The next morning, Nishitani got up early, packed up, and was about to go to work.

As soon as he walked out of the room and into the living room, he saw Miyamoto Han busy in the kitchen.

"I didn't expect that he would actually get up early to make snacks for me!"

Xigu was a little surprised and walked towards the kitchen in small steps.

This luxurious kitchen naturally shocked Xigu!

He had never seen such a clean and tidy kitchen!

Moreover, the kitchen was spacious and bright, with the characteristics of a high-end restaurant kitchen!

"Mr. Miyamoto"

She cried faintly

"I didn't expect you to get up so early. Wait a moment, my snacks will be ready soon! Just sit in your seat and wait for a while!"

Nishitani was about to speak, but when he saw Miyamoto Han's serious look, he closed his mouth very consciously and sat down on the sofa in the living room obediently.

Bored, he turned on the TV program and watched it for about ten minutes. Miyamoto Han stepped out of the kitchen with two large plates of snacks.

When Nishitani saw the snacks with excellent appearance, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Just from the appearance of the snacks, this kind of small cake wrapped in dark chocolate and decorated with some fruits makes people happy!

The other plate looked like a biscuit, but she had never seen it!

Miyamoto Han handed her a fork and said,"This is pineapple cake!"

Nishitani took a bite of the pineapple cake, and the biscuit quickly melted on her tongue. The taste of eggs and butter instantly filled her taste buds.

Although it is a biscuit, it is not dry!

Nishitani quickly gave a thumbs up,"Mr. Miyamoto, you are simply amazing! The pastry chefs in our store may not have your ability!"

"It's just so-so, but it should be no problem if I teach you!" Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses.

"Not only is there no problem, it’s more than enough!"

"Try this cake again, I guarantee you will be even more surprised!"

Nishiya quickly set her sights on the cake in front of her. This cake looked similar to the ones in the store, but she didn't know how it tasted different from the dark chocolate cake in the store!

Nishitani suddenly felt a little excited!

She stretched out her fork, gently scraped off a small piece of cake, and chewed it carefully in her mouth.

In addition to the unique sweetness of dark chocolate, there was also the flavor of apples and strawberries melted in the chocolate. These flavors blended together, which could only be described as magical! Nishitani widened her eyes. She felt that Mr. Miyamoto should be the only one in the world who could make such a delicious dish!

"Do you want to learn?"Miyamoto Han asked suddenly, with his hands on the table.

Nishitani nodded vigorously, then shook his head and said,"This must be the result of your many years of research, right? I still want to explore it myself!"

"No problem, you can always come and ask me if you want to learn!" Miyamoto said with a smile

"Good!" Nishitani suddenly put down his fork,"I don't know when I can realize my dream and open a dim sum shop of my own?"

"I believe it will be soon!" Miyamoto Han winked at her,"Have confidence in yourself! By the way, I'll take you to the snack shop this morning!"

"How can I trouble you again? I'll just take the subway by myself!"Xi Gu waved his hand quickly

"I told you not to be so polite!"

"But it will delay your work, right?"

"I'm just a writer, I have flexible working hours, you don't have to worry! Instead, it's your own personal safety. That bastard is a mad dog. If he does something to you on the road, I'll have worked in vain!"

"Thank you for your help!"

Miyamoto Han drove Nishitani to the dim sum restaurant safely, but he didn't see Nagai along the way. He didn't know if he was hiding in some dark corner and peeping!

After sending Nishitani to the dim sum restaurant, Miyamoto Han did not drive home directly, but drove to Nishitani's home.

Although he verbally dissuaded Miss Nishitani from killing her, it did not mean that he did not have the intention to kill Nagai!

The reason why he admonished Nishitani was because he did not want Nishitani's hands, which were used to make dim sum to fulfill her dream, to be stained with Nagai's dirty blood!

As soon as he arrived at Nishitani's house, Miyamoto Han saw that Nishitani's door had been pried open.

It seems that the perverted Nagai had come back and opened the door again during the period from last night to today. Fortunately, he took Nishitani back home last night, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable!

"System, I want to find the exact location of a person now, please tell me quickly!"

"Master, I am receiving your brain waves.AnalyzingThe analysis was successful! The person the master is looking for is now in the Mika Electronics Factory. The exact location of this person will be projected to the master's retina, and the master can go there by himself!"

Soon, a red cursor appeared in front of Miyamoto Han's eyes, and there was also a location mark, just like a navigation system implanted in his head!

Under the guidance of the system, Miyamoto Han came to the Mika Electronics Factory.

This is a large factory. If Miyamoto Han remembers correctly, Nagai's father seems to be the owner of this factory. Usually Nagai has no worries about food and clothing, so he has developed a habit of idleness!

But this habit caused a girl who was originally chasing her dreams to almost suffer from depression!

Miyamoto Han will never easily forgive such a scumbag!

He will definitely make Nagai pay the corresponding price for his actions!

This price may be death!

Miyamoto Han thought about it, the best way is to try to create an accident and let Nagai die in the accident!

At this time, Nagai was still in an office in the factory

"You kid! You don't do anything serious all day! You just know how to stir up trouble outside!"

The old man who scolded Nagai was sitting on a sofa with one leg raised. He looked like a gangster boss!

"By the way, what happened to your hand? Did someone hit you?

The old man saw that Nagai's hand was hanging with a bandage, so he asked

"Humph, it’s none of your business!"

"Do you believe I will beat you, little brat? I shouldn't have given birth to you with your dead mother!"

"You still have to support me anyway, right?" Nagai leaned close to the old man and said

"I'm annoyed when I see your face!"

"Then you shouldn't have called me here to scold you!"

Nagai picked up his clothes and slammed the door and walked out, not giving his own father any face!

"I don't know where that bitch went last night. I looked for her all night but couldn't find her! Damn it!"

"I must kill her tonight!"

In the elevator, Nagai took out a knife from his backpack and hid it in the inner pocket of his clothes.

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