Kimura Tatsuya and the band members soon signed a contract with Miyamoto Kan's Hantian Entertainment. Miyamoto Kan also highly values the talents of Kimura Tatsuya and Terahara Mari. They have unlimited potential. After all, Miyamoto Kan has skills and unique vision, and he will definitely not make the mistake of choosing people.

Terahara Mari soon went for plastic surgery. Although she is not as beautiful as before and the freckles on her face have not been removed, the simplicity in her bones is still very valuable.

In the evening, Miyamoto Kan drove Xiaolan and Edogawa Conan back to the Mori Detective Agency, and then drove Sonoko back to the Miyamoto family. Sonoko has been living in the Miyamoto family for several days. Of course, with Miyamoto Kan's love, Sonoko has become more and more skilled.

"Han, when are you going to confess your love to Xiaolan?" Yuanzi asked, resting her head on Miyamoto Han's arms.

"Let's wait for a while. I hope to get Xiaolan's true heart, instead of forcing her to accept me, understand?" Miyamoto Han scratched Yuanzi's nose.

"But I can't wait any longer, I just want Xiaolan to be with me, you better hurry up, otherwise if Xiaolan's childhood sweetheart Kudo Shinichi comes back, Xiaolan will be hesitant again."Sonoko said coquettishly

""Okay, okay!" Miyamoto Han complained. He never thought that Yuanzi would have such an idea.

"By the way, Han, when will Sister Dianzi come back? I haven't seen Sister Dianzi yet."

"Anyway, we will meet when we are supposed to meet, so let's just do our own things tonight!" Miyamoto Han covered him with the quilt, and the two began to do something unspeakable tonight.

A few hours later, Yuanzi had fallen asleep in a deep sleep, but he said to the system in his mind:

"System, the previous tasks have been completed!"

"Congratulations to the owner for completing the limited-time mission: Saving the two people in tragedy. Reward: One entry-level lottery"

"Just take it out."Gong Ben Han shouted in his heart.

Soon a bronze lucky bag appeared in front of him. Gong Ben Han clicked it directly, and the bronze lucky bag opened immediately.

"Congratulations to the owner for winning a 2200-year-old super-realistic doll."

Poof!!! After hearing what he won in the lottery, Miyamoto Han burst into tears.

"System, throw this thing to the corner of the system space." Miyamoto Han shouted angrily at the system in his mind, and then muttered,"I am a man with four women, what's the use of giving me this thing."

Miyamoto Han didn't know that this thing really helped him a lot later.

Sonoko went back the next day. After all, she was the daughter of the Suzuki family. If she didn't go back for too long, her family would still be worried. So, Ayako called early in the morning and asked Sonoko to go home.

Before leaving, Sonoko repeatedly told Miyamoto Han to get closer to Xiaolan in the near future.

So in the afternoon, Miyamoto Han came to the Maori Detective Agency specifically for this matter.

Miyamoto Han brought some chocolate biscuits and glutinous rice cakes to visit.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Conan, the little kid, playing video games, looking like a primary school student.

Miyamoto Han put the cakes on the coffee table. Maori Kogoro glanced at it and showed a disappointed expression on his face.

"Uncle Maori, I didn't bring you any red wine this time. Xiaolan said that you are trying to quit drinking recently, so you can't even touch red wine."Xiaolan did say this to Miyamoto Han on the phone a few days ago.

"Han, you said Xiaolan hasn't married you yet, why are you so obedient to her now?"Mouri Kogoro continued to read the newspaper in his hand.

Xiaolan had just come out of the bathroom and heard what Mouri Kogoro said, and immediately said,"Dad, don't talk nonsense!"

"Girls can't be kept at home when they grow up!"Mouri Kogoro shook his head, making Xiaolan blush.

"You should think about your relationship with your mother first!"

"Tsk, you're talking about that woman again." Maori Kogoro instantly lost interest in continuing the conversation.

"Xiaolan, come and eat. I brought some glutinous rice cakes and chocolate biscuits today. You will definitely like them."Miyamoto Han said, pointing at the cakes on the low table.

Xiaolan blushed, but still sat opposite Miyamoto Han.

""You sit next to Han!" Maori Kogoro suddenly raised his voice,"I want to lie here!" Maori Kogoro made a move to lie down.

Miyamoto Han now wanted to give Maori Kogoro a thumbs up, this assist was awesome!

"Dad, if you want to lie down, just lie on the bed!"

"Forget it, Xiaolan, you should just come over and sit over here. If Uncle Maori wants to lie down, let him do it!" Miyamoto patted the sofa next to him.

""Okay... okay." Xiaolan said hesitantly.

Just when Xiaolan was about to sit down, Conan suddenly jumped out and sat next to Miyamoto Han, and then immediately showed a harmless smile,"Sister Xiaolan, I like to sit with Brother Han, you can sit on the sofa opposite." Miyamoto

Han suddenly wanted to put his hand on Conan's neck, and then……

"Conan-kun, are you related to Xiaolan?"Miyamoto Han touched Conan's head. This high school student Kudo Shinichi is really thick-skinned! He doesn't live in the doctor's house, but insists on living in the house of his childhood sweetheart. If you say he doesn't have any bad intentions, Miyamoto Han doesn't believe it.

"Huh?" Conan obviously didn't expect Miyamoto Han to ask him such a question, and subconsciously moved his position,"Well... I'm temporarily living in Xiaolan's house.……"Conan stuttered.

"I don't know what happened to this kid's parents. They left him at our house without calling or seeing him. They are such careless parents." Maori Kogoro narrowed his eyes and stared at Conan,"Isn't it time for you to go home?" Maori Kogoro closed the newspaper and stood up.

"Yes, Conan, you said your parents are abroad, but they should be back soon, and it’s strange that there’s not even a phone number for them to contact you!" Xiaolan had to doubt Conan’s identity at this time.

"Forget it. I won't get anything out of this kid. I'll go find Dr. Agasa and ask for his parents' phone number, then call them and ask them to pick him up. Maori Kogoro took his clothes and prepared to go out.

"Ah~ Uncle Maori, you can't go to see Dr. Agasa!" Conan jumped up excitedly, Maori Kogoro squinted his eyes and asked:"Little ghost, did you do something to run away from home secretly? Now we can't contact your parents, we are very worried!" Maori

Kogoro still wanted to go out.

Just as Xiaolan opened the door, a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup, bright clothes, and a bloated and obese figure suddenly appeared outside.

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