The group arrived at a small supermarket across the street.

The salesperson was a young lady, probably a college student who came here to do odd jobs.

When she saw so many police officers appear at the door of the supermarket, she panicked.

"Hello, miss. Did you hear any strange noises here an hour ago?"Miyamoto Han stepped forward to ask.

The young lady said nervously,"It seemed like something fell from the Dabao Building opposite, and then there was the sound of a police car! Could someone have jumped off the building?"

"Haven't you gone out to see it?"

"If you leave without permission during work hours, you will be fired by your boss."

Miyamoto Han nodded,"Okay, it's okay. I see there is a camera at the entrance of your supermarket. Will it capture the Dabaolou across the street?"

The girl touched her chin and replied,"I don't know about that, because it's not my job to check the surveillance normally, but the surveillance can be checked in the warehouse manager's room."

Under the guidance of the girl, Miyamoto Han and others came to the warehouse manager's room.

Because it's the weekend and there are a lot of people, all the surveillance at the door was turned on.

With the manager's consent, Inspector Megure and several young police officers started the search.

"Found it!"Just when everyone was busy and exhausted, an older police officer shouted.

Everyone gathered around.

The surveillance went back more than ten seconds, and the policeman clicked the play button,"The surveillance camera captured a person throwing the prop costume out of the window at that moment!"

Everyone watched with bated breath, and the picture finally played to that moment!


Inspector Megure ordered.

The scene was paused at the moment when the murderer threw the prop costume out of the window.


"Zoom in again!"


"this"Inspector Megure widened his eyes and took a step back.

"Isn't this Ikuta?"

Conan was also shocked!

Ikuta was the person who died in the previous night road murder case!!

"Is it a ghost claiming my life?" the older police officer asked in a low voice.

"Idiot! You are a policeman!"

Inspector Megure glared at him fiercely, and the policeman shut his mouth awkwardly.

But he couldn't deny it now!

The man in the picture was none other than Ikuta who died a few days ago!

It was unbelievable!

Conan was so shocked that his jaw almost dislocated.

Ayumi pulled Conan's clothes,"Conan, are there really ghosts in this world?"

"Idiot! How can there be such a thing!!"Conan cursed, almost scaring Ayumi to tears!

"Hey, Conan, how dare you be so mean to Ayumi!" Genta looked at him angrily.

But Conan didn't have time to pay attention to these little ghosts at this time. He was panting and it was unbelievable!

But he quickly changed his mind and wondered if it was some kind of makeup or disguise.

His mother also knew this kind of disguise, but there were probably no one who knew how to disguise herself.

Conan turned his eyes to Miyamoto Han, but Miyamoto Han was with Ayumi and the others when he committed the murder, so it was impossible for him to run over there and abandon the prop costume!

Did he help Mr. Matsumoto put on makeup?

But if he put on makeup, it would take at least a lot of time to get to that level. It's impossible to kill someone and put on makeup in that time!

"Damn it!" Conan put his hands in his hair and grabbed it randomly!

"It seems that this case is a bit tricky!" Inspector Megure pressed his hat,"Forget it, let's go back to the police station first! Re-examine this case! I don't believe that the dead can come back to life and kill people!"

Several police officers copied the surveillance video and returned to the police station with lingering fear.

Conan was so depressed that he exploded. For a materialistic person like him, how could ghosts exist in the world?

But the only thing he can be sure of now is that Miyamoto Han must be related to this matter!

Looking at his strange behavior today, Conan just can't find any handle on him!

"Everyone from the Junior Detective Team, it's getting late today. If you don't go home, won't your mother be worried?"

While Conan was in a daze, Miyamoto Han suddenly said to them

"Really? I'm so hungry! Yuan Tai touched his stomach.

"If I don't go back, Ayumi's mother will be angry!" Ayumi said worriedly

"Let's go, I'll drive you back?"

"No need, Dr. Agasa is driving today, we will go back in the doctor's car!" Mitsuhiko replied

"Hey Miyamoto, can I take your car back home?" Conan put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at Miyamoto Han seriously.

""Okay." Miyamoto Han shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Miyamoto Han first drove Yoko back to the crew, and then drove Conan to the Maori Detective Agency.

"Did you do this on purpose?" Conan said suddenly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"Miyamoto Han stopped at the red light.

"Deliberately let me make a false argument and then refute me?"

"Not necessarily!"Miyamoto Han curled his lips

"Not necessarily? What does that mean?"

"If what you said is the correct reasoning, then I can't refute you."

"Well"Conan is speechless

"What's up with that surveillance video?"

"Which one?"

"Of course it’s the surveillance video of Ikuta in the supermarket. Did you do anything in it?"

"Hey, Kudo, do you really think I'm a god?" Miyamoto said with a cold smile. At this time, the green light came on and the car slowly moved forward.

"Ikuta is dead! How could he kill someone? You obviously led us to watch that video on purpose, didn't you?��

"Maybe there really are cases of ghosts seeking revenge in this world. No one can say for sure, right?"

"But do Ikuta and Kamei know each other?"

"I don't know about that!" Miyamoto Han said indifferently. He didn't believe Conan could find evidence.

Conan rolled his eyes. Damn, this guy is so roundabout!

After all, it's just three words:

I don't know!

"Forget it, even if you don't tell me, I will find out the truth!" Conan said loudly

"I wish you good luck in advance, Detective Kudo"


"Conan, you kid, you went out for a whole day and didn't even call back!" In the Maori Detective Agency, Xiaolan put her hands on her hips, angrily looked at Conan and scolded

"Han, how about we have dinner here?"

"No, Xiaolan, I have something to deal with tonight, so I won't bother you."

Miyamoto Han came out of the Maori Detective Agency and drove to Dabaolou.

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