The housekeeper showed him a way, and Hattori Heiji ran to the Japanese-style room downstairs without stopping.

The Japanese-style room was neatly decorated, and there were not many furniture in it, so it was clear at a glance.

Hattori Heiji searched the Japanese-style room inside and out as quickly as possible.

But he did not find the fishing line he wanted.

Just when he was a little disappointed, the trash can at the door attracted his attention.

He rushed over and poured out the contents of the trash can. He searched in the pile of garbage for a while.

Finally, he found the transparent fishing line.

Hattori Heiji smiled confidently.

It seems that I won this time! Hattori Heiji thought to himself.

Just when everyone was busy with the case, Hattori Heiji suddenly appeared at the door.

"I already know everything, I know the truth of the case!"

Inspector Megure and the others were shocked. This young man actually solved the case so quickly?

Inspector Megure glanced at Maori Kogoro with contempt.

He thought, this guy is too useless, isn't he? He was actually defeated by a yellow-haired boy.

Hattori Heiji walked into the room confidently,"Now, I'll show you the evidence!"

Miyamoto Han had just returned from the guest room at this time.

When passing in front of Hattori Heiji, this guy actually whispered:

"I'm sorry, it seems that I won this time. I already know the truth of the case. I'm afraid you guessed wrong this time!"


Miyamoto Han just gave him a thumbs up.

Hattori Heiji was furious. Did this guy really think of himself as a child? How could he be so perfunctory?

"Brother Hattori, since you already know the truth of the case, please hurry up!"

Inspector Megure urged

"Inspector Megure, could you please play the victim?"

""Huh~" Inspector Megure pointed at his nose,"I'm the victim?"

"Since the victim's body shape is similar to yours, it's most appropriate for you to play the victim." Hattori Heiji said with a smile.

Inspector Megure rolled his eyes, but still sat on the chair where the victim had sat before his death.

Hattori Heiji continued:"At the time of the crime, all the windows in this study were locked from the inside, and the only door that could be entered and exited was also locked with a key. This made it a closed-room murder case with no gaps!"

Hattori Heiji walked to the door,"But, in fact, this closed room that seems to have no gaps still has a hidden gap!"


A few fine lines appeared on Maori Xiaolang's forehead.

"That's right, it's that gap!" Hattori Heiji pointed to the gap between the door and the ground. Maori

Kogoro said speechlessly:"You don't mean to say that the criminal threw the key to the study into the victim's pocket from under this gap?"

Hattori Heiji pressed his hat,"You're right! Of course it's possible! Just use tape and the fishing line that I just found to tie the iron needles!"

He took out a circle of fishing line from his pocket.

A confident smile was on his face.

"Fishing, fishing line?"

Mouri Kogoro was even more confused. Hattori

Heiji came to Inspector Megure and squatted down.

At this time, Inspector Megure was lying on the ground pretending to be a victim.

"All the criminal had to do was thread the poison needle onto the fishing line, stab the needle into the victim's neck, and then snatch the victim's key.

Then he would pull out the fishing line with the iron needle tied to it, and then fix it by sticking the other end of the iron needle tied to the fishing line onto the tape.

Then he would stuff the fishing line with the iron needle into the victim's pocket, pass the fishing line through it, and finally let the victim sit on a chair, and let the victim pose with his hands on his cheeks as when the body was found.


Hattori Heiji said as he helped Inspector Megure onto the chair, and then pulled the fishing line to the door.

He continued,"Like this, you can pull the fishing line out of the door through the crack, then close the door, and then lock it."

He demonstrated and said,"Then tie the fishing line to the key, and then pull the fishing line over. In this way, the key will pass through the crack in the door, climb onto the table, and naturally fall into the victim's pocket."

It was just as he said. Following his demonstration, the key rolled smoothly into Inspector Megure's pocket.

"Then he just needs to pull hard! He can pull out the fishing line! Then he just needs to reel up the fishing line, and the evidence will disappear!"

Everything went smoothly, and Hattori Heiji opened the door,"In this way, a completely secret room is formed!"

Inspector Megure was fascinated by what he heard, and said hesitantly:"You are right!"

Hattori was so confident at this time!

He glanced at Miyamoto Han, then walked up to him and whispered:"If you still can't see through it, I will solve this case."

Miyamoto Han shrugged his shoulders,"As long as you can find the criminal, I don't care!"


Hattori shrugged his shoulders and said,"Just pretend! You're pretending to be calm, but you're actually pissed off! You weren't like this when you were playing a trick on me yesterday!"

""Brother Hattori, if that's the case, then who is the murderer?" Inspector Megure asked

"After killing the victim, it takes at least five to six minutes to complete this method, and the crime was committed from 3:30 to 4:00, within 30 minutes. The only one who can complete these methods is the old gentleman who came here at 2:00 and has been watching TV next to the study. Only you have time!"

The old gentleman was so shocked that he couldn't speak when he heard this, staring with eyes bigger than eggs.

Miyamoto Han had to admire this old man with good acting skills!

Hattori Heiji took out the fishing line just now while talking,"The evidence is the fishing line I found in your Japanese-style room to tie the iron needle!

This kind of fishing line is a special fishing line with the strongest endurance and thinnest among the new material fishing lines.

You can fish, so you shouldn't say you don't know it, right? And I remember that we met you on the stairs halfway to the study with Mrs.


In other words, you went to the Japanese-style room after committing the crime, and you must have thought you did it perfectly!

But I found this fishing line in the trash can in the Japanese-style room, which is the most powerful evidence!


"How is it? Is that so?" Hattori Heiji raised his voice.

At this moment, he seemed to have seen victory waving to him.

The result was just as Hattori Heiji expected. The old man actually bowed his head and confessed his guilt.

"That's right, it was me! I was the one who killed my son!"

The old man sighed to the sky, and Miyamoto Han wanted to give him a Best Actor Award or something.

"Old man, you are so old, and you are still so good at acting?"

Gong Benhan couldn't help clapping and jokingly said.

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