"Hehe, why, she should confess to the dead Atsuko! This hateful woman actually used Atsuko's Virgo to win the award, do you know? The day Atsuko committed suicide was the day Chikako won the award. It was because of him that Chikako felt desperate about life!"

"How could that be?"

"At that time, I was still shocked by Atsuko's suicide. It wasn't until last month when I saw the release of Chikako's Blue Kingdom that I knew everything, so I planned this murder plan... But it's really thanks to you, Ayako, if it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have been able to complete this plan!" Takahashi Ryoichi smiled grimly.

"Takahashi Ryoichi, although Chikako deserves to die, you are not a good person or a messenger of justice. You are just a coward who is afraid of being punished by the law!"Miyamoto Han grabbed his collar and said,"I ask you, why did you want to hurt Sonoko?"

"Haha, because she saw it, saw my real body shape." The moment Miyamoto Han mentioned it, the cotton on Takahashi Ryoichi's body fell to the ground,"Although she never seemed to remember it later, but if she remembers it one day, won't I be exposed?" Takahashi Ryoichi showed a crazy look on his face.

"You bastard!"Miyamoto Han threw him out and kicked him in the face. Takahashi Ryoichi fainted instantly.

Conan hurried over to confirm whether Takahashi Ryoichi was dead or alive.

"Do you have to use so much force?" He placed his finger on Takahashi Ryoichi's carotid artery,"Luckily he's still alive." Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry! I was very measured in my actions. It would be too easy for him to die like this." Miyamoto Han looked at the unconscious Takahashi Ryoichi with cold eyes.

Miyamoto Han would never let off easily for anyone who tried to hurt someone he cared about. He shouldn't think that he would be fine after going to jail. Takahashi doesn't know it yet, but he will have to face the revenge of the two wealthy families, the Miyamoto family and the Suzuki family.

"Let's tie him up now, and we'll go down the mountain to inform the police tomorrow morning." Miyamoto Han ordered.

Ota Masaru and Kakutani Hiroki quickly tied up the unconscious Takahashi Ryoichi and carried him to the gas storage room and locked him up.

"Now that the murderer has been caught, you can sleep peacefully tonight." Miyamoto Han patted Sonoko's back and said,"Sonoko, you need to have a good rest. Look at you, you look so haggard now." Miyamoto Han scratched Sonoko's nose

"Miyamoto-kun, will you always stay by my side?"There were two crystal tears in the corners of Sonoko's eyes. Although Takahashi Ryoichi was controlled, the shadow he cast on Sonoko was not so easy to fade away. Miyamoto Han hugged her shoulders.

Xiaolan, who was standing aside at the moment, felt a little uncomfortable when she saw this scene. It was hard to say what the feeling was, but she felt a little hot in her heart, as if she had been let down by someone.

After catching the murderer, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The originally very torturous time seemed to pass quickly. Soon the night gradually deepened, and the clock pointed to eleven o'clock.

Miyamoto Han sent Sonoko back to the room, said good night to Xiaolan, and went back to the room to prepare for bed.

Conan, the little brat, was forced to go to bed by Xiaolan at nine o'clock.

At this time, the room was extremely dark, and Conan was sleeping on a small bed with a quilt covering his face. Miyamoto Han didn't want to wake him up, so he tiptoed to the big bed and lay down, ready to go to sleep.

Just when Miyamoto Han tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep,

"Brother Han, who are you?" Conan pulled back the quilt covering his head and turned his back to Miyamoto Han,"Why are you able to find the murderer so quickly every time?"

"Conan, everyone has their own secrets, I think you should have one too."Miyamoto Han sat up from the bed.

Conan lowered his eyes when he heard this. At this moment, Conan suddenly had an urge to tell him the secret that he was Kudo Shinichi, but he suppressed it in the end.

Although Conan had contacted Kudo Yusaku in the United States by phone and learned from him that Miyamoto Han was a trustworthy person, he still didn't trust him in his heart, so he didn't say it in the end.

"Conan, I can tell you a secret. Actually... I like Xiaolan!"Miyamoto Han said this on purpose. In fact, everyone knows that he likes Xiaolan. Even Conan himself knows it very well. Although he is angry, he can only pretend that he doesn't know.

But now that someone has said it to his face, Conan can no longer play dumb.

"No!" Upon hearing this, Conan immediately jumped up from the bed,"No, you can't like Xiaolan!"

"Hey, hey, why are you so excited, little brat? Do I need to ask you for advice on who I like?"A hint of teasing flashed in Miyamoto Han's eyes. He was teasing Conan on purpose. It was because he didn't dare to casually reveal his true identity now.

As soon as Miyamoto Han said this, Conan realized that he was still a little kid!"Anyway, you can't like Xiaolan! Xiaolan already has Kudo brother."

"Tsk, then it depends on who is closer to the water and gets the moon first. That Kudo Shinichi is just a guy who likes to show off."Miyamoto Han said this deliberately. When Conan heard it, his face turned pale and blue. Damn, can Miyamoto Han be more impolite! You know, Kudo Shinichi himself is here!

But after Miyamoto Han said this, Conan can be sure of one thing, that is, Miyamoto Han doesn't know his true identity yet! He had been afraid that Miyamoto Han would see through him, after all, Miyamoto Han's observation skills really shocked him. But it does not rule out that he is deliberately disguising himself now, and in fact, he knew that he was Kudo Shinichi earlier.

"Brother Han, you haven't told me why you are so good at solving cases?" But at this time, Miyamoto Han's snoring came from the big bed.

"Haha, you are such a strange guy. Never mind. One day, I will find out your secret."

Looking at the already asleep Miyamoto Han, Conan sighed.

"But Xiaolan, I don't think she really likes Miyamoto Han. She seemed jealous when she saw Sonoko and Miyamoto Han together during the day.……"Conan couldn't grasp Xiaolan's heart, but his current body made him powerless.

Finally, he lay down to sleep.

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