The two of them were so busy that they had to go out.

Conan endured the pain and dizziness and walked out of the house.

Climbing on the balcony, he saw a dark figure leaving downstairs.

"Damn it, I have to stop her!!!"

He wanted to go down the elevator, but it was being used, so he had to run down the fire escape.

But it was too late, Miyano Akemi had already taken a taxi and left.

Looking at the two dark figures in the corner, Conan was angry...

"You two!!!"

The two people were startled and looked at the child in front of them with shock.

"Weren't you two waiting for Hirota Masami? Why did you let her go?!"

Officer Takagi and Officer Chiba were shocked by Conan's words...

"What? Could that person just now be Hirota Masami?! Wasn't that a man?"

Conan gave them a cold look, as if to confirm.

"Look, I just said that person was suspicious, dressed so tightly."

Takagi complained to Chiba next to him.

The lights were very dim at this time, and the two had been waiting for most of the day, and they were not in good spirits. In addition, Hirota Masami was wearing a men's coat, so they might have made a mistake...

"Hurry up, let's chase her!"

Officer Takagi was the first to react.

"But the car has gone far away, how can we chase it?"

"Don't worry about this, I have a way, hurry up and drive over."

Conan scolded the two.

The two were a little confused by Conan's scolding, but Chiba immediately ran to drive.

Conan paced back and forth, looking very flustered.

"I can't wait any longer, Officer Takagi, listen to my instructions on the phone."

Originally, he planned to use their car to get there faster, but in this case, he had to use a skateboard.

He put the skateboard on the ground, then stepped on the accelerator button, and the skateboard accelerated.

Before Officer Takagi could stop him, Conan had already left.

He called Officer Takagi,

"Listen to me, Officer Takagi, turn right at the Sanqianshi intersection, then turn left at the Tokyo Putian High School intersection..."

Officer Takagi on the other end of the phone was listening and taking notes in a notebook. This was Officer Ida's notebook, which he had kept with him as a talisman, and he usually used it to record cases.

While he was taking notes, he was still surprised at how Conan knew the route of Hirota Masami's actions. Although it was a bit ridiculous to listen to a first-grade kid, Conan had helped them many times, and he basically trusted him.

After getting on Chiba's car, Chiba drove along the route, while Takagi was still receiving the route given by Conan.

When Conan grabbed Miyano Akemi's trouser leg before, he stuck the clay transmitter on her trousers.

Only then did he know her whereabouts.

Looking at the red dot on the glasses that was far away from him, Conan cursed in his heart, "Damn it".

At the same time, he also felt a little regretful. He should have anesthetized her when she entered the door, and then handed her over to the police officer and sent her to the police station.

But there is no regret medicine in the world. It's time to make up for it now and find her before they meet.

Unexpectedly, the skateboard made by Dr. Agasa was very fast, and Conan, who used it for the first time, was amazed.

In order to save energy during the day, he didn't use acceleration, but the speed was much faster than walking. Now chasing Miyano Akemi, he realized that this skateboard is really useful.

Dr. Agasa is really awesome. Whether it's this skateboard, glasses, watches, shoes... Every invention has provided great help to Conan.

Looking at the slowly approaching red dot, Conan's heart slowly settled down.

"Stopped? Has it arrived?"

Conan murmured, because the red dot in the glasses stopped moving, it is very likely that Miyano Akemi has arrived.

But after a while, the red dot began to move again.

"Damn, it's moving again, it seems I have to speed up."

(10 minutes later)

"Yoshi, according to the location of the transmitter, Miyano Akemi should be in the taxi in front."

Accelerating the skateboard and starting the taxi, Conan looked into the car.

What? Miyano Akemi is not in the car!!!

Conan was shocked, because there was only a 40-year-old uncle driver in the car, and no one else.

Now his heart was hanging even higher.

He quickly shouted: "Stop the car!!"

The driver was startled and saw a child next to him following him, and his speed was very fast.

The speed was not slower than his own car.

Seeing that the driver did not react, Conan shouted again.

The driver then pulled over.

Conan asked anxiously, "Did a woman get into your car just now?"

The driver nodded in confusion, "Yeah".

Conan looked anxious, opened the door directly, and looked at the clay-like transmitter in the back seat.

Damn, she found out!

"Where did she get off the car just now!?"

The driver was a little panicked by Conan's shouting, "In... at Putian Harbor."

The red dot stopped just now because she got off there! Damn! Why didn't I notice it.

He stepped on the skateboard and headed towards Putian Harbor, leaving only the confused driver and his taxi with the door open.

"Officer Takagi, Hirota Masami went to Putian Port, you guys hurry there."

After informing Officer Takagi, he seemed to remember something...

It seems that in the anime plot, Conan used a transmitter to catch up with Miyano Akemi, but how come he was discovered now...?

And she seemed to drive away in her own car, but now she took a taxi...

Could it be that... my appearance still changed the plot of the Detective World.

Conan shook his head.

I can't care so much, I have to find her quickly.

At this time, Miyano Akemi had met two men in black, one with long hair - Gin, and the other with sunglasses - Vodka.

The two sneered and looked at Miyano Akemi in the warehouse, "Did you get the money?"

"I didn't get the money, I put it somewhere else."


Conan arrived at Putian Port soon after, but Officer Takagi and his men had not arrived yet.

Only one gunshot was heard, "Oops."

Conan suddenly felt something was wrong and drove towards the direction of the gunshot.

When he arrived at the door of the warehouse, his pupils shrank slightly and his mind went blank.

Because what he was worried about still happened, the floor of the warehouse was covered with dark red blood, and a person was lying in the middle of the blood.

He approached slowly, and by the moonlight, he saw the person on the ground clearly, it was Miyano Akemi.

At this time, her face was pale, without a trace of blood, lying on the ground motionless.

Conan stood there, clenched his fists, and said nothing, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Miyano Akemi was still in trouble, and I still didn't save her...

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