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"Mom, are we going too far? After all, he was the one who saved us."

"If it weren't for him, I would have probably starved to death or been found and beaten to death by Gin."

Curled up in the corner of the room.

I heard that Vermouth had already grabbed Akai Shuichi and rushed back, and didn't beat him to death, so he saved his life.

Sera Masumi said tremblingly.

This room was actually prepared by Xiaochen specifically for them and their daughter. After all, they were all being taken care of by Xiaochen. They ate well and lived well in the store. At most, Sera Masumi worked as a free waiter for a few days, serving dishes and washing dishes for customers.

The rest was pretty good, wasn't it?

Who knew it would become like this.

Her eldest brother, an FBI agent, actually wanted to get rid of this small store just because it took in Xiaoai and the others.

And the store manager was a Chinese, this is... It was her elder brother and FB who were preparing to attack the store.

As for the destruction of the US military base, the FBI directly suspected Xiaochen just because they had caused trouble in the store the day before.

It can be said that although this is true, it was indeed done by Xiaochen and his team.

But there is no evidence.

Yes, many times FI does not need evidence to take action.

So today, FI was wiped out.

For the time being, Xiaochen has not kicked them out. When Akai Shuichi comes, it will probably be time to take them away.

After today, if they meet again, they may be enemies.

Vermouth successfully whitewashed, but Lingmei became black.

"You rotten apple, what on earth do you want to do, you monster!"

He was tied up, his face was bruised and bloody.

But fortunately, his life was not in danger and he would not die.

Hearing the name of the rotten apple, Vermouth slapped him without hesitation. She didn't like others calling her that.

"Originally, you were already dead. Our plan today is to wipe out your FBI team."

"But fortunately, you have a good mother. She probably knew that we were going to kill you, so she somehow got the store manager to let you go."

"Later, you can take your mother and your sister away, hehe……"

Vermouth looked at Akai Shuichi with a mocking look, as if she was laughing at him, looking down on this man.

Silver bullets, shitty silver bullets.

If it weren't for his mother, he would be dead now.

Even Xiaochen, as the person who saved his mother and sister, was included in the kill list.

Sure enough, joining the FBI is equivalent to losing sex and normal ethics.


That's right, the Americans are a group of robbers after all, slaughtering and driving away the Indians who warmly entertained them, provided land and food. They even turned the tables and became the masters. Most of the people who invaded America and massacred Indians were Eagles. This is a fact.

Even Baidu has this answer.

Akai Mary, as an Eagle, is indeed a traditional art.

Xiaochen rescued her, and in the end, she actually raised a pistol to the savior who saved them.

Perhaps, there is a mother's mood of protecting her son, but who can understand Xiaochen's feeling of being betrayed.

Shuichi Akai originally wanted to kill him, but Mary Akai only allowed Shuichi Akai to kill him because he was her son, and not allowed him to kill Shuichi Akai.

This double standard is absolutely amazing!

Of course, after all, in the eyes of these Western barbarians, a savior is just a group of stupid pigs who can be bullied. The kinder you are, the more miserable your death will be. For example, the Indians, the original owners of the United States, only account for one percent of the U.S. population. What does this explain?


(At that time, the Americas were discovered when European countries were looking for Asia, the legendary continent full of wealth. They named the indigenous people Indians, and returned to Europe with people from various countries to massacre and expel the Indians who rescued them. Only then was the United States established. It can be said that the United States was established by robbing, killing and arson. It is a real bandit country.)

"What do you mean, didn't you kill my mother?"

Akai Shuichi frowned, not knowing that his mother was still alive.

After all, Akai Mary stayed in her room all day and refused to go out, and Sera Masumi worked as a waitress every day, and was also a dead house girl who didn't go out either.

So he had long thought that his mother and sister were killed by Vermouth.

That's why he was so cruel to Vermouth, not even killing her at once, but shooting at her with a shotgun for fun.

But he didn't expect that he would be killed in the end.

"Haha, it means exactly what it says. A person who wants to kill his mother’s savior, is this the FBI?"

"Haha, even though I'm a winery killer, I'm willing to protect my savior."

"And you, haha... are just an ungrateful person!"

Vermouth looked at Akai Shuichi with disdain, and then ignored him.

This man, whether Xiaochen saved his mother or not, would eventually choose to attack Xiaochen.

After all, he is the FBI, and Xiaochen is one of the murderers who went to destroy the US military base.

The United States will not let Xiaochen go, and he will never let Xiaochen go.

In the room, Akai Mary looked at her daughter who was huddled in the corner and trembling with complex eyes.

Xiaochen did not choose to hurt them, even when she put the pistol to Xiaochen's forehead.

But he just rolled the pistol into a ball and told them that this thing posed no threat to him.

Akai Mary knew very well that at this moment she was like a treacherous ungrateful person, extending her claws to the good people who extended a helping hand to them in a critical moment.

But she did not... There was no way, Shuichi Akai was her son after all.

She also knew that she was going too far.

But she had no choice, what could she do.

Shuichi Akai, her son was an FBI agent, and Xiaochen had just destroyed the US military base a few days ago.

After getting along for so long, she knew that Xiaochen was a good person, and she just wanted to spend her life quietly in the store. If he didn't become her agent and had his daughter by his side, maybe one day his daughter would be able to get along with Xiaochen.

However, accidents are always sudden, catching her off guard and leaving her no choice.

The funny thing is that she actually used a pistol to threaten a man who was like a god. It was ridiculous and sad.

She also wanted to live a good life, but fate left her no choice.

Either she took action, or her son was beaten to death by Vermouth in front of her. ps:"One more update! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe!"

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