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"Grandmaster Iai Slash's account has been updated!"

Grandmaster Iai Slash has been killed by Wang Fan, and this has been seen by all the Xia people and even the world.

Of course, with his death, it is one thing that no one continues to pay attention to him.

But at that time, in order to pay attention to the dynamics of Grandmaster Iai Slash, the people of Xia followed him.

With the death of Grandmaster Iai Slash, some people unfollowed him.

And a small number of people forgot about this matter and are still paying attention to the status of the content of Grandmaster Iai Slash's account.

Now that Grandmaster Iai Slash's account has been updated, it has caused an uproar!

"How is this possible? The Grandmaster of Iai Slash was clearly killed by the God of War!"

Everyone was in disbelief. After all, they had seen it with their own eyes.

"Let's take a look at the updated content first!"

Everyone clicked on the video updated by the Grandmaster of Iai Slash with a horrified mentality.

In the video, a Grandmaster of Xia Country fell in a pool of blood.

And the moment before, the Grandmaster of Xia Country was still teaching his disciples.

There were no weapons, no hidden weapons, etc.!

But the Grandmaster of Xia Country lost his life silently.

"Updated again!"

At this time, when everyone was terrified, the account of the Grandmaster of Iai Slash was updated again!

It was still the same state. A Grandmaster of Xia Country lost his life quietly!

There was no attack with weapons, nor a sneak attack with hidden weapons.

"Could it be that the master of Iai Slash has turned into a ghost and is back to take lives?"

A man couldn't help but comment below.

Following this man's comment, the comments below also exploded.

At this time, it was the number one trending search on Weibo. It was the number one hot question on the hottest question list.

At the forefront were all explosive comments and titles!

The master of Iai Slash has turned into a ghost and is back to take lives!

"The third video has been updated!"

At this time, the third video was updated in the account of Master Iai Slash.

And with the death of the third master, not only the master of Xia country, but even ordinary people couldn't help but touch their necks.

This time, it was too evil.

Everyone was worried that their lives would be taken away silently like this!

"Seal off the scene immediately!"

This incident directly alarmed all parties in Xia Country.

The scene was surrounded, and a large-scale search began, and the bodies were examined.

After all, this incident caused great panic to everyone in Xia Country. In addition, the Internet is now well developed, and after so many rumors, the more they are said, the more frightened people are.

"Martial God! This time, Xia Kingdom is in big trouble!"

Li Xuan, who had just left not long ago, suddenly returned to Wang Fan's room again.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Fan looked at Li Xuan in this state. He is really the first.

""Martial God, look."

Li Xuan handed the phone to Wang Fan, which contained the video updated by the Grandmaster of Iai Slash's account!

""In such a short period of time, five Xia masters have lost their lives!"

Li Xuan said. Everyone in Xia was paying close attention to this matter, and he was no exception.

"The comments above said that the master of Iai had been killed and turned into a fierce ghost to take lives. Now it has caused great panic!"

Li Xuan said

"The dead cannot be resurrected, this is a theorem, Master Iai Slash died in my hands, there is no chance of survival, pretending to be a ghost."

Wang Fan snorted coldly, he didn't believe that Master Iai Slash turned into a ghost.

"Although this is the case, the Grandmaster of Xia State was killed in an instant, without anyone attacking him! There were no weapons or hidden weapons, etc."

Li Xuan is also a firm materialist, but now, he is a little shaken.

"It's the pixel of the phone that can't capture such speed, or he has a way to hide himself."

Wang Fan handed the phone to Li Xuan and said

"Have your people use slow motion to check if there are any clues."

Wang Fan asked,"Is this the account of the Grandmaster of Iai Slash?"

"It seems that the Japanese are still determined to do something."

Wang Fan continued to speak, and in just a short time, he had almost finished his analysis.


Li Xuan also nodded. Regarding this matter, the account of the Grandmaster of Iai Slash could also explain some problems.

"This account, is it only the Grandmaster who was killed?"

Wang Fan did not look closely.


Li Xuan nodded. This guy still has some integrity.

"Grandmaster's words..."

Wang Fan suddenly frowned and stood up.

""Wu Shen, where are you going?"

Wang Fan disappeared from the spot.

""Two seniors!"

Wang Fan only answered with four words.

You should know that Wuming and Jiemie are now in Xia Country, opening a martial arts school!

Judging from the content of the account update of Master Iai Zhan just now, it is not only the speed, but also the means of fighting.

I am afraid that the two seniors will not be opponents!

After all, teaching has specialization, and the two of them are not masters of fighting.

The two of them, one is a formation, and the other is puppet making. Let the two of them fight. I am afraid that they are not opponents even if they join forces!

And the content of the account update of Master Iai Zhan is to erase the masters who open martial arts schools.

What a coincidence, Wuming and Jiemie, the two were just ordered by Wang Fan to open a martial arts school.

If the two of them make any mistakes because of this matter, it will definitely become Wang Fan's heart knot!

"Jiemie, my right eyelid has been twitching today, what's going on?"

Wuming just took a break and started talking to Jiemie.

"You are still so weird, your right eyelid is twitching, maybe you will have good luck in love."

Jiemie said without taking it seriously.

At their level, what danger can there be in Xia Country?

"���You also know that I have studied the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams for such a long time, I definitely wouldn't have this feeling for no reason."

Wuming shook his head.

"This is a sign!"

Wuming said, and quickly left his seat.

He began to set up the Five Elements Bagua formation around the martial arts hall, and he set all the doors as dead doors!

Of course, if it were an ordinary person, he would definitely not activate the formation.

"I feel better now."

Wu Ming said, sweating profusely.

After all, setting up a formation is a huge undertaking, even for him.

"You are just suspicious all day long, nothing will happen to you!"

Jiemie said.

At this time, the account of Master Iai Slash was updated again.

"Feng Yuxiu, if you don't show up, I will destroy your Xia country's luck!"

This line of words made everyone in Xia country feel nervous.

"Humph, it turns out that the Japanese are behind this!"

Wang Fan snorted coldly after seeing the content.

He had expected this.

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