The night was quiet, with only a round moon like a jade plate hanging high in the sky, emitting a soft silver light. All around was quiet, as if the world was foreshadowing something to the world.

After returning from the detective agency, Miyamoto Han relaxedly lay on the recliner in the study, quietly closed his eyes and recalled the upcoming Tsukikage Island murder case. The incident on Tsukikage Island greatly shocked Miyamoto Han in his previous life. The cause of this incident can be traced back to twelve years ago.

Twelve years ago, it was also a full moon night.

After becoming a world-renowned pianist, Aso Keiji, who was born on Tsukikage Island, returned to his hometown of Tsukikage Island and held a grand piano concert in the auditorium of his hometown.

However, no one at that time would have thought that the successful Aso Keiji would suddenly set himself on fire at home after the concert, and it is said that he killed his wife and daughter with his own hands, and then played the piano like a madman in the fire until he died.

And that piece of music was Beethoven's Sonata No.



The only one who survived at that time was his son, Asoshi, who had lived in Tokyo Hospital for a long time because of his frail health. After his parents died, Shigeshi was adopted and changed his name.

After growing up, Asoshi was suspicious about the death of his father. So after graduating from medical school, he disguised himself as a female doctor and returned to Tsukikage Island under the alias Asai Shigeshi to investigate.

Two years ago, when he told the former village chief Kameyama his true identity, Shigeshi came back to the island to avenge Keiji Aso, and was frightened and told Shigeshi everything that happened that year.

It turned out that what happened that year was actually because he, Kawashima Hideo, Kuroiwa Tatsuji, and Nishimoto Ken colluded to threaten Keiji Aso, who had become a pianist at the time, to smuggle drugs. However, later, because Keiji Aso did not want to continue to be a tool for the four of them to smuggle drugs, the four of them brutally killed the whole family of Aso.

Eventually, the former village chief Kameyama died of heart failure due to excessive shock. Cheng Shi played"Moonlight" for him as a requiem, and at that moment, he also developed the intention of revenge.

Two years later, he first sent a crime warning letter to Maori Kogoro in the name of his deceased father Aso Keiji, but even with Conan's presence at the time, he still couldn't save the tragedy. Cheng Shi took advantage of the opportunity of the second anniversary of the death of the former village chief Kameyama, and used various methods to kill Kawashima, Kuroiwa and Nishimoto, and tried to leave information and create his own alibi.

Although Conan finally successfully deduced the truth of the case and proved that Cheng Shi was the real murderer, it was too late.

In the end, Cheng Shi killed all the criminals who killed his family that year, and finally chose to leave this world in the same way as his father and go to his father.

"well~~"After recalling the whole incident of Tsukikage Island, Miyamoto Han couldn't help but sigh for Asami Shimizu. There are at least hundreds of cases in Conan, but there are not many cases that he can remember and feel very sorry for, and the incident of Tsukikage Island is one of them. The main reasons are still because of the following points:

First, such a beautiful female doctor turned out to be a man in the end. This sudden change made Miyamoto Han still remember it at that time. You must know that when it was broadcast that year, it was not the era of advocating big dick loli when he traveled through time. At that time, it was really the first time to see a pseudo-girl, which almost left a shadow on Miyamoto Han at that time.

Second, Asami Shimizu's experience is very regrettable. The three people who were killed, Kawashima, Kuroiwa and Nishimoto, can be said to be unforgivable villains. It was for their own selfishness that they cruelly killed all of Shimizu's family overnight, causing him to become an orphan when he was still young. Shouldn't such a cruel murderer be punished?

The third one is, of course, Cheng Shi's suicide. Miyamoto Han felt sorry and unworthy for his suicide at the end, because four people who should have died ruined his future.

"Since I have the opportunity to come to this Conan world, I will certainly not let those tragic things that I felt sorry for happen again. Otherwise, my coming to this world would be meaningless except for picking up girls."After thinking about it, Miyamoto Han suddenly opened his eyes, stood up from the recliner, looked out the window with a firm gaze, and said to himself

"Ma Chengshi, even if there is no task issued by the system this time, I will definitely help you, not to mention there is a task!"Miyamoto Han smiled and looked at the task displayed on the screen.

"Side quest: Change Aso Shimizu's fate. Quest requirements: Aso Shimizu must not be allowed to die or be arrested by the police, and the three people who killed Aso Keiji's family, Kawashima Hideo, Kuroiwa Tatsuji, and Nishimoto Ken, must be punished (death). Quest rewards: 50 experience points, a million yen free product exchange coupon, and one intermediate lottery draw."

Whether it is for the quest reward given by the mall system or to save the regret of the tragedy of the year, Miyamoto Han will definitely not ignore Aso Shimizu's murder this time. As early as after receiving the letter from Yueying Island, he had already begun planning and preparing

Two days later, the sky was just getting light, and thick fog was still floating around the sea. Miyamoto Han and Maori Kogoro and their group of four were on a cruise ship heading for Yueying Island.

Today was the full moon night mentioned in the notice letter. At this time, except for Miyamoto Han who knew it a long time ago, no one else knew what terrible events would happen on Yueying Island.

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