After that, Conan found Maori Ran in the rubber boat on the deck, and the Black Star returned to Suzuki Tomoko's hands. Suzuki Tomoko said gratefully: "Mr. Maori, thanks to you this time!!" Kogoro waved his hand: "No, no, it's a small matter." In fact, he found the Black Star in his pocket. At that time, Conan said that his pocket was bulging, and he wondered if he had put something in it. Then Kogoro touched it and found the Black Star. When did Kaito Kid put it in my pocket... Or... Kogoro's eyes fell on Conan. How is it possible...

Just a first-grade student...

Just as Kogoro finished his thoughts, Officer Nakamori mocked him, "It's just that he got the Black Star, not that he caught Kaito Kid. What's there to be proud of..."

After hearing this, Kogoro said angrily, "That's better than you, a policeman who was fooled around by Kaito Kid."

"What did you say!?"

Officer Nakamori and Kogoro seemed to be about to fight.

Suzuki Tomoko quickly mediated, "You two are knights of my Suzuki family. This time, it's all thanks to you. Please don't make trouble."

The two snorted coldly and turned away.

Conan, who was standing by, saw that after the ship arrived at Tokyo Port, the police were still checking the guests one by one according to the list of participants.

Kid wouldn't be able to escape...

At this time, a police officer came to Officer Nakamori and reported: "Reporting to Officer Nakamori, we have checked everything and did not find Kaito Kid."


Officer Nakamori was a little surprised, but after just a moment, he reacted and shouted: "Tell them to line up by the ship, I will pinch their faces one by one!!!"

Officer Chaki smiled awkwardly and comforted: "Hey, Officer Nakamori, this is not a good idea. They are all rich people in society. It would be bad if we offend them..."

Obviously, his rank is higher than Officer Nakamori, but Officer Nakamori looks fearless, so Officer Chaki gives in to him everywhere.

After hearing this, Officer Nakamori yelled at Officer Chaki: "Are we just going to let the thief get away?!"

Officer Chaki was speechless for a moment, "Ah this..."

"You can't guarantee that Kaito Kidd is among them. If we offend those rich people, we won't be able to live well."

"Besides, the Black Star has been found..."

Officer Nakamori fell silent after hearing this. Officer Chaki thought his advice was useful and sighed softly.

But the next second, "If you don't do it, I will do it myself!!"

Seeing that Officer Nakamori walked towards the rich people on the side of the boat, Officer Chamu was shocked and shouted: "Stop him quickly."

Several police officers controlled Officer Nakamori,

"Let me go!!"

Officer Chamu patted Officer Nakamori on the shoulder and said slowly: "Nakamori, this is for your own good. If you offend them, you will have a hard time."

Officer Nakamori was still shouting, "Let me go!!"

Officer Chamu patted his forehead and said speechlessly in his heart: This guy is hopeless. He went crazy when he met Kid.

Conan saw this scene,

It seems that I was overthinking. Kid is not so easy to be caught.

After that, everyone left here.


A few days later, Conan, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were on their way home from school.

Mao Lilan said: "Last time, because of the incident with Kaito Kid, my father's reputation became famous..."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at her with admiration and said: "That can't be helped, after all, he got the Black Star back from Kaito Kid."

In fact, Conan secretly put it into Kogoro's trouser pocket when he returned.

At this time, Kogoro was at home staring at the photo of himself holding the Black Star in the newspaper.

The corners of his mouth were as hard to suppress as AK, and he couldn't close his mouth...

Suddenly, "A-choo..."

Kogoro wiped his nose, "Who is talking about me!?"


Suzuki Sonoko asked: "Hey, Xiaolan, have you seen what Kaito Kid looks like?"

Mouri Ran replied: "No, because I was knocked unconscious, so I didn't see it at all."

At this time, Suzuki Sonoko pointed to a man and a woman on the side of the road, "Hey, look..."

Conan and Maori Ran both looked in the direction she pointed,

She continued: "Doesn't that high school student look like Kudo Shinichi!!"

"Hey, Xiaolan, last time you were

Could it be him that Shibuya saw? ? "

Ran Maori looked carefully and then laughed, "Suoga suoga..."


"A-choo! ! "

Aoko Nakamori complained: "Oh, really, you went to see the Queen Elizabeth, but how did you fall into the sea? ? "

Kaito Kuroba sniffed his nose and recalled what happened at that time.

I wanted to blend into the crowd while the police were searching for the escaped guests,

At that time, the girl named Xiaolan was discovered in advance, resulting in the police filling the entire cabin, leaving me no chance to blend in,

I had to jump into the sea...


That kid was really not simple at that time...


"Conan, let's go." Ran Maori said with her head down, but Conan was not beside her,

"Hey, where's Conan? ? "

Sonoko Suzuki pointed across the street, "The little brat is there! ! "

"Huh? That's not Shinichi, why is he there, could it be that he recognized the wrong person. "

"Hey, Shinichi brother."

Kuroba Kaito's train of thought was interrupted by this voice, and he looked down.


This look shocked him, the person in front of him was the kid not long ago.

Why is this guy here!?

"Shinichi brother? ? This kid seems to be calling you? ? "Nakamori Aoko asked in confusion.

Kuroba Kaito waved his hand and laughed: "What the hell, how could he be calling me! ? "

Conan pulled Kuroba Kaito,

Nakamori Aoko then pointed at Conan and said to Kuroba Kaito: "See, he is calling you..."

Kuroba Kaito then bent down and said: "Little friend, you recognized the wrong person, I am not Shinichi brother..."

"Really? ? It seems that I recognized the wrong person, you are not Shinichi brother..." "

After Conan finished speaking, he moved closer to Kuroba Kaito and whispered:

"You are... Kaito Kidd! !"

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