When everyone left the room to look for someone, Miyamoto Han looked at Xiaolan's delicate face, and did not have any evil thoughts. He just gently used his hands to help Xiaolan push the hair hanging from her eyes behind her ears.

Suddenly, the lights were turned off with a"snap", and then Miyamoto Han heard the sound of the window being shattered by something. He was not in a hurry to chase him out, because he knew the murderer's purpose, and now was the time for him to show his power!

Miyamoto Han took out a pill from his pocket, put it in his mouth and chewed it twice. In the darkness, Miyamoto Han's figure seemed to change.

At this time, Yizhi Long, who was supposed to chase out, suddenly turned back.

He walked quietly in the corridor and paused at a door, but when he opened the door the next second, he was shocked.

"You... you are Nikaidou!!"Ichieda Takashi sat down on the ground and kicked his feet a few times.

Of course, the original Nikaidou Yuji had been killed long ago. The Nikaidou Yuji that Ichieda Takashi saw was the Nikaidou disguised by Miyamoto Han using the disguise technique.

"Yes, Ichiji Long, you have hurt me so badly! I was going to report to the underworld, but the King of Hell said that my death was strange and would not let me reincarnate, so I had to return to the human world."Miyamoto Han deliberately made a faint sound, mainly because he really had a bad taste.

"Nikaidou, you devil, you are the one who killed Yaeko! You scumbag!"Although Ichieda Takashi was very scared and didn't even dare to look Miyamoto Han in the eye at Nikaidou, his hatred for Nikaidou was obviously much greater than his fear, and he almost shouted out

"You said I killed someone, but aren't you a murderer yourself? You killed Yotsuki Reika, and she deserved it! Damn it! But you sneaked back to the room, didn't you want to kill Xiaolan? You and Yotsuki Reika are the same kind of people, both of you deserve to die!!"The thing that Miyamoto Han hates most is when someone hurts his woman, so he has to scare people like Nikaidou, and he doesn't mind if he scares him to death.

"I'm here to take your life now!" Miyamoto Han stretched out his hands to Ichieda Takashi's neck.

Ichieda Takashi was so scared that he peed his pants and begged for mercy in fear:"Nikaido, I was wrong, I beg you, please forgive me."

At this moment, hurried footsteps suddenly came from the end of the corridor. Miyamoto Han quickly shook his body, used the shadow-shifting technique on his feet, and disappeared in front of Ichieda Takashi. Ichieda Takashi fainted from fear.

After a few minutes, Maori Kogoro and others all returned to the villa.

"Is Xiaolan okay?" Conan looked around and saw Xiaolan still sleeping on the sofa. He finally breathed a sigh of relief,"Luckily I got back in time."

Miyamoto Han was speechless. This brat didn't come back earlier or later. He originally wanted to play with Yizhi Long, but it was ruined by this brat.

"By the way, Han, what happened to this guy?" Maori Kogoro pointed at Ichieda Takashi lying on the ground, with a puzzled look on his face,"Didn't he follow us out to look for someone just now? How could he suddenly faint here?" At this time, Ichieda Takashi was foaming at the mouth and his eyelids were drooping.

"In fact, this Yizhi Long is the murderer!"Miyamoto Han raised his voice

"What? Isn't the murderer an outsider?"Gojo Osamu was shocked.

"No, he was the one who killed Nikaido and was planning to come back to attack Xiaolan, but I found him.

"So Brother Han, was he beaten like this by you?" Conan asked

"Of course not, this guy was guilty, and when he saw me he thought he saw Nikaidou, so he fainted out of fright."Miyamoto Han made up a lie

"Really?"Conan showed an expression of obvious disbelief.

"Can you please stop making trouble, little brat?"Mouri Kogoro threw a top punch at Conan.

Conan glanced at Mouri Kogoro resentfully. This old man was too obviously biased!

Miyamoto Han walked to the side of Kazueda Takashi and said,"In that case, I will reveal the truth to you tonight."

"First, let's talk about how Ichieda Takashi killed Nikaido Yuji.

At that time, we went to the forest together to look for Miss Reika, but we got separated in the forest.

At that time, Ichieda Takashi took advantage of this opportunity to secretly escape from our sight, and then secretly followed Nikaido, and when they were by the pool, he pushed Nikaido into the water and drowned him.

I think Ichieda Takashi must have told Nikaido that Miss Reika had an appointment with him by the pool, so Nikaido was fooled.


"But Han, when the power went out, Ichieda Takashi was with me and Conan, he didn't have time to turn off the power." Maori Kogoro said, and Conan nodded frequently,"Yes, Han brother, Ichieda Takashi was with me the whole time."

"You were all deceived by his clumsy tricks. In fact, Yizhi Long just used a very simple trick to automatically cut off the power!"Miyamoto Han walked to the side of the microwave oven.

"Look, this is the best evidence.

The microwave was always on, but I remember that Uncle Maori turned it on and then turned it off.

Who turned it on? And I remember Conan said that he felt something warm.

That's right, because Yizhi Long turned on all the heaters in the room.

The best evidence is that the remote control of the heater shows that the last operating time was 7:30, which is exactly the time of the power outage.

This means that Yizhi Long turned on all the electrical appliances in the room, and then overloaded the power supply, causing the main switch to automatically shut down.


"Uncle Maori, the only people who went to the kitchen with you were Conan and Ichieda Takashi. If Conan is excluded, only Ichieda Takashi had time to turn back and secretly turn on the microwave."

"So where is Miss Lihua now?" asked Rokuda Masashi.

"If I'm not mistaken, Sijing Lihua should be tied up with bandages in the toilet on the second floor. If everyone goes to the bathroom on the second floor to find Sijing Lihua, I believe Miss Sijing will definitely identify him."

After everyone searched the second floor, they finally found Sijing Lihua trapped in a sink in a toilet with a broken light, but now Sijing Lihua's face was pale and bloodless.

After checking, it was found that Sijing Lihua had also died.

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