It was obviously just to save his face and introduce Xiaochen to them, telling them that Xiaochen had a good relationship with him.

But these bastards first made Xiaochen unhappy, and now they even pushed her off the table. Are these dishes really so delicious?

Oh... well, they are indeed delicious.

Xiaochen is obviously unhappy now, and Suzuki Shiro can't offend him now. Maybe he already looks down on his people.

Look at who are all those people at the table. They are almost ready to fight with real weapons.

I will secretly take note of them. Those who go too far will be punished later.

No one will be spared. Those who should be expelled will be expelled, and those who should be punished will be punished. Let them embarrass me.

Xiaochen just watched indifferently, with a hint of doubt in his heart.

His food is delicious, but there is no need to be so crazy.

"System, what’s going on with this group of people?"

"Why do I feel something is wrong?"

Xiao Chen asked about the system that she had locked up in the cold palace for who knows how long. She still had to ask others when she needed to use it, after all, she didn't know anything.

【Ding Dong! Answer the host!】

【The crazy behaviors of these people are all influenced by the Food Tyrant. Because your food is special, people who are absent-minded when eating it have a high probability of triggering the Food Tyrant effect.】

【In some cases, they will do whatever it takes to get your cooking, and will even invade their sense of taste, so that for a few days, they will feel extremely sick if they eat anything other than the food you cook! 】

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