The building where the steel fell was an abandoned building.

Kogoro came to Miyamoto Han and the others, panting.

"What happened? Are you all right, Xiaolan?"

Mouri Kogoro looked Xiaolan up and down, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was fine.

"Dad, there's a case here!"

Xiaolan was still in shock.

Maori Kogoro quickly pushed his way out of the crowd and came to Miyamoto Han's side.

"What happened?"

Miyamoto Han shook his head."He's dead!"

"What's that next to it?"

Maori Kogoro pointed at the object on the ground.


But soon a woman in a red suit appeared at the entrance of the alley.

""Mr. Fujii!" the woman shouted with disbelief in her eyes. Obviously, she didn't expect that this man would die.

Kogoro Mori looked over and asked the woman,"Do you know this man?"

"Yes, he is Director Fujii of our company!"

"But how could it be?" The woman lowered her eyes.

"He's dead." Miyamoto Han stood up and walked to the woman."He must have seen the harmonica on the ground, so he was hit by the steel."

The woman covered her mouth in surprise."It's such a pity. By the way, Director Fujii also said that he would talk to the president at nine o'clock in the morning. I have to tell the president about this as soon as possible!"

Just as she was about to turn around and go upstairs, the man holding the telescope that Miyamoto Han had just seen appeared at the door.

This man had dark skin, but looked rich!

"Miss Mamu, what happened here?"

He walked towards the alley.

"Mr. Fujii……"The woman in red hesitated to speak

"What happened to him?" The man looked into the alley, and saw Fujii's body lying there quietly.

The man was shocked for a second, and quickly said to Miss Mamu:"Go and notify the Wanbaohao in front of the opposite building, and tell them to drive away!"

Miss Mamu was stunned for a moment, and the man quickly added:"The car will hinder the police from investigating the case! Go quickly!"

The Wanbaohao car was the one with a round mirror on it, parked on the side of the road, and Xiaolan had just looked at herself in the mirror there.

Miss Mamu was about to run to notify the people in the opposite building to drive the car away.

Before she ran two steps, she was stopped by Miyamoto Han.

"Wait, there's no need to go over and ask them to drive the car, don't destroy the scene!"

Miyamoto Han raised his voice.

Sure enough, when President Zhongshan heard what Miyamoto Han said, his face changed for a moment, but it quickly disappeared.

Miyamoto Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

This is called a guilty conscience!

"Let's drive the car away!"

President Nakayama was still struggling.

"Mr. President, why are you so persistent in driving the car away? Is there some inside story?"

Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses.

President Nakayama stopped talking immediately.

Conan looked at the conversation between the two people strangely. It was too strange. Why were these two people saying such meaningless words here?

But with Miyamoto Han's character, it must not be meaningless words, right?

Conan stroked his chin and fell into deep thought!

Soon, Inspector Megure and others arrived at the scene.

A cordon was set up at the entrance of the alley, and more than a dozen police officers were conducting an investigation here.

President Nakayama invited Inspector Megure and others to his office upstairs.

After several people took their seats, Inspector Megure began to question them.

"So, where were you when the crime happened?"

Nakayama Hidemasa put his feet together and gently placed his hands on his knees."I was in the office at the time, and Miss Mamu was in the secretary's office next door."

"Then what can prove that you were here at the time?"

Inspector Megure asked.

Nakayama Hidemasa frowned,"Officer, what does this mean?"

Inspector Megure said seriously:"Nothing, to be honest, after the incident, Mr. Mori asked people from your company to check the abandoned building next door!"

"That! I've heard of it! But it seems that no suspicious person has been found."

"That's what I said." Maori Kogoro also spoke,"But, I thought about it carefully, and I found that the steel could have been pushed down from the roof of your building!"

Inspector Megure looked at the transcript in his hand and said,"In this building, the third floor and above are everyone's company, and the first and second floors are rented by your cleaning company. Also, I just asked the building manager, because today is Sunday, all the companies upstairs are closed, except Mr. Nakayama and Ms. Mamu, no one else has been in this building. That's why we need your alibi!"

"That was really a headache! I was the only one in the office at that time!"

Nakayama Hidemasa crossed his arms and said,

"Miyamoto, why didn't you ask President Nakayama to move the car? Do you also think he is the criminal?"Conan asked in a low voice beside Miyamoto Han

"Can you please not ask such obvious questions?" Miyamoto Han knocked on Conan's head and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:"He wants to move the car away to cover up his crime!"

""Eh~ what does this mean?"

Conan was confused.

"You will know in a moment." said Miyamoto Han, keeping the secret.

"Do you already know this?" Conan suddenly raised his voice, and everyone looked at him.

"Hey! Kid! We are still doing business, don't make noise!"

Maori Kogoro raised his fist.

Xiaolan put a finger to her mouth,"Shh~ Conan, keep your voice down, Dad and the others are doing business!"

Conan twitched his mouth,"Hmm~"

""Do you already know it?" Conan lowered his voice and asked Miyamoto Han again.

Miyamoto Han nodded,"But we still lack a little evidence."

He raised his eyebrows, and the provocative meaning made Conan very unhappy.

""Damn it!" Conan turned his head back and cursed inwardly.

Why can a guy like Miyamoto Han always complete the reasoning before him as if he had predicted the future?

Is this guy a god?

For the first time, Conan began to doubt whether there really are gods in this world.

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