"Conan, when you grow up, don't learn from my dad."Ran warned Conan.

Conan shrugged his lips and said, don't worry, I will never learn from your father in my life!

However, just as Ran said, Miyamoto Han did abide by the agreement and found the undefeated queen of the legal world, Eri Kisaki, to sue Zemu Ye.

In Miyamoto Han's view, the guy named Katsuhiko Nakamoto did not deserve to die, just because the law at that time could not bring him to justice.

But Zemu Ye was imprisoned because of a guy who should have died, which was really unpleasant to think about.

Miyamoto Han was so willful that he spent a lot of money to find Eri Kisaki and sincerely invited Eri Kisaki to defend her.

A week later, the case of Zemu Ye's murder was tried in a court in Tokyo. This case aroused widespread concern in the society, and the result was also obvious. The situation was one-sided in favor of Zemu Ye. After all, Katsuhiko Nakamoto had a bad record. In the minds of most people, this kind of social scum did not deserve to die. Under Eri

Kisaki's argument, the situation was also moving in an optimistic direction. In the second In the court session, the judge made the verdict.

In the end, the prisoner Zemu Yezi was sentenced to three years in prison and four years of probation. The specific trial result will be determined based on her performance in the next four years.

This happy situation has won widespread cheers from all walks of life, and Miyamoto Han has once again appeared in the public eye. Everyone knows that there is such a person who pays out of his own pocket to sue a poor woman.

But to be honest, it was beyond Miyamoto Han's expectations that it would receive such a lot of attention.

Time in the Conan world is completely irregular. It was obviously a good season for viewing maple leaves in autumn. Miyamoto Han also took the time to take his three women to Shizuoka to view the maple leaves.

Unexpectedly, after just a few days, it became summer again.

On this day, Miyamoto Han came to the Maori Detective Agency because of what Kisaki Eri told him. Although he was very complaining in his heart about why Kisaki Eri didn't just call Xiaolan himself and had to use himself as a mouthpiece, he still completed it honestly. After all, she is one of his future mother-in-laws.

"Xiaolan, Auntie Yingli asked you to call her at night. It seems that she has something important to tell you."Miyamoto Han put the red wine in his hand, as well as the cakes and bread he made himself, on the low table.

"Miyamoto-kun, why did you bring so many things again?"There was a customer in the detective agency at this time, and Xiaolan immediately took Miyamoto Han to the side.

"I still have a lot of this red wine at home, and I made the pastries myself, so you don't have to mind it." Miyamoto Han tapped Xiaolan's forehead gently.

Conan glanced at him warily, but Miyamoto Han glared back triumphantly! Conan was so anxious that he stomped his feet.

Miyamoto Han didn't plan to continue making trouble with Conan, but sat quietly next to Maori Kogoro. Opposite him sat a lady wearing a dark green top, a hip-hugging skirt, and her long hair tied up with an elastic band. She looked only in her twenties, but the bag she brought today seemed a little abrupt.

Xiaolan brought a few cups of tea and placed them on the table. She replied,"Thank you.""

"So, Ms. Noriko, do you want me to help you find the man in the sketch?" Maori Kogoro took the sketch paper handed to him,"But, the man in this sketch is really different!" The man drawn on the paper looks like a typical young man, and Ms. Noriko even recorded the man's license plate number.

"So what is your purpose in looking for him?" Gong Benhan asked, referring to the man in the photo.

"I met him when I traveled to Shinshu in early June this year. At that time, I didn't feel anything for him, but recently I have a feeling that I must meet him!"When she said this, the girl named Okatani Noriko's cheeks turned red, and her eyes were filled with rare tenderness, but her hands on the bag were shaking unconsciously.

"I think you have fallen in love with Mr. Kitagawa, haven't you?" Maori Kogoro said with a smile.

"Is...right?" Okatani Noriko answered ambiguously.

"Ms. Noriko, although it may be a little presumptuous, I still want to ask, who did you go with when you went to Shinshu in June? And why did you meet Mr. Kitagawa?" Miyamoto Han asked immediately, but Okatani Noriko suddenly shuddered.

"Do you want to say this too?"

"No, if it is inconvenient, there is no need to tell me, but if I know more details, it may increase the probability of finding Mr. Kitagawa."Miyamoto Han said with a smile.

Okatani Noriko was silent for a moment, but still shook her head,"No, it is not inconvenient. I went there alone because I was heartbroken, and I met Mr. Kitagawa there. He is a very humorous person."

"Okay, we will definitely help you find Mr. Kitagawa. Maori Kogoro clenched his fists and looked very motivated.

"Thank you for your help!"Okatani Noriko thanked her and left.

"It's so easy to find such a job these days. As long as I find the license plate number, I can go to the Ministry of Transportation to check and find out his address immediately."Mouri Kogoro took the sketch paper and wanted to kiss it.

"Uncle Maori, do you think Miss Noriko really likes this person?"Miyamoto Han pointed at the portrait on the sketch paper.

"Maybe Miss Noriko likes young men with strange looks like this?" Maori Kogoro looked at the sketch paper upside down and left to right, and touched his chin,"It's strange, young men like this are all liked by beautiful women, why don't people like me?" Maori Kogoro touched his chin and shook his head.

""Dad, you are so indecent!" Xiaolan raised her voice,"Miyamoto-kunto is still here!"

"Han is not an outsider!"Mouri Kogoro poked Miyamoto Han,"Isn't it? Han." He deliberately spoke loudly so that Xiaolan could hear.

Xiaolan immediately blushed.

"Uncle Maori, I'm serious, I think Miss Noriko is weird."Miyamoto Han stopped teasing Xiaolan, and looked at Maori Kogoro seriously.

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