"Congratulations, Master. Mao Lilan's favorability towards you has increased by 11 points. Her current favorability towards you is 90!"

The system's voice rang in Miyamoto Han's head.

The favorability has reached 90, which is really an unexpected surprise for him. He originally thought that the favorability between Xiaolan and him would only break through 80 at most, but he didn't expect it to increase so much all of a sudden. Is this what is called accumulation of strength for a sudden burst of energy?

In order to verify whether it really reached 90, Miyamoto Han lowered his head and kissed Xiaolan on the forehead.

Xiaolan's ears suddenly turned red.

"By the way, Xiaolan, did you see anything strange when you were trapped in here?"

"Strange things?"Xiaolan shook her head in confusion,"I don't think I saw anything."

According to Moriya Teiji, there should be a time bomb in the city hall, but where is it placed?

In the original book, it was placed in a pink cardboard bag, but Miyamoto Han looked around and didn't see anything with a pink bag.

"Husband, what is this?"

"Hey, there's a timer?"

The voice next to him quickly attracted Miyamoto Han's attention.

"Xiaolan, follow the rescue team outside first."

Gong Benhan grabbed Xiaolan's shoulders and said, looking at his watch, there are only 2 minutes left to ten o'clock!


Xiaolan grabbed Miyamoto Han's hand tightly, staring at him with determination.

Miyamoto Han nodded,"Then you wait for me here, I'll be back soon!"

"be safe!"


Miyamoto Han quickly took the bag from the couple and gently put it down.

"Hero, what's in here?"

The man looked at Gong Benhan with a puzzled look.

"Bomb." Miyamoto Han said calmly as he opened the bag and revealed the contents.

The man's eyes suddenly widened to the size of eggs."Bomb...bomb?"

Everyone at the scene pricked up their ears and listened carefully to the conversation.

"It's over, it's over!"

"Run quickly!"

Everyone became agitated.

"Stop making noise! Listen to my command!"

Just as everyone was scrambling to get out of the cracks in the wall, and even some children were knocked to the ground with no one to help them, Miyamoto Han raised his voice.

"Now you must retreat in an orderly manner. There is still one and a half minutes before the bomb explodes. I should be able to dismantle it, but if you don't cooperate, it will cause chaos on the scene and eventually the bomb will explode. Then we will be buried with the prisoner together!"

Miyamoto Han's calmness quickly infected everyone, and everyone believed in this hero unconditionally!

Everyone began to line up and get out of the crack in the wall.

Miyamoto Han exhaled and calmly observed the time bomb in front of him.

"Sure enough, the timer of the bomb has been modified. The madman really planned to perish here with Kudo Shinichi."Miyamoto Han frowned as he looked at the timer on the bomb, which had only one minute left.

Time passed second by second, and now there were only 59 seconds left, but Miyamoto Han did not move at all, as if he was a sculpture.

Xiaolan stood silently behind her, looking at her man and praying silently.

Finally, when there were 10 seconds left, Miyamoto Han moved, and the scissors in his hand also moved. Fortunately, after completing the main task last time, Miyamoto Han obtained the god-level bomb technology, and the time bomb of Moriya Teiji, which had no technical content, was quickly dismantled, and only two lines were left.

One red and one blue, just like in the original plot, Xiaolan and Shinichi finally faced the same choice.

Only the last knife was left, and everyone's heart was in their throat!

"Xiaolan, you said that your favorite color is red, right?"

Just when Xiaolan was distracted, Gong Benhan's voice came from the front. At this time, Gong Benhan was facing away from her.

"Yes... yes." Xiaolan also became nervous.

Miyamoto Han raised a smile

"Xiaolan, maybe this red thread is the fate that connects us, I can't cut it!"

"cold……"Xiaolan was deeply moved.

Miyamoto Han's scissors bypassed the red line and cut off the blue line next to it without hesitation.

Everyone's eyes were focused on it!

Is it an explosion? Or stop?

The police outside the Beika City Hall also held their breath and stared.

Is it an explosion? Or stop?

Maori Kogoro pushed and shouted at the top of his lungs.


Then there was a long silence! Then there was a thunderous applause from the crowd.

The bomb was dismantled at the critical moment!

"Long live!!"

Everyone in the Mihua City Hall was excited!

"Saved! We are finally saved!"

Some people cried with joy, some hugged each other, and some took deep breaths.

Maori Kogoro finally received a call from Xiaolan.

"Dad, I'm fine, don't worry!"

"Xiaolan!" The grown man Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but burst into tears,"I thought you...you would never come back!"

"Dad, don't worry, I'm fine, right? Don't be sad!"

"Xiaolan, I'm so glad that you're safe and sound!"

"Dad, of course I'll be fine as long as Miyamoto-kun is here!"

"After this time, I want to thank Han very much!"

"By the way, Dad, you go back first, I have something else to do."

Xiaolan said hesitantly.

Maori Kogoro quickly stopped crying and asked seriously:"Hey, Xiaolan, have you really thought it through?"

"Well, Dad, Han is a great guy!"

"It seems that it is true that girls cannot be kept when they grow up! Well, just do it boldly!"He was already very satisfied with Gong Benhan, and after experiencing this accident, he approved of her even more.

""Dad, you are such a fool!" Xiaolan complained.

Xiaolan hung up the phone, and Gongben Han hugged Xiaolan from behind.

"Xiaolan, this is our world for the two of us now."

In the Beihua City Hall, all the people had left, leaving only Gongben Han and Xiaolan.

Xiaolan nodded shyly.

She knew what was going to happen next, but she was already prepared for it.

"Do you know? Xiaolan, I fell deeply in love with you from the first time I met you! I never dared to reveal my true feelings until today, when I realized that we have always loved each other! Sorry, I am late!"

"Don't say that, you are not wrong."Xiaolan turned around and said to Gongben Han, her eyes full of affection and tenderness.

Xiaolan wanted to speak, but Gongben Han had already blocked her mouth.

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