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"Oh, it's an old friend!"

After knowing that it was the one in the lavender murder case, Xiaochen didn't care at all.

The other party killed her, it had nothing to do with them, Xiaochen didn't bother to care.

What's more, the detective deserved to die.

If it wasn't for the detective's frame-up, the murderer's friend wouldn't have jumped into the sea to commit suicide.

He really deserved to die.

However, I still have to stay here this time. If I remember correctly, it will probably rain today.

"What old friend?"

Listening to Xiaochen's words, Xiaoai felt a little puzzled. Could it be that there were still people they knew on this island?

"The elementary school student who kills people wherever he goes, and the African detective Hattori Heiji from the West"

"Among these detectives, there is also a thief named Kidd, a murderer, and a dying man."

"You said that the Bleach Elementary School Student Conan and Hattori Heiji are acquaintances, right? They both ate in the restaurant before.���She would hide something from Xiao Ai, and would tell Xiao Ai what she knew.

Xiao Ai would not ask Xiao Chen how she knew all this, because it had nothing to do with her anyway, and she did not care.

Even if someone was going to die, she did not care at all. Does she have to care whether someone dies or not?

There are so many people killed every day, and Xiao Chen does not want to care, so she does not want to care either.

"In other words, are they having some kind of detective party or something like that?"

Xiao Ai asked casually, tilting her head, shaking Xiao Chen's hand in boredom.

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Then let me solve the case when someone dies. It's quite boring. How about having some fun?"

Xiao Ai seemed to have thought of something and gave Xiao Chen a suggestion.

Xiao Chen also agreed readily and didn't think there was anything wrong with Xiao Ai's inaction.

A guy who was not a good person in the first place, if he died, he died. Why save him?

Although Xiao Chen felt more comfortable if he didn't solve the case.

But since Xiao Ai wanted to play, let her play. As her wife, she should be allowed to do whatever she wants.

"Well, that dying guy wasn't a good guy either."

"The murderer who killed him was avenging her friend. In the end, I actually wanted to destroy the evidence. It would be fun if they couldn't find evidence to prove the murderer."

But when Xiaochen said this, Xiaoai wanted to change her approach.

Otherwise, she would not catch the murderer and she would hide the evidence.

But Xiaochen shook her head again.

"You can do whatever you want, it's up to you. The dead are not good people, but the murderer is also a sinner."

"Because this island will be submerged by the sea during high tide."

"She didn't intend to let anyone leave here alive today, so she is definitely a sinner and there is no need to excuse her."

Xiao Chen wanted to hide the evidence, simply to see Conan and the others scratching their heads in anxiety because they couldn't find the evidence.

If Xiao Ai wanted to seek justice, then forget it, although Xiao Ai would never have the idea of helping others to seek justice.

"All right! In that case, I'll still give it a try to see if I can solve the case, just to kill time."For the two people who had nothing to do, this was indeed the only way to kill time. They had finally asked for a day off, so they should at least have some fun.

Arriving at the door of the villa, Xiaochen knocked on the door with his hand.

Although he would definitely go in and sleep today no matter what, he still had to have basic courtesy.

Although... if they might all die today.

After all, the plot has changed, Xiaolan is not here, and some things have changed.

It is not clear whether Toyama Kazuha followed Hattori Heiji.

Even if she came, would Hattori Heiji leave a hint to Toyama Kazuha like in the original book? , or in other words, will Toyama Kazuha understand the hint like in the original novel?

If it is too late, they will really be drowned by the sea water, and die of exhaustion and sink in this endless sea far away from the land.

Maybe, only Kyogoku Makoto can swim back to the land from this distance, and even if Kyogoku Makoto swims back, he will be exhausted.

Not to mention these guys who look like they are not in good health.

In other words, these guys are likely to die!

The protagonist's halo is useless in the real world, otherwise Conan would not be tortured to death by Xiaochen.

"Yes...Um, please ask……"

A girl with short hair and high school girl clothes looked at Xiaochen with a puzzled look. She was even a little confused.

How did these two guys get to the island? Did they leave a boat?

Her original plan was to let everyone be buried with her friend. If they brought a boat, would that be a disaster?

However, Xiaochen's next words finally made her feel relieved, because there was no boat.

"Oh, miss, I'm so sorry. My sister and I were in a shipwreck and drifted here by accident. Even the lifeboat drifted away when we landed on the island."

"Please help us and send us back to land tomorrow, thank you very much!"

Xiaochen put her hands together and said very seriously, with a tone of begging.

When she heard that the lifeboat was washed away, her face looked a little better. It was good that there was no boat, and no one could leave alive.

They would all be buried with her friend, all because of this group of bastard detectives.

However, these two guys are really unlucky.

Looking at Xiaoai, who was pulling Xiaochen's trouser legs and looking shy, the conscience in her heart was striking her.

However, in the end, she was occupied by the idea of revenge and death together.

She could only keep saying sorry to Xiaoai in her heart.

In fact, it is very good to be able to live one more day. Let them play happily for another day, and everyone will sink to the bottom of the sea together tomorrow.

Yueshui Nanatsuki, who had thought of everything, smiled and welcomed the two in, letting the other party play without worries for another day.

"Oh! It's really unlucky to encounter such a thing, but it's okay, there will be a boat to pick us up tomorrow"

"We happen to be hosting a detective event here. How about letting you be the special guests?"

"It's quite fun!"

With a smile on her face, Nanatsuki Koshimizu stretched out her hand and wanted to touch Ai's face, but was slapped away by Ai.

The latter was not angry. She was just a little boy and there was no need to care about it. Besides, everyone would ascend to heaven together tomorrow.


It should sink to the bottom!

Therefore, she could give Ai the greatest tolerance after thinking it through. Maybe because of her conscience, she would tease her and the little boy named Conan on the last day.

Although I am very sorry, everyone can only sink to the bottom of the sea together tomorrow. ps:"Two updates! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe!"

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