Miyamoto Han pointed at the damaged wall and asked,"Was it the same wall that was damaged twice?"

"Yes."Kuan Nian nodded,"We thought that the damaged wall was dug by Zhong Nian in order to escape from the training room, but the repairman said that it is absolutely impossible for humans to cause such damage! Only the Mist Tengu with ancient supernatural powers can easily do such a thing!"

Kuan Nian raised his voice.

Miyamoto Han just smiled. These people are really better at making up stories than Andersen!

Inspector Megure rolled his eyes and said,"There is no such monster in the world as Mist Tengu!"

On the other side, the police officer on the beam reported loudly,"Officer, this is the same as two years ago. Dust is clearly visible on the beams on both sides, and there is no sign of any contact. In addition, although the central beam has lost some dust, there is only a rope hanging on it, and there is no sign of dragging. It seems that this time is the same, it is a suicide case!"


Kogoro Mori asked.

Inspector Megure explained,"If it was murder, the criminal could climb to the top of the beam, but he couldn't carry the body to the center of the beam. Besides, the deceased host was tall, which made it even more impossible. So it can only be that the host took the rope and climbed to the center, put the rope on his head, and then jumped down from the beam.""

"Suicide?" Miyamoto Han questioned

"If it wasn't suicide, could it really be that the Mist Tengu floated in the air and hanged the host on the beam?"

Inspector Megure folded his arms and

"Inspector Megure, who would go to such great lengths to commit suicide? Destroy such a big hole in the wall, then climb up to such a high beam and jump down from it. If it were me, it would be easier to just jump down from the waterfall outside, right?"

"Moreover, take a look again. If the deceased really destroyed the wall himself, why is there no sawdust around the damaged wall? Why is it so smooth? Do you think that a person who wants to commit suicide will deliberately clean up the mess? Clean up?"

Miyamoto Han's questions made Inspector Megure and others a little dumbfounded.

Thinking about it this way, it is true, how could someone use such a complicated method of suicide, and what's with the smooth wall? It doesn't look like a hole made by humans or an axe!

"So Miyamoto, do you think he murdered her?"

Inspector Megure asked.

"Haha, it's not what I think, but this incident! It's basically a homicide!"

When Miyamoto Han said this, everyone present was shocked.

If this is really a homicide, then it means that Zhongnian's suicide two years ago can be completely overturned, because the method is basically the same, and it also proves that the police's judgment two years ago was completely wrong!

"Could it be that you already know this?" Inspector Megure took a step forward.

"Yes, lies are the shadow of the truth."

Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses.

At the call of Inspector Megure, everyone gathered around Miyamoto Han.

Conan felt frustrated. Why was Miyamoto Han able to solve the case so quickly every time? It was like he could predict the future!

"Inspector Megure, I know you have always wondered about one thing. If he was murdered, why is there no trace of rope on the beam?"


"In fact, it's not difficult at all. As long as the murderer and the host float in the air together, it can be done!"

Miyamoto Han shrugged his shoulders.

"Haha, Miyamoto, are you kidding me? The murderer is not Mist Tengu? How could he float in the air with a corpse?"

"Even if you are not a Mist Tengu, you can do it! Just fill this training room with water!"

"Fill it with water? How is this possible? Where does the water come from? And it is difficult to fill it with so much water without attracting your attention."

"The water source problem is very simple. Just use a wooden board to divert the water from the waterfall flowing through the corridor down from the skylight. This room has no gaps except the door and the skylight."

"Wooden planks? And a waterfall? Can this really be done?"

Inspector Megure expressed doubt again. Miyamoto

Han led Inspector Megure and others directly to the corridor next to the skylight.

"As you can see, there is a wooden board on the corridor. As long as we seal the gaps and openings with tape, we can form a water channel."

Miyamoto Han lifted the wooden board against the guardrail, pointed at the petals on it and continued,"As for the evidence that the murderer sealed it with tape, there are still some cherry blossom petals left where the tape was torn!"

Then Miyamoto Han inserted one end of the wooden board into the waterfall and the other end into the skylight. In everyone's surprised eyes, water poured from the waterfall into the skylight.

"This is how the murderer brought water into the room."

"But Miyamoto, if that were the case, wouldn't the murderer and the body be soaked in water? But there was no sign of moisture on the host."

"Inspector Megure, you are really a naughty blue cat with three thousand questions!"Miyamoto Han rolled his eyes,"As long as you use a rubber boat to carry the body, and then cover the body with a blanket, the body will not get wet. As for the rubber boat, I believe you monks who love to play at the beach should have one, right?"

Miyamoto Han asked Master Kuan Nian behind Inspector Megure.

Kuan Nian nodded. Miyamoto

Han continued:"When the murderer successfully delivered the body to the ceiling, the water flow was parallel to the ceiling, so the water level would not rise anymore, and at that time, the murderer put a rope around the neck of the host, and then hung the host in the center of the beam.

After that, the murderer swam out of the skylight and came to the wall that had just been repaired two years ago.

He attacked the wall with an axe.

Because of the high-pressure water flow, as long as a normal adult has the strength, the water can break through the wall, so it created such a big hole!


Inspector Megure asked quickly:"So, who is the person who committed this murder?"

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