Although Gin and Vodka left first, Miyamoto Han quickly caught up with them. The clothes he wore at this moment were no longer the same as those he wore during the day, and because of his deliberate concealment, he was now a little shorter than his real self.

Miyamoto Han's height is about 178cm, but now he looks like he is only 170cm at most. This is all because he once bought the bone-shrinking skill from the mall.

In addition, he was wearing a monkey mask that he had bought at the amusement park not long ago. Miyamoto Han was not worried that Gin and Vodka would know his identity.

When Gin and Vodka came to a remote and deserted place, suddenly, Gin, who was running, stopped.

""Brother, what's wrong?" Vodka asked Gin in confusion.

Gin did not answer Vodka's doubts, but directly said to the people around him:"The guy who has been following you, come out!"

Originally, when Miyamoto Han saw Gin suddenly stop, he guessed that the other party had discovered him. And after hearing what Gin said, his guess was confirmed.

Miyamoto Han was not surprised that he was discovered. After all, Gin was one of the best masters in the Conan world. In terms of anti-tracking technology, he was much better than the stupid Volt next to him.

""Pah, pah~" Miyamoto Han clapped his hands and walked out from a dark corner, looking directly at Gin.

Vodka was also stunned when he saw the masked guy coming out. Even if he was dumb, he knew that they were being followed again, and he was a little annoyed.

He had been followed twice today, and he didn't notice it both times, which made him very annoyed. If the big brother beside him hadn't said anything, he would have immediately taken out his pistol and shot the hiding guy in front of him twice.

"Who are you?"Gin didn't act immediately. He felt the danger from the other party. This was the sense of crisis he had developed from being on the edge of danger for many years. He could sense that the person opposite him was not someone he could easily mess with. This made him even more afraid to act rashly. So this time he spoke out of character.

""Hehehe~" Miyamoto Han let out a strange and uncomfortable laugh, and then said:"It doesn't matter who I am, I just need the box in the hands of your useless subordinate."

His voice sounded very cold, completely different from his usual self. This was of course what Miyamoto Han intended.

The box that Miyamoto Han was talking about was, of course, the box containing 100 million yen that Vodka had just received from the trader. Although he didn't care much about the 100 million yen, he could transfer it quickly with his speed of making money. But this was required by the mission, and he could only rob it.

But obviously, Gin and Vodka were not the kind of people who would obey orders. After hearing what Miyamoto Han said, their originally cold faces became even colder.

"Baka! Boy, you don’t want to live anymore, and you actually come to us to steal things." Vodka, who is more impulsive, cursed directly.

But obviously, neither Gin nor Miyamoto Han took him seriously. For masters of their strength, Vodka is obviously redundant. Gin also understood this, so he did not stop Vodka at this time, but was more on guard against the other party’s sudden attack.

Seeing that the weirdo who suddenly appeared in front of him did not answer him, Vodka, who was already angry, became even more angry. He no longer considered that shooting would attract the trouble of the patrol police around. He reached his right hand into his jacket pocket, took out his Browning M1935 high-powered pistol from it, and fired continuously at Miyamoto Han’s position. He fired two shots.

Miyamoto Han and Gin both noticed Vodka's actions, and he smiled when he saw this, although his smile was blocked by the mask and Gin and Vodka could not see it. Moreover, Gin frowned slightly after Vodka fired the shot, and then his left hand moved faster and more gracefully than Vodka. He quickly took out his Beretta M92F pistol and suddenly fired three shots at Miyamoto Han's position.

The three bullets flew out of the barrel instantly, forming a"品" shape, shooting towards the opponent, and completely blocking all of Miyamoto Han's retreat routes. It can be seen that even with a pistol, Gin's shooting skills are very good.

It's just a pity that the person they met was Miyamoto Han who used a cheat.

""Shifting Shapes!" Miyamoto Han still smiled faintly in the face of the threat of five bullets and said softly.

He stepped on the ground quickly, and his body swayed around. Facing the pistol bullets from Vodka and Gin, he easily dodged between the bullets with a very strange movement.

After dodging the attacks of the two, the corners of his mouth under the mask curled up slightly. He was very proud of his actions just now. Although the current money mall cannot exchange for that kind of powerful martial arts, there are some simplified external skills handed down from other worlds. And what he just performed was a body movement type of external skill"Shifting Shapes".

It sounds like it's very awesome from the name, but it's just average. However, after combining Miyamoto Han's human extreme physical strength, the body movement that was originally only average in power has become incredible. At least like now, he easily dodged bullets continuously, directly suppressing Gin and Vodka, and even forgot to continue shooting.

After dodging five bullets, Miyamoto Han suddenly pulled out two throwing knives with his right hand, one of which was aimed at Vodka's left hand, and the other at the pistol in Gin's hand.

Each of these throwing knives was about three inches and seven centimeters long. The two throwing knives flew out so fast that even the surrounding air seemed to be torn apart. In the blink of an eye, they flew more than ten meters and hit the two people directly.

However, although Miyamoto Han's throwing knife skills were very powerful, Gin and Vodka had also survived life and death for many years and had a strong sense of danger.

When Miyamoto Han took out the flying knife, Gin felt the chill of Miyamoto's hand between his eyebrows, and his heart was beating wildly because he sensed the danger approaching. His body reacted instinctively and he rolled on the ground. The flying knife passed by the silver hair beside his ear in an instant. But

Vodka was a little bit worse. He reacted a little bit slower and was eventually scratched by the flying knife on his left arm which was holding the suitcase.

The suitcase that was originally holding the money lost its strength due to the pain in his left hand, and instinctively loosened its grip, and the suitcase immediately fell to the ground with a"clang".

"Quick reaction!"Miyamoto Han said coldly, looking at the embarrassed Gin and Vodka with injured left hand.

But what answered Miyamoto Han was Gin's three bullets again, but this time because he fired hastily, he completely missed the target. Miyamoto Han just dodged to the right and avoided the three bullets.

While dodging, Miyamoto Han took out four identical throwing knives again. But at this time, Gin, who had just fired, had taken advantage of the moment when Miyamoto Han dodged the bullet and directly pulled Vodka, who was about to shoot, and ran away in a very embarrassed manner. But even when he was running away, he still did not forget to choose the best route to avoid being locked by the throwing knives. He didn't even care about the suitcase that fell on the ground at this time.

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