""Sister Xiaolan?"

Conan called out awkwardly.

"You kid, you said you were going to the toilet, but you didn't show up for half an hour. I was so worried about you!" Xiaolan put her hands on her hips and scolded

"I'm sorry, Xiaolan. By the way, Xiaolan, aren't you angry at all that Miyamoto-san went to see Kamijou-san?"

Conan asked the biggest question of his life.

"And what about what happened with Sister Sachiko last time? Isn’t Sister Xiaolan also angry?"

"How could I be angry? And Conan, you are still a child, don't ask questions that adults would worry about, okay?"

Xiaolan said angrily.

Conan nodded obediently.

The night was very quiet. As Miyamoto Han said, the wind began to get stronger at night. The princess style is very popular in Izu Hotel this season.

Some people are still outside enjoying the cool breeze.

A scream cut through the sky.

When everyone looked at the source of the sound, they saw only a horrifying scene.

The man in the costume of the Duke of Darkness was pierced by the gun of the knight statue.���Neck!

Blood was all over the ground.

At the Izu Grand Hotel, local police officer Yokomizo drove to the crime scene as soon as he received the report. He also set up a security line at the scene.

In room 2102,

Miyamoto Han naturally heard the scream.

""Miss Kamijou, let's go and take a look together." Miyamoto Han waved his hand. Kamijou

Hideko let out a breath and said,"Okay, let's go."

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Miyamoto Han saw Conan, the little devil, wandering around the corpse.

As soon as Kamijou Hideko saw the corpse, tears couldn't stop falling, and her hands were shaking slightly.

Miyamoto Han grabbed her hand,"Don't be sad, everyone has to die."

The deceased was her ex-husband, Ehara Tokio, the wretched uncle.

Miyamoto Han crossed the security line and stood in front of the corpse.

The police station in Shizuoka was in charge of this case, and the police officer transferred was Officer Yokomizo

"I remember you seem to be Mr. Miyamoto, right?" As soon as Yokomizo saw Miyamoto Han, he felt a lot less pressure. With such a god-level person present, the case will be solved in minutes!

"Hello, Officer Yokomizo. But I remember you are from the Saitama Prefectural Police Department, right?"

"I was transferred to the Shizuoka Police Station last month. If Mr. Miyamoto and Conan are here, then the famous detective Mr. Mori must be here too!" Yokomizo looked at the crowd.

"My dad is drunk!" Xiaolan came over with Maori Kogoro on her side.

"Do you know the deceased?" Yokogami asked

"This is Mr. Jiang Yuan Shi Nan who joined the tour with us."Xiaolan told Officer Yokomizo the whole story, including why they joined the travel agency.

Officer Yokomizo nodded and said,"So it seems that the deceased is the organizer, the Dark Night Duke? But did he commit suicide or was it an accident? Mr. Maori, what do you think?"

Maori Kogoro was almost sober and said,"I think it's probably because he wanted to pretend to be the Dark Night Duke and go downstairs to scare others, but he climbed to the balcony and accidentally fell from the upstairs."

"But uncle, that's the 27th floor. No one would be stupid enough to climb down from such a high place to scare others, right?" Conan looked up at the building and said

"Also correct"Maori Kogoro touched his chin and said,"No! You little brat, do I need you to remind me?" Maori Kogoro hit Conan on the head with a chestnut.

Conan cried out in pain and rolled his eyes.

""Mr. Miyamoto, what do you think?" Yokomizo asked

"I think we might as well go to Jiang Yuan Shi's room and see if we can find something!"

The group came to room 2101, which was the room where Jiang Yuan Shi's death was.

But when Officer Yokomizo tried to open the door, it was locked from the inside with an anti-theft lock.

"It seems this is a secret room!" said Maori Kogoro

"The lock can only be opened with an electric saw!"Under the order of Officer Yokomizo, the police took out an electric saw and cut open the anti-theft lock.

There was a set of clothes in the middle of the room, which was exactly the clothes that Jiang Yuan Shinan wore during the day!

The hand-sliding door leading to the balcony was also open, and the wind blew in, blowing the curtains everywhere.

Maori Kogoro went to the balcony to check it out.

"I think this should be a simple accident!" Maori Kogoro leaned over the railing, pointed at the white glove stuck in the middle of the railing and said:"Look, his glove is still stuck on the railing. It must be because he accidentally fell from the upstairs, and then he tried to grab the railing in a panic, but failed in the end."

There was no more useful information upstairs, so Maori Kogoro and others came to the deceased again.

"This must be an accident!" Maori Kogoro said with certainty

"I don't think this was an accident!" Conan squatted down beside the body, then pointed at the body's tie and said,"Look, what's strange about this tie?"

Everyone gathered around, and Officer Yokomizo immediately saw the clue!

"thisThe tie seems to be tied backwards, right? A normal person wouldn't tie it that way!"

"Maybe this is a matter of his personal habits!" said Maori Kogoro

"But uncle, I have a tie that Mr. Jiang Yuan left in the restaurant. He ties it the same way as normal people do!"

Conan took out the tie from behind and handed it to Maori Kogoro.

"In this case, this piece of clothing must have been put on him by someone else!" Officer Yokomizo said

"In this case, it is necessary to make an alibi!"

Officer Yokomizo took out his criminal investigation notes and gathered all the people from the Izu Travel Agency.

With the help of the hotel, the police quickly got a vacant room to use as a criminal investigation room.

"Mr. Maeda, can you explain where you were around ten o'clock?"

"I was at the observation deck, enjoying the night view."

"Did anyone see it?"

"I remember Miss Xiaolan was also at the observation deck, so I went over to say hello."

"So when did you leave the Lookout?"

"It was probably after ten o'clock. Xiaolan left earlier than me, so she should still remember it!"

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