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"What should I do? Investigate, investigate thoroughly, I must know what organization it is that wiped out those FBI people!"

"This is a powerful organization that is even more mysterious than our winery. We must find out!"

Gin said in a grim tone, twisting out his cigarette out of habit.

Vodka responded quickly.

"Yes! Big Brother!"

At the same time, the so-called mysterious organization mentioned by Gin...

Xiaochen, squatting in the toilet with a constipated look on his face.

At the door, Xiaoai was blocking the door.

That's right, even the toilet door was blocked.

Xiaochen felt so sour in his heart.

"I say, Xiao Ai, is it that serious? Do I look like someone who is likely to cheat?"

"Even going to the toilet……"

I almost vomited blood, I really did.

His Xiao Ai is not like this, she has changed, the cold queen has become a dog-skin plaster follower.

But, Xiao Ai at this time doesn't think it's a big deal.

Last time she went out to fight, something bad happened. If Xiao Chen goes to the toilet, Vermouth has something on her mind, she thinks that woman can do it.

It's not impossible for her to do something in the toilet behind her back.

Xiao Chen:"……"

Is this why you stared at me while I was using the toilet?

It's so difficult. My girlfriend is too clingy, and this doesn't seem to be a good thing. In fact, in order to prevent Xiaochen from having the energy to do things, Xiaoai has made him experience the horror of a juicer every night. During school hours, he is not allowed to leave the sight of his sister Miyano Akemi.

This is...

Xiaoai is trying to imprison him.

I am your husband after all, I want freedom, I want human rights.

I am so angry.……

"Stop talking nonsense, who knows if Vermouth will attack you!"

Rolling her eyes, Xiao Ai said indifferently, which made Xiao Chen very uncomfortable.

Is the trust between husband and wife so low?

"I can guarantee my loyalty to you!"

Xiao Chen said a little aggrievedly, being a man is hard.

However, this remark only earned Xiao Ai a sneer.

"Haha... I also believe in your loyalty, but I don’t believe in accidents. I know this woman, Vermouth. She is best at creating accidents that you can’t refuse!"

""Hubby~ We are old, don't be shy, ok!"

Xiao Ai said with a smile, touching Xiao Chen's face.

Xiao Chen found that Xiao Ai might like to be a top rather than a bottom.

In his heart, he could only enjoy Xiao Ai's love painfully and happily.

Maybe, after a while, Xiao Ai will be able to return to normal.

In his heart, he was a little uncertain. He missed the former Queen Ai, not the pervert who would wait for him to go to the toilet now.


"Oh, that woman, she is guarding too closely!"

After wiping the ink from her hands, Xiao Ai, who was hugged by Xiao Chen with a look of intimacy, showed a faint smile on her lips.

Anyway, Vermouth has a lot of time and can afford to waste it, so she doesn't believe that Xiao Ai will never relax.

As for the idiot woman Akemi Miyano, it would be impossible to guard against her. She can be sent away by just luring the tiger away from the mountain. It would be better for her to do whatever she wants.

She is looking forward to it. She will directly record the video and show it to Xiao Ai, and then she will hide outside for a while.

What expression Xiao Ai will have after seeing the video is just imagination. Vermouth felt full of excitement.

The more unhappy Xiaoai was, the happier she was.

The more Xiaoai tried to stop her, the more she wanted to fight. She was very confident in her charm.

Faced with this situation of gods fighting, Xiaochen's disciples were all trembling with fear. They didn't see or hear anything. This was their professional quality.

It can ensure that they live longer.

Licking the corner of his mouth out of habit, Xiaoai's face became darker after seeing this, and he grabbed Xiaochen's clothes tighter.

The latter felt bitter in his heart. It was too difficult. Vermouth, please don't make trouble.

This trouble made Xiaoai abnormal.

"Xiaochen, you have to take me to school today. Otherwise, I won’t go to school. You make your choice, either I come back or you go with me!"

"Maybe you can go to a high school in Japan to experience life there!"


"Oh! Honey, I love you, can you please not let me go to school?"

"I promise, no matter how Vermouth tempts me, I will ignore her!"

Xiaochen even spoke like Tom's grandmother, saying that he had become stupid because of studying in his previous life.

Can't you just go to school? He is an adult, earning hundreds of thousands a day, and he actually lets himself go to school.

This is simply too much!

I, Xiaochen, am going to explode and resist Xiaoai's tyranny!

"Oh! Honey, don't talk to me like Grandma Sam, or I'll hit your head with an icicle that's been there overnight!

Believe me, I'll keep my word."


Big sister, who is speaking in such a tone?

After talking for a while, Xiao Ai started to threaten directly. Now she is sure that Xiaochen is safest with her.

Anyway, he is too lazy to cook now.

In this case, he might as well go to school with her.

As for going to school, who says you have to be a student? Can't you be a teacher?

It happens that Xiaochen can be a life teacher and teach cooking and the like. It is a very suitable major.


"Xiaochen, now I give you two choices!"

"First, be good and obedient, and you will be rewarded in the evening!"

"Second, if you don’t listen, I will hang you at night and watch over you, no matter who you ask!"

"Choose for yourself!"

Xiao Chen:"……"

I was so angry. I really don’t have human rights, right? The third one! I choose the third one!

After thinking about it, I was ready to give Xiao Ai a slap in the face.

Holding Xiao Ai’s shoulders, I looked at her increasingly dangerous eyes...

Xiao Chen touched Xiao Ai’s head.

"Of course I choose one. I love Xiao Ai the most. I will listen to you. After dinner, we will go to school immediately."

"I like experiencing life the most!"

Oh, heaven, earth, you are too much!

I was crying in my heart, but I still had to smile on my face.

Now Xiao Ai finally felt happy.

"Well! I love you the most. It’s good to experience life at school. I love you the most!"

Thank you so much!

Your love is too heavy. Xiaochen just feels that he is too weak and can no longer suppress Xiaoai.

This girl is completely planning to rebel. She looks like she wants the two of them to grow together.

It was okay if he couldn’t beat her before, but now Xiaoai’s love is about to deteriorate. If he doesn’t improve his strength, he will be in trouble.

Now he feels a little bit unbearable. When can he exchange the Samadhi True Fire? This will suppress Xiaoai’s frozen fruit.

At least he should take back his privacy when he goes to the toilet from Xiaoai.

Ps:"Five updates! Well, I don’t know if you have noticed that the Quasi-Ze has actually been leading Xiaoai to blacken.

The main reason is that the power is too strong and the mentality has changed. In the past, I listened to Xiaochen because I liked her. Now, because I like Xiaochen, but I am afraid of being cuckolded, I have to listen to her because she is more awesome now!

The protagonist will soon switch back to the leading role, and Xiao Ai will be persuaded and return to normal!"

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