As soon as Maori Kogoro saw her movements, he ran over and snatched the suitcase from her hand! Nakayama Eiko was not willing to compromise and yelled,"Hey, Mr. Maori, even if you are a detective, you have no right to interfere with other people's privacy!"

"You are a suspect now, stop talking to me about privacy! Let go!"

Maori Kogoro increased the strength in his hand, and the suitcase flew to the corner because of the strong pulling of the two people.

Due to the great impact, the suitcase was broken.

Conan quickly got through the crowd and squatted near the suitcase to observe.

Miyamoto Han also walked over and picked up Conan,"Edogawa, don't run around casually, what if you break your leg?"

Conan's face was immediately full of black lines. It has been a long time since he heard these lines.

Miyamoto Han took out a few pieces of light yellow paper from the suitcase and came to Maori Kogoro.

"Uncle Maori, this seems to be the same material as the paper used in the threatening letter!"

Maori Kogoro nodded and stared at Nakayama Eiko with a sharp look,"Ms. Nakayama Eiko, do you have anything to say now? You are the murderer, right?"

"Miss Nakayama, if you can't explain this piece of paper, we'll have to ask you to come to the police station to explain the whole story!" Inspector Megure waved his hand, and several young police officers came over,"Take Miss Nakayama away!"

"Hey! Don't touch me!" Nakayama Eiko shook off the hands of several policemen who came over and raised her voice and said,"I admit that I wrote the threatening letter! But I only wrote this letter because I was jealous of Oide Shoko! I didn't kill her!"

"Haha, I really don't believe that! It was you who brought the water over in the first place! Maori Kogoro stared at her and said

"This is ridiculous! There is no way I could poison the water!"

"Why? You brought the water!"

"Bullshit, the water was in Tateoka's hand before that! I took the cup from Tateoka when I got on the stage!" Nakayama Eiko pointed at Tateoka who was stunned and roared.

It must be said that this trick of diverting attention was very clever. Everyone's spearhead was immediately pointed at Tateoka Junichi who was confused next to him, with beads of sweat on his face!

"Officer, I didn't kill her! And I had no reason to kill her!"

"Really? Didn't you have a quarrel with Xiangzi a few days ago over the safety issues on the stage?"Director Benmu said suddenly

"Yes!" The male lead Yuichi Ueda also echoed

"Director, you really have the nerve to say that. If that's the case, don't you often quarrel with Xiangzi over scripts and acting? In my opinion, your motive for committing a crime is the biggest!"

"Don't laugh either!" Tateoka pointed at the male lead and said,"Isn't it because Xiangzi has become so popular recently that she wants to break up with you as her boyfriend? And she often calls you useless in private! In my opinion, you are the one who hates Xiangzi the most!"

Before the police started questioning, these people started fighting among themselves. Each of them had their own reasons!

"Hey, hey, stop arguing!!"Inspector Megure yelled, and the others immediately quieted down.

"Ha haIt's still the same! Megure, Kogoro, I don't know how you got to where you are today?"

Shiota Heihachiro laughed in the audience.

"Yantian SeniorDo you have any idea?"

"Woman! The murderer is a woman!"Yantian replied with a smile

"Could it be another ridiculous excuse like 'Behind every crime there is a woman'?" Miyamoto Han held his chin up.

"Miyamoto boy, you still understand me the best! Haha"

"I shouldn't have asked him!" Miyamoto Han muttered to himself.

He actually thought that Shiota Heihachiro was playing dumb so he kept testing him, but now it seems that this man is most likely confused after getting old!

Miyamoto Han walked away from Shiota Heihachiro and came to the center of the stage.

"Uncle Maori"Miyamoto Han looked at the beam,"Don't you think the star decoration on the beam is a bit strange?"

Maori Kogoro followed Miyamoto Han's line of sight and looked at the beam. There was indeed a crooked star on the beam, as if someone had deliberately pulled it before!

Maori Kogoro touched his chin and showed a thoughtful expression.

After a long time, he said:"This theater is really not up to standard. They can't even decorate the stage!"

Miyamoto Han really wanted to faint after hearing what he said.

He originally wanted to remind Maori Kogoro to let him show his prowess in front of his master!

Unexpectedly, Maori Kogoro seemed to be confused!

"I just heard the staff say in the backstageThere is a term on the stage called standing position! Once the standing position is set, the position of the actors cannot be changed. This star decoration seems to be on a standing position."

Miyamoto Han felt that his reminder was already very explicit

"Position?" Maori Kogoro once again showed a thoughtful expression,"I really don't understand these guys, why do they have to do all these troublesome things?"

Miyamoto Han stroked his forehead with his hand, it seems that he has to make a scene himself?

"Wait!!"Mouri Kogoro straightened his back immediately and said,"StandStar decorationsFixed?"

Maori Kogoro looked up at the beam and ran to the place where the deceased fell before checking.

"This star decoration is located right above here, but if you use that method? It should make some sounds!" Maori Kogoro shook his head slightly.

"Wow! Why are there so many spider silks on the stage?" Miyamoto Han patted his shoulders and collar, pretending to complain.

"Spider silk? Spider silk? That's right.Just use this!" Maori Kogoro stood up

"That’s why the star decoration is crooked!"

"Inspector Megure, I already know the truth of the matter!"

Mouri Kogoro shouted loudly to Inspector Megure behind him.

"Oh? Really? Maori brotherBut why didn't you fall asleep this time? I'm not used to you being like this!"

"Ahem, Inspector Megure, people always need to change!"

"All right then! I'm all ears!" Then Inspector Megure whispered into Kogoro Mori's ear:"Brother Mori, the most important thing this time is to tell Master Shiota, you have to perform well for me! Don't embarrass us!"

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