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"What? You mean 50% profit?"

Mouri Kogoro's eyes almost popped out. He knew how expensive the dishes in Xiaochen's restaurant were. They were probably more than ten times more expensive than other dishes.

And it was said that this restaurant was already famous, and there were many upper-class celebrities who came to eat in disguise.

With a net income of hundreds of thousands of yen a day, it's not that fast to rob money.

But Xiaochen was willing to hire Xiaolan with 50% of the net profit. How could Maori Kogoro not be shocked?

His daughter could become a millionaire, or even a multi-millionaire, with that.!

With a few more years of work, it's easy to become a billionaire.

In this way, the little bit of money that slips out from Xiaolan's fingers is probably enough for him to spend casually.

It's not too much to give his dad some pocket money, 500,000 yen a month is not too much!

Maori Kogoro has even thought about the beautiful life in the future, going to see mama-san and all kinds of young ladies every day, how comfortable it is.

Of course, the premise is that Maori Kogoro can still survive after Xiaolan knows about his idea.

As long as he can survive, he can do whatever he wants.

""Master! How about you change the contract? I will definitely cook in your restaurant. This 50% is too much."

Xiaolan was embarrassed.

This contract was really hot, and the money was too much, so much that she didn't dare to accept it at all.

Moreover, she had to spend most of her time in school. After all, she had to go to school. In this way, she felt guilty about taking this money.

Xiaochen thought about it, and it was true. If Xiaolan cooked all day, the salary would be normal.

But she had to go to school most of the time, so when Xiaolan was not around, he had to cook.

Xiaochen, who had thought it through, was petrified instantly...

Was his plan to have a good time with Xiaoai ruined?

Xiaolan was trained, but it turned out that she couldn't cook for a long time and had to go to that damn school.

Xiaochen felt like he was about to shut himself in. What a miscalculation.

In the end, Xiaochen could only come up with a new contract for Xiaolan, with 30% of the net profit as salary.

Other conditions remained unchanged.

In short, Xiaochen would never cook when Xiaolan was in the store.

After that, maybe we can consider training a new apprentice.


Are you talking about Suzuki Sonoko?

By the time she becomes a top chef, Xiaochen will have become a god of food. Why does he still need her to help with cooking?

"Ugh! I have to find a new apprentice. Xiaolan only has time after school."

"Find someone who doesn't go to school, preferably someone who has nothing to do all day."

""You must also have good cooking skills."

Xiaochen lowered his head and thought, ignoring the faces of everyone, he walked to his room. He even heard Xiaoai shouting when he passed by her.

"Is this bastard Xiaochen going to rebel? He suddenly became like this!"

Looking at Xiaochen returning to his room, Xiaoai almost burst into a curse and chased after Xiaochen angrily.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound in the room.

Yuanshan Heye:"……"

"By the way, Xiaolan, is your master okay? He seemed very disappointed when he found out that you had to go to school and couldn't cook all day."

Yuanshan Heye herself didn't know what to say. She was not familiar with Xiaochen and didn't know what Xiaochen's situation was. Even

Xiaolan was embarrassed. After all, she had no choice. She really had to go to school.

Although if she signed the contract, she would basically earn a million a month, which was even higher than many white-collar salaries.

But for this, Xiaolan still felt that she should have a student status.

What Xiaolan didn't know was that in Conan's world, she would never graduate. In

Conan's world, time and space are chaotic. There are 365 days in a year multiplied by the unknown number N.

There are countless possible days in a year, which may be a thousand days, or several thousand days. This is not an exaggeration.

It may still be summer today, and it will be winter tomorrow. The temperature was three yesterday. Eighteen degrees, and the day after tomorrow it will be minus fifteen degrees with a blizzard.

In such a world, what hope is there for graduation?

Xiaochen knows that he will never be able to wait until Xiaolan graduates. He may even become a cooking god, while Xiaolan is still in high school.

Conan is still in elementary school, and everyone's age has not changed.

This is really difficult.

So Xiaochen doesn't look forward to waiting for Xiaolan to graduate. There is no need to wait for an impossible thing.

It's better to find a new apprentice, and Xiaolan will be responsible for the dishes during her time after school.

At the same time.

In a dark castle, all kinds of strange objects are hung on the walls, and several skeletons are placed there.

A beautiful girl with red hair and red eyes is muttering something in front of a mirror.

"Mirror, mirror, tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the world!"

"Of course it is you, Lady Koizumi Hongzi. All the women in this world will pale in comparison to you."

As if she had heard some beautiful hymn, the beautiful girl covered her mouth with one hand and laughed loudly.

"Oh, oh...……"

Although Koizumi Hongzi smiled arrogantly, it must be said that she does have the capital to be arrogant.

"All the men in this world are just your slaves. Everyone will bow down to you, Lady Koizumi Akako."


Just when Koizumi Hongzi was extremely proud, her magic mirror suddenly changed its tone.

"But what?"

"But! There is only that man in this world, only him, who is worthy of you."

The tone of the magic mirror changed, and a person appeared in front of Koizumi Hongzi.

This is a handsome young man, who is thinking about something with a sad face.

"Where can I find a girl who has a lot of time and a talent for cooking?"

As for finding a man as an apprentice, Xiaochen refused. Even if he wanted to take Suzuki Sonoko as an apprentice, he would never take a man as an apprentice.

Suzuki Sonoko:"????"

I feel offended!

Xiaochen's unintentional words reached Koizumi Hongzi's ears.

"Who is this person?"

"Why do you say that only he is worthy of you?"

Koizumi Hongzi had to admit that the man in the magic mirror was indeed handsome, but if he was just an ordinary person, she would absolutely refuse him. There would not even be the possibility of being friends.

"Answer to Master Koizumi Hongzi, this master in front of me is protected by a mysterious power that even I cannot detect clearly."

"The only thing we know is that he has the potential to become a god, a true god!" ps:"Five more chapters! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe!"

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