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"Aura, extremely rich aura!"

At this moment, Koizumi Hongzi no longer had the image of a witch. She ate meat and drank juice in big mouthfuls!

She had never tasted such delicious food before, which made her feel extremely happy.

In addition, the spiritual energy was so rich that she almost broke through immediately.

Under the consideration of all these circumstances, even if she was asked not to be excited, it would be too much to ask.

At this moment, Xiaochen had been completely regarded as her breadwinner by Koizumi Hongzi.

If she were allowed to eat such good things for cooking, she would not know how much her cultivation would be improved.

She must worship Xiaochen as her master, no matter what the price, even if she had to sell her pots and irons and break her head, she had to worship Xiaochen as her master.

She was tired of the title of the witch with the strongest talent and the weakest strength. With spiritual energy, would she still be the weakest witch?

Finally, a few minutes later, the whole fish on the table.



It should be the Fire Phoenix, which was completely destroyed by Koizumi Hongzi.

Without hesitation, Koizumi Hongzi knelt down directly to Xiaochen without any hesitation.

"My name is Koizumi Hongzi, the seventh generation orthodox inheritor of the Red Magic lineage"

"Am I the legendary being with the title of witch?"

"Here! I am a witch, I will take you, Master Xiaochen, as my master."

""You shall never betray me. If you regret it, I will be struck by five thunderbolts from heaven!"

Koizumi Hongzi used her witch identity to swear to heaven. She had also read the immortal cultivation novels of the Celestial Empire and knew the horror of resource competition.

She was afraid that Xiaochen would worry about her betrayal, so she swore to heaven directly. In this way, Xiaochen would trust her.

But if Xiaochen did not accept her as a disciple, this oath would have no effect. After all, the premise of the oath was that Xiaochen accepted Koizumi Hongzi as a disciple.

If he did not accept her, this oath of never betraying would naturally not take effect.

Xiaochen was actually very happy about this. He originally planned to accept Koizumi Hongzi as a disciple, but he was afraid that the other party would not agree.

In order not to make things awkward, he simply did not ask.

But he did not expect that Koizumi Hongzi would actually become his apprentice directly.

However, wanting to accept Koizumi Hongzi is one thing, but whether the cooking skills are up to standard is the criterion for judging.

If her cooking skills are the same as Suzuki Sonoko's... it would be better not to accept her. There is no possibility of any improvement at all.

Suzuki Sonoko:"???"

I suspect that you, the idiot master, have a complete disdain for me, Suzuki Sonoko. You have no sense of justice or humanity. We are all your disciples, so why do you always compare me with others? This is too much!

"You want to be my disciple, but do you know my criteria for accepting disciples?"

Xiao Chen thought it would be better to ask. As long as the cooking skills are better than Suzuki Sonoko's, it will be fine. After all, the talent for cultivation is there. If the realm is improved, maybe the cooking skills will also improve.

The latter nodded and stood up.

""Master! Please lend me my cooking skills. I am confident in my cooking skills. In my opinion, in this world, my cooking skills may only be second to those of my master!"

Koizumi Hongzi, who has absorbed all the cooking skills inherited from her previous master, is very confident to say this.

Although there is still a huge gap between her cooking and Xiaochen's, she can beat the restaurants in this world even with her eyes closed. The cooking level of this world is simply useless. It is not a showdown between two worlds at all.

Nodded. Since the other party wants to prove himself through cooking skills, he is too lazy to refuse. Looking at Koizumi Hongzi's appearance. He should be very confident in his cooking skills.

Xiaolan also looked at Koizumi Hongzi with expectation. It seems that she will have another beautiful little junior sister.

The worst dish in the audience, Suzuki Sonoko, who is the comparison unit, doesn't care. She even feels disdain for Koizumi Hongzi.

No Just be prettier. Xiaochen is a lolita complex. It is useless to make herself prettier.

It is basically useless to use physical means to get to the top. With Xiaolan suppressing her in the store, she feels that she is very stable.

As long as no one surpasses Xiaolan's position, Xiaochen probably won't kick her out of the store.

After seeing that Xiaochen is the legendary immortal cultivator, she also has a dream of becoming an immortal.

Let Xiaolan give her hellish special training, and she doesn't believe that her cooking skills will not improve. As long as Koizumi Hongzi's cooking skills are not as good as Xiaolan, Suzuki Sonoko will naturally be the eternal second in this store.

After all, Xiaolan is her good friend. Even if her cooking skills are better than hers, as long as they are not as good as Xiaolan's, it doesn't mean anything.

Therefore, Suzuki Sonoko was not panicked at all.

Until Koizumi Hongzi brought an extremely luxurious dish to Xiaochen……

"Master, please try!"

""Pearl cuttlefish fried rice!"

A black dish was served in front of Xiaochen, which looked similar to the poppy cuttlefish fried rice made by the witch Zhiling in the world of Little Chef.

But Koizumi Hongzi was not stupid enough to add poppy, nor did she bother to add such a rubbish.

Adding such a thing was a lack of confidence in her cooking skills, and it would be over sooner or later. She also didn't think Xiaochen couldn't taste the poppy.

Instead of seeking death by asking for trouble, it is better to take it seriously. In fact, cuttlefish fried rice is not bad. Frying the cuttlefish shreds with the rice noodles can give the rice noodles some strong chewiness.

It can improve the taste.

So she was very satisfied with her cuttlefish fried rice. She still had great confidence in the fried rice noodles, and felt that she might be the best cook after Xiaochen. Xiaochen took a look at the dish served by Koizumi Hongzi, and had a sense of déjà vu in her heart. After all, it looked too similar to the poppy cuttlefish fried rice noodles in the world of Little Chef. They all looked black.

But when she thought of Koizumi Hongzi's personality and her pride as a witch, she herself hated fakery the most.

It was impossible to add those things, so it was probably just a normal cuttlefish fried rice noodles.

She picked up a piece of fried rice, which looked crystal clear, with a few cuttlefish strands mixed in it.

Koizumi Hongzi was probably looking forward to these cuttlefish The shreds provide chewiness for the fried rice.

Xiaochen finished the two fried noodles in one bite.

Although he could make an evaluation after just one bite, it would be hurtful if he didn't finish the food made by his own apprentice.

Yes. Xiaochen has recognized the identity of Koizumi Hongzi's apprentice through this dish. The level of this dish far exceeded Xiaochen's expectations.

At the beginning, she even thought that Koizumi Hongzi could only be a second-rate chef, or a top-notch chef.

But what he never expected was that Koizumi Hongzi's cooking skills were at the same level as Xiaolan's.

Both are top-notch chefs.

It's just that her overall strength is a little lower than Xiaolan's..

Xiaochen finished the food, which was very telling. Everyone looked at Koizumi Hongzi with exaggerated eyes.

Maybe Xiaochen would accept a disciple even if he hadn't finished eating, but accepting a disciple before finishing eating and accepting a disciple after finishing eating are two completely different concepts.

The former is that Xiaochen feels that there is value in taking a disciple, or even simply feels pity for him.

The latter is a manifestation of hard power, which makes Xiaochen affirm the identity of the disciple.

Even Xiaoai looked at Koizumi Hongzi with a sullen face. The only things Xiaochen can finish eating now are probably the dishes he cooks himself or Xiaolan's dishes.

The third one can make Xiaochen eat.

In other words, the new cook has been determined by Xiaochen? ps:"First update! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe!"

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