The celebration party started soon, and everything went according to plan. Miyamoto Han had to admit that Xiaolan and Sonoko were quite talented in singing. Although they were not as good as professional artists, it was not easy for amateurs to achieve this level. Soon

, applause was heard in the room.

The people attending the party today were a band, and the lead singer was a 21-year-old young man named Kimura Tatsuya. It was not easy for him to have achieved such an achievement at such a young age.

However, this Kimura Tatsuya smoked from time to time, which made Miyamoto Han frown. In addition to the little brat Conan, there were many ladies here. How could this Kimura Tatsuya not care about other people's feelings at all and just lighted a cigarette and smoked it casually?

"The singing is indeed good, better than that of a certain band.……"With a cigarette between his lips, Tatsuya Kimura lifted up his glasses and said,"You sing much better!" When Xiaolan and the others finished singing, Tatsuya Kimura suddenly said this. The other members of the band all showed embarrassed expressions.

Finally, the manager named Mariko Terahara stepped forward and said,"Okay, Tatsuya, you've had too much to drink too, haven't you? Didn't you say that there's a talk show later?" Mariko Terahara was about to snatch the glass from his hand, but Tatsuya Kimura suddenly raised his voice,"Stop talking nonsense, you ugly girl, get out of here!!" Tatsuya Kimura continued to drink the beer in his hand with disdain.

Xiaolan and Sonoko both shrugged their shoulders unconsciously after hearing his roar. What they didn't expect was that Tatsuya Kimura was such a person.

"Hey, Kimura, Mari is the manager of our band, so what she said makes sense. How can you say that to her?" The person who spoke for Mari Terahara was Katsumi Yamada, who had a red scarf wrapped around his head and wore sunglasses late at night.

He just spoke up for Mari, but Tatsuya Kimura asked back,"Hey, you guy, I just want to ask you, have you done your job as the drummer of the band?"

"And you, Mieko, I've had enough of your lame guitar playing!"

Mieko, who was also affected, is a guitarist with red hair, but still looks like a good girl.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. This is our homemade pizza, rice balls, and sandwiches. Eat them while they are hot!" Just then, a bearded man in his thirties suddenly opened the door and walked in.

He placed the food in front of Kimura Tatsuya.

"Hey, you are the same. You gave up your previous job as a band leader and opened a store like this that doesn't make money. If we don't come here often, it will probably go bankrupt soon, right?" Kimura Tatsuya continued to mock the people around him without caring about other people's feelings.

This arrogant attitude is really infuriating, but for people like Miyamoto Han who know his future ending, it is pitiful for him. A person who was originally affectionate was separated by misunderstanding between lovers. This is actually very difficult to accept for Miyamoto Han who values love and friendship. But when watching Conan, he was upset for a whole day after seeing this episode and couldn't recover.

As a result, in the awkward atmosphere, the song of the red-nosed reindeer suddenly sounded from the speakers again.

Kimura Tatsuya started to act stupid again, giving orders:"Hey, beautiful manager, this song is specially ordered for you. It is really suitable for you who still believes in Christmas in junior high school!"Tatsuya Kimura was eating a sandwich.

The manager seemed to be humiliated and buried his head,"Okay! I'll sing, you don't have to say so much useless nonsense." She stood on the stage in a huff and grabbed the microphone in her hand.

Mari Terahara's voice is first-class, and coupled with her professional knowledge in singing, the songs she sang are very contagious. Xiaolan and Sonoko couldn't help but sing along softly.

When Mari Terahara finished singing, the girl named Mieko also went on stage to sing a song, but her singing was slightly inferior to that of the manager.

Halfway through the song, Mieko's eyes suddenly became moist, and two tears suddenly flowed from her eyes.

When Sonoko asked him the reason, Tatsuya Kimura said nonchalantly:"Because I'm about to leave this band. I'm tired of the crappy guitarists here, the amateur drummers, and the beautiful manager who is always high and mighty. I want to throw them all away!"

Although Miyamoto Han knew that Kimura Tatsuya had his own reasons for doing these things, he still admired his suicidal behavior. He might not know that his suicidal behavior would be punished in ten minutes.

To be honest, when I was watching TV and didn't know the reason, I also felt that Kimura Tatsuya really deserved to die! He abandoned his teammates after becoming famous and made sarcastic remarks, but later I learned that he had his own reasons for all this.

Forget it, I'd better save him. Although I'm not a good person, I feel deeply sorry for his death. Since I've been reborn in Conan's world, I can't let him die in vain because of misunderstanding. Of course, the main reason is because of the mission reward.

After Kimura Tatsuya made a sarcastic remark, a beautiful melody suddenly sounded in the speakers.

"This is Kimura Tatsuya's famous song, Blood-Red Venus!" Sonoko quickly said to Miyamoto Han beside her. What she wanted to hear most that night was to hear Kimura Tatsuya sing his famous song with her own ears.

"Hey, Kimura, the talk show is about to start recording, we have to hurry over there!" Mari Terahara urged Kimura Tatsuya

""Tsk, if you want to go, go by yourself. Now that this song is out, I must finish singing before I leave!" Kimura Tatsuya raised his voice. Miyamoto

Han shook his head, he was too weak to complain about this Kimura Tatsuya. Although you are pitiful, you died because of your own suicidal behavior. If you did less suicidal things, you might not die young!

Of course, Miyamoto Han did not stop him from stepping forward to show his singing voice.

Kimura Tatsuya also took off his clothes handsomely, threw them into the air, and then confidently sang his famous song.

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