"Don't you still believe in my ability?" Miyamoto Han teased Okino Yoko

"No! Of course I believe in your ability. After all, wasn't it because of your reasoning ability that I fell in love with you?" Okino Yoko said shyly.

"Just believe it! Don't worry! It will be over soon." Miyamoto Han had already seen that Kobayashi Yosuke was questioning the train attendant who sold coffee to the train and the lady who was sitting near the deceased.

Miyamoto Han patted Okino Yoko's hand, telling her to be careful, and then walked to Kobayashi Yosuke and listened to the testimonies of the train attendant and the lady.

Kobayashi Yosuke:"You mean, at ten fifty, the deceased bought a can of coffee from you, right?"

"Yes, that's right. Because we were about to arrive at Hana-no-Mai Station, he happened to be the last passenger to buy something from me, so I remember it very clearly, and at that time he gave me a 10,000-yuan bill, because I didn't have 1,000-yuan bills to give him change, so I gave him a lot of coins."

Miyamoto Han listened to the salesperson's words and smiled with satisfaction.

Then Kobayashi Yosuke asked the lady again, and learned from her that not long after the salesperson left, a man in blue clothes and a mustache sat next to the deceased, and then after the man left, the deceased was found dead on the seat.

"It seems that the murderer committed the crime in just two or three minutes between fifty and fifty-two and three minutes!" Kobayashi Yosuke recorded the testimony in his notebook.

"Not only that, Officer Kobayashi. I already know the truth of this whole case."

Looking at Kobayashi Yosuke who was still very troubled, Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses with his right hand and told Kobayashi Yosuke with great confidence.

"Really? Mr. Miyamoto."When Kobayashi Yosuke heard what Miyamoto Han said, he shouted in great joy.

"What!"Perhaps because Kobayashi Yosuke's voice was too loud, it immediately attracted the attention of the people around him. After hearing what Kobayashi Yosuke said, although Ida Takashi still looked confident on the surface, he was not as confident as he seemed on the surface.

At this time, he couldn't help but hypnotize himself in his heart:"Has he really seen through the truth? Impossible, my method is perfect, they can't find it"

"Mr. Date Takashi, you seem to be full of confidence. Do you think I can't see through your crude tricks?" Miyamoto Han walked up to Date Takashi and Sato Taizo with Kobayashi Yosuke and said

"Did you really kill Utsumi?" Sato Taizo looked at Date Takayoshi beside him in horror.

Seeing Miyamoto Han say this, Date Takayoshi couldn't help but feel nervous, but he still insisted:"Nonsense, what makes you say I killed Utsumi? I was on the same Yunoyama Line train with you at the time, so tell me how I killed that guy Utsumi."

"Yes! Mr. Miyamoto, Mr. Date is right. He couldn't have killed the deceased who was on the Hanamachi Line at the time! After all, the trains on the Hanamachi Line arrive five minutes earlier than the trains on the Yunoyama Line."Kobayashi Yosuke said puzzledly.

"Even the police said so. Do you still want to say that I killed Utsumi?" After listening to Kobayashi Yosuke's words, Date Takashi said confidently.

"Of course I know that!" Miyamoto Han didn't care at all, and said calmly,"But what if you changed to the Hanamachi Line train at Mizunokawa Station! That's completely possible!"

"Humph!"Though Takayoshi Ida still looked extremely confident on the surface, he was actually very nervous at this moment. He just didn't dare to show his true colors, and said calmly,"Perhaps you don't know! Although both the Yunoyama Line and the Hanayama Line trains stop at Mizunokawa Station, the Hanayama Line train left five minutes before the Yunoyama Line train arrived. So your reasoning is completely bullshit."


"Mr. Miyamoto!"

Okino Yoko looked at Miyamoto Han worriedly, and Kobayashi Yosuke also looked at him, hoping that he could explain.

Miyamoto Han grinned and said,"You know it clearly!

It seems that you have studied it carefully.

It is indeed as you said.

Under normal circumstances, at Mizunokawa Station, the Hanama Line train should depart earlier than the Yunoyama Line train, but at that time, when the Hanama Line train was about to depart from Mizunokawa Station, you made an emergency call to the Hanama Line train and told them that you had an important life-threatening document left on the train.

So when the Hanama Line train arrived at Mizunokawa Station, it did not leave immediately, but stopped, and the conductor searched the car, right!

" The conductor of the Hanama Line stood up and said,"Yes, we did receive such a call at about ten-thirty, so we stayed at Mizunokawa Station for a while, but in the end we did not find the so-called document.


"Thank you, conductor.

" Miyamoto Han thanked the conductor politely, then looked at Date Takayoshi and said,"You took advantage of that phone call.

When the Yunoyama Line train arrived at Mizunokawa Station, you immediately ran across the level crossing and got on the Hana-no-Mai Line train.

Then, when the train was about to arrive at Hana-no-Mai Station, you killed Dr.

Utsumi by intravenous injection as planned.

That's right, right!



" Date Takayoshi looked at Miyamoto Han in horror.

He didn't expect that the other party would completely reveal his method, and even said that he was completely right about calling the Hana-no-Mai Line train.

But even so, Date Takayoshi still refused to admit defeat. He felt that he still had a chance:"This is just your reasoning. Do you have evidence? If there is no evidence, it's just your own guess."

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