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"Haha, you are such a tough guy, but that's normal. I'll see what your expression will be when I catch that stinky woman Shirley."

With a sneer, Gin's mood has improved a lot recently.

Although he didn't catch Akai Mari, he thought he had found clues about Miyano Shiho, so it should be easy to deal with.

With his strength, Gin



"Gin's call?"

Xiaochen asked doubtfully while chewing a large shrimp that Xiaoai had put in his mouth. Xiaoai just glanced at him and ignored him. If Gin said"Ah~ Shirley!" in front of her again, she would probably not be able to control the severity of the attack and would freeze him into a thousand-year-old popsicle.

"Yes, that psychopath Gin said he found clues about Shirley, and he will make things difficult for me after catching Shirley."

"I heard that there is a female high school student around, probably Akai Mari and Sera Masumi, but they are really unlucky."

While eating breakfast, Vermouth said indifferently that the life and death of Akai Mari and her daughter was none of their business. They could provide protection when they were in the store, but since they had betrayed them for their son, then let them live with their son.

See if their son can protect them.

Vermouth still despised Akai Mari and the others in her heart. Although she was not a good person, she at least knew how to repay a favor.

She would never do something like pointing a gun at Xiaochen's forehead, not to mention that it couldn't even threaten Xiaochen in the slightest.

This was something that only a mentally retarded idiot could do.

"Aren't they in danger? Otherwise, let's go pick them up. They must have had their reasons."

After understanding the situation, Xiaolan felt that it was not a good idea to let Akai Mary and the others face danger.

After all, they used to be in the same store, and she still felt that it was not a good idea to let them be hunted by Gin.

Miyano Akemi also showed a worried expression, but in the end I didn't say anything. After all, Xiaochen was also attacked.

Since you have done it, you have to pay a price. For the so-called relatives with no feelings, Xiaochen is more important in her opinion.

Suzuki Sonoko felt the same as Xiaolan. After all, it was also to save her son, but they didn't know what to say about Xiaochen.

If Xiaochen didn't have that god-like power, what would the result be? Could they guarantee that Akai Mary wouldn't shoot?

No one is sure.

What would be Xiaochen's fate if that was the case? Was he shot to death?


"Isn't this what they asked for?"

"The moment they attacked Xiaochen, they were already on my kill list."

"Although she is my mother's sister, in my opinion, she is not even as good as a hair of Xiaochen."

"Xiaochen asked me to spare their lives, and I let them go safely. This was already merciful, otherwise they would have been ice sculptures on the seabed."

Xiao Ai looked at Xiaochen tenderly and touched his face. The more she looked at Xiaochen's face, the more handsome he seemed to her, and the more she couldn't let him go.

No one could touch her man, not even the thought of pulling a gun on him, or even stealing him when she was away.

This was a capital crime for Xiao Ai, even if they were her relatives, but were relatives really close?

Without any feelings, they were not as good as Xiaochen's position in her heart.


Xiao Ai is acting more and more strange, I'm so scared. I'm waiting online and it's pretty urgent. Is there any way to make her behave normally?

"It's okay, it's okay, no one can hurt me, hehe……"

Xiaochen was a little embarrassed and wanted to change the subject. She didn't really want anything to happen to Akai Mari and the others. Over the past few days, her anger had almost subsided. She was also very clear that even if Vermouth killed Akai Shuichi in the end,

Akai Mari probably wouldn't shoot, but her relationship with him would definitely drop to freezing point.

After all, he was her own son, and it was really unacceptable for him to be killed like this.

No mother could accept it.

It was not difficult to understand why Akai Mari pulled out a gun, and what happened before she left made Xiaochen feel a little sympathetic.

She planned to take them both back after she dealt with Xiaoai, and the rest would be fine as usual, but she wouldn't take them in.

They should do what they should do, Sera Masumi should continue to be a waitress, and Akai Mari should continue to eat for free.

If Xiaoai knew what Xiaochen was thinking, she would probably point at his head and scold him, after all, you actually want to take back the person who pulled a gun at you.

"This is not a question of whether I will hurt you or not. I am here to protect you until you become an immortal."

"However, daring to draw a gun against you is an attitude problem. I hate this kind of ungrateful behavior!"

Xiaochen wanted to say something, but it was obvious that Xiaoai was not going to give Xiaochen a chance to talk.

He rushed over and blocked his mouth, and pressed him to the ground.

This fierce move also made the people sitting there take a breath.

Miyano Akemi shouted in her heart

""My sister is awesome!"

Xiao Ai is getting more and more domineering. If Xiao Chen dares to talk, she will convince him!

If Xiao Chen is not invincible in the restaurant, she might have suffocated by now.

It's too difficult.

But it must be said that Xiao Ai's love for Xiao Chen is beyond words.

Xiao Chen has paid for Xiao Ai, and Xiao Ai's return is even more fierce, to the point where he can't bear it.

""Okay! It's time to go to school, or you'll be late, let's go!" She took some snacks and dragged the dizzy Xiaochen to the garage.

In the past, she only thought that she would be happy when Xiaochen was by her side. Now, she has gained power.

And it is very powerful.

She realized how short-sighted and ignorant she was before.

She found out... the happiness when she was with Xiaochen was something that ordinary people could not understand, only the two of them could understand (Xiaoai thought so herself).


You may not believe me, but I have not been very happy recently. I almost turned into a male fist to fight for my freedom.

I am almost unable to breathe. This love is too heavy.

Am I the husband or are you the husband?

"Xiao Ai, can I tell you something?"

Xiao Chen said patiently in the sports car.

The latter nodded, leaned on his shoulder and ate snacks, indicating that she was listening.

If you want to say it, just say it. You even asked specifically. As long as it is reasonable, she can agree to any conditions. It's casual to unlock the position.


"Xiao Ai, can you let me take a breath?"

After a moment of silence, Xiao Chen still expressed his thoughts. After all, it would take at least ten days to exchange points for Samadhi True Fire. Life was not easy.

Although it was time to eat and drink, and there was no obstacle to doing anything, it was really difficult to deal with Xiao Ai standing in the way.

"What do you mean?"

Putting down the snacks and looking at Xiaochen, Xiaoai's tone began to become cold.

Xiaochen meant that she oppressed him and pushed him too hard?

But she loved Xiaochen with all her heart, and even thought that Xiaochen had special fetishes. Sometimes she didn't turn back into Miyano Shiho, and she didn't even cry out in pain. Could it be that Xiaochen still felt uncomfortable?

Just go out and ask anyone, isn't a girlfriend like her good? ps:"Two updates! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe!"

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