"Xiaohan, I found it. I did as you said and found the evidence."Miyamoto Yumi's face was dripping with sweat from time to time, but she still showed a happy smile on her face.

"Yumi, what happened to you?" Meiwako looked at her best friend who ran out in surprise and said in astonishment,"And where is the evidence you mentioned!"

"Yes! Officer Yumi. Are you sure?"Megure was also very surprised.

"Well! I followed the instructions Xiaohan sent me in the text message and asked the amusement park security to check the surveillance video in their roller coaster tunnel. Finally,Found irrefutable evidence for her."

Surveillance video!!!

As soon as these four words came out, the detectives like Kudo Shinichi and Megure were stunned. They never thought that this amusement park would have surveillance cameras even in such a dark tunnel. This is why they didn't even think about checking the surveillance video. But now Yumi's words gave them a hard slap in the face.

"What's wrong? Isn't it normal to have surveillance cameras in an amusement park? After all, the amusement park is so big, and it's necessary for the safety of tourists!" Miyamoto Han felt that they were very strange. What was so surprising about having surveillance cameras in an amusement park?

But he didn't think about it himself. If he hadn't used the precognition card and seen the future scenes, he wouldn't have thought that there was a surveillance camera in the tunnel where the crime occurred, and it happened to capture the process of Aiko committing the crime.

"Since Miss Aiko wants to see the evidence, let's go and see the so-called evidence together!" Miyamoto Han smiled proudly at Aiko, and then asked Inspector Megure

"Let's go together! No problem, right?"After getting Yumi's confirmation, Inspector Megure was now full of confidence. He stood in front of Aiko and Xiaotong with a dignified face and said, not allowing them to refuse at all.

Soon, under the leadership of Yumi, Miyamoto Han and his group all came to the security room of the amusement park, where they could see all the surveillance footage in the amusement park.

When they arrived, the amusement park had already prepared in advance.

""Thank you for your help." Inspector Megure said to the person in charge of the amusement park.

Then the other party started to play the surveillance video of the tunnel at the time of the crime. Although the picture of the monitor was not very clear due to the darkness of the tunnel, everyone could still clearly see that at the moment when the criminal killed the victim, it was Miss Aiko who was sitting on the right side of the victim. She put the murder weapon on the victim's head, and then the victim's head was moved.

As for the pearl on Xiaotong's neck that Shinichi had picked up before, it was Xiaotong who tore it off in the tunnel. This process was also recorded on the surveillance screen.

"Now that the evidence is conclusive, what else do you two have to say!" Inspector Megure turned around and looked at Xiaotong and Aiko who had given up resistance, and said sternly.

Under the irrefutable evidence of the surveillance footage of the amusement park, Aiko finally had no choice but to admit that she had killed her boyfriend Yasuda. Of course, Xiaotong's behavior was also illegal, so she was eventually taken away by Inspector Megure and his men.

Before leaving, Inspector Megure was very happy to thank Miyamoto Kan, and asked Sato Miwako to continue to send Yumi and Miyamoto Kan back. He had already learned from Miwako that Miyamoto Kan had just returned today.

On the way back, Miyamoto Kan and Yumi were still sitting in Miwako's FC as before. At this time Miwako asked:"Xiaohan, how did you know that there was a surveillance camera in the tunnel?"

"Yes, yes! If it weren't for that thing, I'm afraid that in the end Inspector Megure would have no choice but to let Aiko go."Yumi is also very curious about this case, but there are still many things she doesn't understand.

"As the saying goes, the net of heaven is vast and wide, and nothing can escape it. I was just guessing about the content of the surveillance footage, and I didn't have high expectations at first. I didn't expect that it was all captured on camera."Miyamoto Han said nonsense casually.

Of course, Sato Miwako heard Miyamoto Han's evasive answer. His calm and confident attitude in front of everyone before made her very sure that Miyamoto Han was definitely confident enough to make the murderer confess, but she also knew that before that, he had never seen the surveillance footage. She didn't understand at all where he got the confidence from.

Miyamoto Han looked at Miwako, who had a depressed face, and smiled slightly. It's just that he was destined not to be able to answer her the real answer.

In fact, before he came forward, he exchanged a ten-minute precognition card from the private mall that he traveled with. After using this card, you can see clips that will happen within the next ten minutes. After using the precognition card, he specified the evidence of the murder of the criminal who was predicted, and as a result, he saw those surveillance footage, which led to the... Later, he asked Yumi to go to the security room to look for evidence.

Although the case was solved, Miyamoto Han still felt a little distressed. He never thought that this ten-minute predictive card would be so expensive. Just once, it cost him 5 million yen.

Miyamoto Han thought to himself: I will never use this damn thing again, it is too expensive. If he hadn't pretended to be a good guy in front of that arrogant boy Kudo Shinichi today, he would have really lost a lot.

As a time traveler, he is embarrassed to tell others that he is a time traveler without a golden finger. Miyamoto Han certainly has his own golden finger, which is the private mall in the private server game he designed for himself that year, which was brought to this world by him. The full name of this private mall is"Money Universal Mall", which means that as long as you have money, you can buy everything in the mall, including things from other worlds.

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