"People in front, make way. I'm a police officer!" Miwako Sato held the police notebook in her right hand and walked into the crime scene with Miyamoto Yumi and Miyamoto Han. With Miwako, a policewoman from the Metropolitan Police Department, leading the way, and Miyamoto Yumi, a policewoman from the Traffic Division, by her side, although the patrolman in charge of the blockade did not know him, he did not stop him.

He followed the two beauties into the entrance of the roller coaster with ease.

Once inside, he saw a group of people surrounding them. Although they had never met before, Miyamoto Han still easily found Kudo Shinichi, Mao Li Ran, the fat Inspector Megure, and finally the gin and vodka.

"Inspector Megure!"Miwako ran to Inspector Megure and reported to him.

"Sato, you're here! I'm so sorry for asking you to come here during the holiday." Megure felt a little embarrassed, but because of the holiday, the Metropolitan Police Department was indeed short of police force today, so he had no choice but to call Sato Miwako.

""No, Inspector Megure, this is what I should do." Sato Miwako said seriously. She is a workaholic who always puts police work first. What's more, the person who called her here was Inspector Megure, so there was no reason to be angry.

"I'm sorry, Osamu. Miwako is just like that. Once she encounters a case, she won't care about anything else. What's more, the person who called her this time was Inspector Megure, whom she regarded as a father."Yumi was worried that Miyamoto Kan would misunderstand, so she explained in a low voice in his ear.

But what Yumi didn't know was that Miyamoto Kan had known Sato Miwako's character for a long time, and of course he wouldn't misunderstand. Other people didn't know, but as a time traveler, he knew very well that this was Kudo Shinichi's last reasoning before he became smaller, and it was also the first appearance of Gin and Vodka. It

's so lucky to be able to participate in it.

Of course, Miyamoto Kan would not tell Yumi directly like this, but said:"Don't worry! And you forgot, what I do now"

""Yes!" After hearing Xiaohan's answer, Miyamoto Yumi remembered that Miyamoto Han had another identity when he was in the United States, and she was relieved.

Without Yumi's interruption, Miyamoto Han began to observe his surroundings. Although he had forgotten some things about this incident, he still remembered the general content. However, after his own observation, he found something different.

Over there, while Miyamoto Han was still searching for clues around him, Kudo Shinichi had already started his personal reasoning show. Just like in the original work, Kudo Shinichi pointed the murderer at Xiaotong in a light blue dress in front of everyone.

"There is only one truth, the murderer is you, Miss Xiaotong."Kudo Shinichi confidently pointed at Xiaotong with his right index finger.

Then, under Xiaotong's explanation, Kudo Shinichi told the murder method he deduced. But at this time, Xiaohan on the side frowned. Although in the original work, it was Xiaotong who killed the man named Mr. Yasuda, and the method of crime was just as Kudo Shinichi said.

But now, after careful observation, he found that things have quietly changed. Because if he follows Kudo's method, Miyamoto Han, who is proficient in physics, can be 100% sure that this method is difficult to achieve.

""Okay, now that the criminal has been found, officer, we can leave now!" Gin on the side urged Officer Megure impatiently.

Hearing Gin's extremely cold words, Miyamoto Han looked over with interest. A gleam of light flashed in his eyes. This was the first time he met Gin face to face. Perhaps noticing Xiaohan's gaze, Gin immediately turned his head and looked at him. The gazes of the two turned into sharp blades, crossing each other in the air.

Then, Xiaohan's mouth corners curled up slightly, but Gin became honest at this time.

"What's wrong, big brother?"As Gin's younger brother for thousands of years, Vodka was the first to notice that something was wrong with Gin, and immediately asked loyally

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect him to be so skilled, I misjudged him at the beginning." Gin pushed Vodka away calmly, and looked towards Xiaohan again with an unpleasant expression.

"Big brother!" Although Vodka was very worried about Gin, he also knew Gin's temper, so he had to stand aside honestly. After hearing what Gin said, he followed his eyes and saw Miyamoto Han.

It's him! Could it be that he was the one who hurt Big Brother? This is impossible! Vodka thought in disbelief.

As for Gin and Vodka, Miyamoto Han ignored them after teaching Gin a little lesson. At this time, Xiaotong had confessed her guilt after Kudo Shinichi kept producing various evidences, and stated her motive for murder.

Even her two friends didn't know that Xiaotong was actually the ex-girlfriend of the deceased. The motive for murder was that she was unwilling to be abandoned, so she chose to kill him with the gift he gave her at this place of their first date.

"Since you have admitted it, then come with us! Miss Xiaotong."Inspector Megure gestured to the two men behind him and said sympathetically to Xiaotong who had already confessed.

When seeing Xiaotong being taken away by the police like this, Miyamoto Han had to stand up. The truth was not like this.

"Miss Xiaotong, you lied."Miyamoto Han walked in front of Xiaotong and said to her loudly. His voice went straight to everyone's heart, and people couldn't help but be stunned.

"Xiaohan, what are you doing?"Yumi and Miwako were the first to react. Seeing that Miyamoto Han was actually interfering with the police taking away the criminal at this time, that was a crime of obstructing police work, they immediately shouted at him anxiously.

"Who are you?" Inspector Megure is a policeman with a good temper and a strong sense of justice, but he hates people who hinder the police from doing their work. If he hadn't seen that Yumi and Sato knew each other, he would have asked others to pull him apart instead of asking them.

Miyamoto Han turned his head and looked at Inspector Megure with a smile on his face. He habitually pushed his glasses with his hand and introduced himself gently:"Nice to meet you, Inspector Megure"

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