Conan looked at Miyamoto Han with even more confusion. It was absolutely impossible that this incident was committed by an outsider!

"Oh, I remember there was another person who wasn't watching the porn in the screening room at that time!" Dr. Agasa suddenly spoke up, with a thoughtful look on his face.

""It seems to be Mr. Ando, right?" Yoko said behind Miyamoto Han.

Everyone turned their eyes to Ando.

"Hey! You guys don't think I killed Producer Kamei?" Anda pointed at himself.

"Mr. Anda, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, please tell us truthfully where you were at the time of the incident."

"Officer, I just saw something strange inside the studio while watching the pornographic film, so I wanted to check it out! That's all! And I was out of the screening room for only four or five minutes!"

"Anda was only gone for four or five minutes!" Ms. Youmei testified.

"If there are only four or five minutes, putting on a set of props, killing the victim, and then running to the rooftop to throw the clothes down, the time is indeed not enough!"Inspector Megure nodded.

"Uncle Anda, who put the paint here?" Conan pointed at the paint spilled on the ground and asked.

"I'm also wondering"Anda hugged his hands helplessly

"" Didn't you, Anda, put that bucket of paint here at noon?" Youmei asked with a frown.

Anda glanced at Youmei, and his expression changed slightly. He immediately scratched his head and said,"Yes, I put that bucket of paint on the set at noon, and I forgot about it!"

"Really!" Inspector Megure rolled his eyes at Anda.

"Uncle Anda, why doesn't Mr. Matsui watch porn with you?" Conan asked again

"How should I know?" Anda curled his lips,"Maybe he is not interested anymore?"

"Not interested?"

Director Mikami came over with a smile,"Because Matsui himself said that he was tired of playing Godzilla, and producer Kamei had already discussed with him about the male lead of the next TV series and invited him to play it."


Wait a minute!

Conan suddenly thought of something.

A confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,"If that's the case, then the murderer must be that person!"

"Now we just need to find one thing in the warehouse! If there is such a thing,"Conan's glasses glowed!

Miyamoto Han carefully observed the changes in Conan's expression. It seemed that this kid already knew the"truth" of the matter!

So let him be! Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses and smiled.

Soon, Conan came back from the warehouse with his hands in his trouser pockets and a confident smile on his face.

After a few furtive conversations with Dr. Agasa, Conan took out the butterfly voice changer that he would take out every time he made a deduction.

Conan hid behind Dr. Agasa and adjusted the voice changer.

"Inspector Megure, I already know the truth of the matter!"

Beside the model, Dr. Agasa suddenly said loudly

""Huh? Really? Then first explain to me how the murderer disappeared from the rooftop?" Inspector Megure asked loudly.

"Ahem, that's because the murderer used virtual technology!"Dr. Agasa said?

""Huh?" Inspector Megure was speechless!

"Hey, Doctor, you don't have to talk!" Conan whispered behind Dr. Agasa.

"That was just a joke!" Conan spoke again in the voice of Dr. Agasa.

"Then tell me now!" Inspector Megure rolled his eyes at him.

"In fact, the murderer never went up to the rooftop. The children who followed him only saw the murderer before the corridor turned. After that, the children didn't know whether the murderer went up the stairs or not."

"But there were indeed footprints on the stairs! How do you explain this?"

"Those footprints, as long as the murderer painted them beforehand! But the murderer only painted them on the staircase. After reaching the staircase, the murderer quickly took off his props, went downstairs to the room and threw the props out of the window! The best evidence is that there are traces of Godzilla's tail dragging in the corridor, but not on the stairs!"

"But the murderer didn't even know what color paint was used in the set? How could he have painted the footprints in advance? Is that right, Adachi?" Sakaguchi Tomomi turned around and asked

"Yes, I put that kind of paint in the set at noon, how could the murderer know it in advance?"

Inspector Megure rolled his eyes at Dr. Agasa again,"Are you capable of this? This kind of reasoning is completely self-contradictory!"

"The real contradiction should be the testimonies of Miss Sakaguchi and Mr. Adachi! What they said was simply a lie to cover up the murderer!"

"Lies?"Inspector Megure was shocked, and Sakaguchi Tomomi and Adachi also subconsciously took a step back.

"Because the murderer put the bucket of paint into the set when he committed the crime, just to paint his footprints on the stairs!"

"How can they say they know who the murderer is?"Inspector Megure pointed at the two and asked

"Yes! I guess Ms. Sakaguchi knew who the murderer was when she saw Godzilla in the corridor!"

"So who is the murderer?"

"The murderer is someone no one expected! That person is Mr. Matsui! That's right! The murderer is you! Mr. Matsui!"

""Nonsense! How could Brother Matsui escape wearing such a heavy costume when he was so badly injured?" Anda cursed.

"What if the wound on his leg was not inflicted before the murder?"

"Could that wound be?" Inspector Megure suddenly���Shake shoulders

"The wound above the knee was caused by Mr. Matsui who returned to the warehouse door and cut it with a knife after throwing away the prop costume!"

"What was the wound that the children saw?"

"I thought, maybe it was a fake wound made with blood? That kind of thing should be easy to fake for someone who has been acting for many years!"

"But didn't the kids run to the filming site immediately after hearing the noise? The warehouse is only about a corridor away from the filming site?" Inspector Megure asked.

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