Kogoro Mouri squatted down in front of the quilt, tied up the quilt with a belt, cut a length of about twenty meters from the fishing line, and made the fishing line into a circular coil.

Then use this coil as a rope.

He first passed the rope through the belt,"Just like this, now assume that the quilt is the deceased, pass the rope through the belt, and then pull one end to the balcony railing, then go around the railing and put the rope loop around the flower pot on the ground, and you, Inspector Megure, will operate the other end, just pull it to the door and put it on the landline!"

Kogoro Mouri picked up the quilt on the ground, and then threw the quilt over the balcony railing along the line.

Everyone was surprised to find that the quilt was actually fixed outside the railing.

"Inspector Megure, you can loosen the rope on the phone now, then put the rope loop on the nail on the ground, close the door, and put the nail in the crack of the door!"

Inspector Megure did it one by one. On the other hand, Hanaoka Kaneto's face became darker and darker.

His breathing became louder and louder!

"Detective Maori! If it is as you said, then where is the fishing line? Why can't I see it?"

Hanaoka Kaneto raised his voice and asked

"Am I going to show you how to make the fishing line disappear automatically?"

Maori Kogoro put another fishing line on the belt of the quilt, and then pulled the other end of the fishing line into the sewer on the balcony. He put the rope loop on the soy sauce bottle and threw the soy sauce bottle into the sewer.

"Now, Inspector Megure, you can open the door!"

At Kogoro's command, Inspector Megure grasped the handle and twisted it slightly, and the door suddenly opened.

The bundle of quilts on the balcony fell rapidly under the action of gravity!

The fishing line was also pulled into the sewer under the gravity of the soy sauce bottle.

The flower pot fell to the ground and shattered, and the fragments extended all the way to the sewer due to the drag of the fishing line!

"All Mr. Hanaoka has to do next is make a phone call and ask the courier to come to his house at 8:30!"

Everything is exactly the same as the original scene!

Everyone was stunned!

It turns out that this is the real method of murder!

Seeing his method being exposed openly, Kaneto Hanaoka felt so uncomfortable,"Even so, you have no evidence to prove that the murderer is me! Besides, didn't you and I receive the call from Chou Ye at the same time? The staff can also testify!"

"The staff only heard two sentences from Miss Dieye, and then you snatched the phone away. So those two sentences can be recorded by phone. And I also said that Miss Dieye is your lover, so it is easy to get her phone number. You just need to use her phone to call the company and then use the recording!"

"Where is the evidence!!!" Hanaoka Kaneto roared,"Don't speculate about others without evidence!"

"The evidence is on your feet!" Kogoro Mouri said calmly,"Mr. Hanaoka, can you take off your shoes now?"

"Take them off, I'll do anything to prove my innocence!" Hanaoka Kaneto's eyes widened, and he sat on the ground and took off his shoes and socks.

"Take off both feet!"

Hanaoka Kaneto did as he was told.

When Hanaoka Kaneto took off the sock on the other foot, he was shocked and hesitated!

"What's wrong? Mr. Hanaoka, have you noticed it now? It's just a little too late, right? You didn't expect it yourself, did you? Ms. Chou Ye painted her own unique butterfly logo on your toenail, using the new nail polish!"

Hanaoka Kaneto's eyes widened!

"How could it be? That bitch,"

Hanaoka's eyes were blank.

Everything is over!

Hanaoka Kaneto bowed his head and confessed his guilt.

Maori Kogoro once again convinced everyone with his famous reasoning!

""Okay! Brother Maori!" Inspector Megure slapped Maori Kogoro's back vigorously.

"You didn't fall asleep this time. It seems that you have to change your nickname of Sleeping Kogoro in the future!"

The two were joking when the phone in Inspector Megure's pocket suddenly rang.

"Moses MosesOh, it's Shinichi, what's going on?"

"Inspector Megure, I told Conan, you are stumped by a case, right?"

In a telephone booth on a street corner, Conan used the bow-tie voice changer to change into Kudo Shinichi's voice and called Inspector Megure.

He glanced at his watch, secretly anxious in his heart, he must catch up!

Can't let Mr. Hanaoka slip away, if he finds evidence to prove that he is the murderer, he will be cleaned up!

"Shinichi, the case has been solved!"

"Inspector Megure, listen to me! Miss Chou Ye's fall from the building was definitely not suicide, but homicide. The murderer is"

"Kaneto Hanaoka has pleaded guilty!"


Conan blinked his eyes and asked hurriedly:"Was it the young man named Miyamoto Han who broke it?"

"Haha, this is beyond your expectation! Was it Brother Maori who solved the case?"


"Yes, this time Brother Maori didn't fall asleep while solving the case like usual, which makes me very uncomfortable!"

Inspector Megure teased.

Conan was about to faint. He ran so far just to make such a phone call, and he actually solved the case?

Conan said, are you going to let him live?

——————————————————————————————————————————Perspective dividing line——————————————————————————————————————————-

Miyamoto Han received a celebrity invitation letter in his mailbox, which probably invited celebrities from all walks of life to come to

"Han, did you also receive such an invitation letter?"

Xiaolan came to Miyamoto Han with a cup of coffee,"I remember my dad also received such an invitation letter yesterday"

"Uncle Maori also received it?"


"Lan, are you ready to go?"

"As long as you go, of course I will go too!"

Xiao Lan put the coffee on the table, took Miyamoto Han's arm and said coquettishly

"What a clingy guy!" Miyamoto Han rubbed her head.

Xiaolan turned her head away,"Huh, if you don't want me to go with you, then I won't go."

"Idiot." Miyamoto Han kissed Xiaolan on the cheek, and then put his arm around her waist. Xiaolan immediately slipped into Miyamoto Han's arms.

"If I don't take you with me, who else can I take with me?"

"By the way, does the invitation say that we are leaving on the same day? I remember that they seemed to invite different people in batches."

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