While searching the trash can, Conan found a crumpled newspaper inside. He unfolded the newspaper and saw that it was full of holes.

Based on this, Conan guessed that the way they contacted the transaction object was to cut the lead type on the newspaper and paste it as a letter.

Based on the cut lead type, Conan deduced that the place of their transaction should be the Rice Flower Hotel.

Conan also gained something on the calendar.

Based on this, he deduced two useful information: Rice Flower Hotel, 30.

At this time, Miyamoto Han was not idle either.

According to the development of the plot, Conan should be in the Rice Flower Hotel now. In the car, Miyamoto Han thought so.

He soon arrived at the Rice Flower Hotel. It was noon at this time. Miyamoto Han was sitting in the corner of the Rice Flower Hotel with a blue hat on his head.

He was waiting for someone.

Soon, the man appeared in Miyamoto Han's field of vision.

This man was unusually tall. If you observe from behind, you will find that this man is very hunchbacked.

Miyamoto Han was waiting for this very tall man.

He quickly left his seat and followed the man's footsteps closely. It was half past twelve at noon.

The man hurried, his destination was the underground parking lot, and Miyamoto Han followed him into the parking lot.

In the parking lot, Miyamoto Han found a familiar person - Edogawa Conan.

At this time, Conan was hiding in the corner, and he was also following the tall man. Miyamoto Han grinned, now is the time for fun.

The current situation is like this, the tall man walked in front, Conan followed quietly behind him, and Miyamoto Han followed Conan.

This is the mantis stalking the cicada, but the oriole didn't expect that the hunter was still holding a gun behind him!

The tall man followed the instructions of the parking lot and came to Room 301 of the Mika Hotel. Conan was still following closely behind, but at this time Miyamoto Han turned and walked into the corner.

A minute later, a young man in waiter clothes walked out of the corner. This was a disguise made by Miyamoto Han using his disguise technique to avoid being recognized by Conan later.

Conan still hid in someone else's room as he did in the original book. After some coaxing, he made the child in the room believe him. Then Conan used the landline in the room to call the waiter. However, what Conan didn't know was that the person who answered the phone on the other side was Miyamoto Han.

"Hello, sir. What can I do for you?"

"Please deliver the food to Room 301. We are a little hungry. Conan used a voice changer to pretend to be a fat woman.

"OK, please wait a moment."Miyamoto Han replied, and he quickly arranged for a waiter to push a dining cart to room 301.

After the waiter knocked on the door, the fat woman came out to greet him.

"We didn't order any food?" The fat woman's face was full of confusion.

"But we received the order that the room here is for meals."The waiter replied timidly.

"Forget it, I'm a little hungry anyway." The masked man in the room said loudly

"But……"The fat woman was about to speak, but the masked man shouted,"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up if I tell you to push it in!"

The waiter and the fat woman didn't dare to speak anymore, and silently pushed the food delivery cart in.

Conan was just around the corner at this time, and he thought that his plan had worked, so he secretly stuck some chewing gum on the door and was about to sneak in.

Miyamoto Han, who was pretending to be a waiter, was still secretly following Conan, and in an instant, an acupuncture needle appeared in Miyamoto Han's hand and gently pierced Conan's neck.

Conan instantly lost consciousness, and his collar was lifted up by the waiter who was pretending to be Miyamoto Han.

"Conan-kun, you are still too young."Miyamoto Kan secretly said in his heart.

Miyamoto Kan, who knew the original work, naturally knew that the masked man in the room at this time was Kudo Shinichi's father Kudo Yusaku, and the fat woman was Kudo Shinichi's mother Kudo Yukiko, but the tall man was disguised by Dr. Agasa using a machine.

After learning from Xiaolan that Conan had been taken away by his mother, Miyamoto Kan immediately remembered that this must be the Edogawa Conan abduction incident in the original plot of the Conan world, and it was also the incident in which Kudo Shinichi's parents officially appeared.

So Miyamoto Kan immediately thought of a plan to play tricks on Kudo Shinichi and Kudo Yusaku, the father and son.

In the room, the three people thought that Conan had sneaked into the room, but after a search, they did not find their son.

The masked man raised his voice:"Where is the little guy Shinichi?"

"Hey, Yusaku! Didn't you say Shinichi would definitely come with you? Where is he?" The fat woman also became anxious.

"Don't worry, you two! Maybe Shinichi has gone to look for my house." Dr. Agasa hastily comforted

"Impossible, I am very sure that Shinichi has just sneaked in here." Kudo Yusaku said as he took out the chewing gum in his hand,"There is a small bug in it, Dr. Agasa, this is exactly the same as the bug you studied, which means Shinichi must have sneaked in here just now, but what happened?"

"As expected of the famous mystery novelist Yusaku Kudo, he figured it out in no time."Miyamoto Han pushed the door open with the unconscious Conan in his arms. Although Yusaku Kudo had locked the door from the inside, it was as easy as building blocks to unlock that kind of lock for Miyamoto Han.

"Who are you?"Kudo Yusaku's face was full of shock at this time. This person actually knew his identity without alerting any of them, and also arrested Shinichi. His anti-reconnaissance ability and adaptability were really incredible.

"I am your companion!"

"Are you from the Black Organization?" Kudo Yusaku and the other two subconsciously took a step back.

Then he raised the pistol in his hand swiftly,"Let go of Shinichi!"

Miyamoto Han smiled,"Don't think I don't know that the gun in your hand is just a toy gun!"

"Haha, you can try it!"��Of course Fuji Yusaku won't admit it.

"Let's see who can be faster!"Miyamoto Han also took out a pistol from his arms, but he aimed it at the forehead of the unconscious Conan.

"Yusaku! Put the gun down quickly!" Yukiko, who was standing next to him, loved her son dearly and certainly didn't want her son to get hurt.

"Yukiko, if I put the gun down, all four of us will die!" Kudo Yusaku gritted his teeth.

"Haha, you are really stubborn. But if you want me to let you go, it is not impossible, but there is a condition."Miyamoto Han said

"What conditions?"

"Hehe, Yukiko, you have to sacrifice something for me……"Miyamoto Han smiled.

As soon as he said this, everyone present understood

""Okay!" Yukiko gritted her teeth and reluctantly agreed.

"Yukiko, no!"Kudo Yusaku's eyes widened.

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