Xiaolan, who was standing next to Conan, had the same idea as Conan. Looking at Miyamoto Han at this time, she seemed to see the shadow of Kudo Shinichi in him.

"Shinichi, if you were here, you would be able to see the truth quickly!"Ran's eyes were filled with tears. She couldn't help but hug Conan beside her and said very weakly. At this moment, Ran looked so pitiful that people couldn't help but want to protect her.

Kudo Shinichi, who had turned into Conan, couldn't help but want to tell her the truth when he heard what Xiaolan said, but soon, he held back. He didn't want Xiaolan to be involved in the crisis.

But what Kudo Shinichi didn't know was that after he became small and moved into Xiaolan's house, he had already involved them in the crisis. It was just that he was stubborn and hadn't realized it yet.

Miyamoto Han didn't pay attention to Xiaolan and Conan at this time. At this time, he was asking Inspector Megure to let his men investigate some things.

Inspector Megure would certainly not have any objection to Miyamoto Han's arrangement at this time. He didn't even ask any more questions, and immediately asked his men to investigate.

He still had many doubts about this case, so he continued to chase Miyamoto Han and asked,"What's wrong with these doubts you mentioned? Regarding the air conditioner, didn't Yoko Okino forget to turn it off when she went out?"

The air conditioner temperature was quite high. He noticed it from the beginning, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He simply thought that it was because Okino Yoko forgot to turn off the air conditioner, but he never thought about the connection between the abnormality of the air conditioner and this incident.

"Why do I feel like I've heard these doubts somewhere before?"Mouri Kogoro was a little confused. At this moment, he didn't remember that Conan had mentioned these words just now, but at that time, Conan's words were regarded as children's nonsense by them and were directly ignored.

However, Mouri Kogoro is usually a confused guy, and soon he stopped entangled in these things.

Miyamoto Han continued to explain to them:"In fact, the key to solving these doubts is the method of murder. The neatly placed chairs in the messy room, the water stains on the ground, the sunken holes in the floor, and the abnormally high temperature of the air conditioner, if these are connected together"

"How is it?" Inspector Megure and Maori Kogoro consciously cooperated.

"This is the ice technique that often appears in detective novels. Fix the knife on the frozen ice, then turn up the temperature of the air conditioner, stand on the chair, and fall from behind to the knife fixed on the ice in one breath."

"What!"Everyone stared at Gong Benhan in amazement. At this time, they had roughly guessed who the real criminal was after hearing this, but they still found it hard to imagine.

"That's right, the real murderer of this closed room murder case is the deceased Fujie Akiyoshi himself. As for why the body was lying prone when it was found, I think he probably forced himself to do it in order to make the suicide look more like being murdered!"

"How could this happen? Why did he do this?"Okino Yoko couldn't believe that her ex-boyfriend could be so cruel. He wanted to commit suicide and even framed her before he died.

"Sister Yoko, I think Mr. Fujie must still love you deeply, so he would do such a thing."Looking at the sad Okino Yoko, Conan felt that he should tell her his thoughts.

"I think he wanted to reconcile with you, but for some reason, he had the idea of committing suicide. As for why he disguised the scene as a homicide, perhaps it was to make you remember him forever!"

Then Yamagishi Ei revealed the truth about their breakup. The police officer who went to Fujie Akiyoshi's residence to search came back with a report and brought Fujie Akiyoshi's diary. In the diary, he wrote about his reluctance to separate from Yoko, his deep love for Yoko, and his final plan to commit suicide to win back Yoko's love.

After reading this, everyone present was silent, and Yoko Okino cried sadly. Xiaolan, who was more sentimental, felt sympathy for Yoko Okino, and at the same time, she felt sorry for Fujie Akiyoshi's death.

Xiaolan couldn't help but say,"This is really a tragedy caused by misunderstanding. But Miss Yoko, Mr. Fujie must have loved you deeply when he died!"

Although due to the appearance of Miyamoto Kan, Ikezawa Yuko, who was supposed to be called to the scene because of the earring incident, did not show up, and of course the bloody plot of Fujie Yoshi being frustrated because of being rejected by the wrong person did not appear, but many people believe that the cause of the incident was that Okino Yoko's agent Yamagishi Ei took the initiative to break up Fujie Akiyoshi and Okino Yoko, which led to the tragedy.

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