"The deceased's full name is Katsuhiko Nakamoto. When he died, he was lying on his back with his feet facing the door. The people who found the body were the floor manager and Zemu Ye. According to Zemu Ye's testimony, when she came back from work, she heard the TV in Mr. Nakamoto's house next door was too loud, so she asked the manager to come to the door to coordinate, but when she opened the door, she found that Katsuhiko Nakamoto was already dead."

"Although it is common for the police to suspect that the first person to discover the murderer is the murderer, I think it is not just for this reason, Inspector Megure, right?" Miyamoto asked

"How should I put it? One thing is very strange, that is why Zemu Ye chose to bring the administrator with her instead of communicating with the neighbor in advance, as if she knew in advance that Katsuhiko Nakamoto would die, and most importantly, Zemu Ye had a motive for murder."

"Motive for murder?"

"Yes, the victim was arrested in a village in Yamanashi Prefecture 26 years ago for suspected kidnapping and murder. The victim was a 9-year-old boy, but Nakamoto was not prosecuted due to insufficient evidence and was released. However, the boy who was killed had a younger sister, and this younger sister was Miss Zemu Ye."

"This shows that the motive for murder is sufficient."

"But despite this, we still can't do anything to her because she doesn't have the time to commit the crime."

"How to say it?"

"We also visited Yoshida Ayumi who was in the clinic yesterday, but she said that Zemu Ye did wake her up at 7:30. However, Nakamoto Katsuhiko was killed at around 7:30. It takes 15 minutes to get from the dental clinic to Nakamoto Katsuhiko's apartment even if you drive. If you add the murder, it would take at least half an hour to go back and forth."

"OK, I understand."

Miyamoto Han hung up the phone. The whole story was clear at this time, but Zemu Ye Zi's method was more sophisticated. The murderer was indeed Miss Zemu Ye Zi.

"Han, why did you call me out? And I told you not to eat in such an expensive restaurant." Sitting opposite Miyamoto Han was her sister Miyamoto Yumi. She told her that the recent gang-eating-gang incident was going smoothly, the police had accelerated the efficiency of solving the case, and mediated in it. In short, everything was going well. The most important thing was that if the case was handled well, it would mean that Miyamoto Yumi might get a promotion!

"Sister Yumi, did you get the traffic surveillance footage of the area around Nakamori Apartment on Beika Street that I asked you to get yesterday?" Miyamoto Han leaned close to Yumi's ear and whispered

"Why do you want this video? Don't you know that the traffic police keep it very carefully? Fortunately, I have been outstanding recently, and I was able to find it for you with some connections, but the video cannot be taken out. I took a photo for you, the photo of the license plate number xxxxx."Miyamoto Yumi secretly took out a photo from her pocket and handed it to Miyamoto Han

"Sister Yumi, you are so kind."Miyamoto Han immediately took a look.

Although the surveillance camera could not see the people in the car, according to Yoshida Ayumi's memory, it should be this car. Now all we have to do is go to the garage to confirm it.

With the address given by Yoshida Ayumi, Miyamoto Han quickly found the dental clinic where Zemu Yezi worked.

"Hello." Zemu Yezi is a very beautiful woman, tall and slender, with kindness in her eyes. If you only look at her appearance, you can't really associate such a beauty with a murderer.

"You... OK, are you here to see the dentist?" Zemu Yezi was still wearing work clothes and had just taken off her mask.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Miyamoto Han. May I come in?"

"Of course." Zemu Yezi quickly extended her hand.

Miyamoto Han sat in the reception room of the dental clinic. Zemu Yezi poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of him.

"Are you here to see a dentist? Sorry, I have to close for a few days due to some things.

"Ms. Zemu, I came to you specifically for a murder case."Miyamoto Han replied

"Mr. Miyamoto, are you a policeman?"Ze Mu Ye smiled softly.

"No, I'm just a mystery novelist. It's just that Ayumi asked me to help you prove your innocence, but I thought, how can I help a murderer to clear his name?"Miyamoto Han took a sip of tea,"So I came here specifically to suggest that you turn yourself in. I also have a lot of evidence about Katsuhiko Nakamoto's crimes. I will also hire the best lawyers in Japan to defend you."

"Mr. Miyamoto, I really appreciate your advice, but why do you think I am the murderer of Katsuhiko Nakamoto? Is it just based on my past hatred for him?"Zawa Mu Ye also sat down. She sat opposite Miyamoto Han and put her hair behind her earlobes. Miyamoto Han had to admit that this girl with curved eyebrows and kind eyes in front of him really made people feel close at first sight. It was no wonder that Yoshida Ayumi came to his residence specifically to ask for clarification for her.

"Of course not. Doctor, have you changed the curtains recently?"Miyamoto Han stood up.

"You decorated your room exactly like the clinic's waiting room, weren't you waiting for this day?" Miyamoto Han walked over to Zemu Ye Zi and said,"You took advantage of Yoshida Ayumi's illusion of the location to commit this murder, am I right?"

"Your reasoning is quite interesting. I would like to hear how you, a mystery novelist, reason."Zawa Mu Yezi put her hands on her knees and pretended to listen to Miyamoto Han's reasoning seriously.

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