When Xiaolan saw someone in front of her, she immediately stepped forward and asked politely:"Hello, may I ask how do I get to the community center?"

Since Maori Kogoro was going to see the village chief Kuroiwa Tatsuji to ask about Aso Keiji, after knowing that he was in the community center at this time, he wanted to visit him, but they had just arrived on the island and didn't know where the community center was.

The female doctor was stunned at first, and then she enthusiastically told Xiaolan the route to the community center, and also reminded them that the anniversary memorial service for the former village chief Kameyama Isamu was going to be held there in the evening.

I don't know if Asai Narimi has been pretending to be a girl for too long, but he actually has the attribute of being a chatterbox.

After seeing them, he opened up all of a sudden:"You look like you are from Tokyo!

To be honest, I also grew up in Tokyo.

Now I go back from time to time every week"

"I have longed for this kind of peaceful life on the island since I was a child, so after graduating from medical school, I applied to work on this island. Isn't the environment here beautiful and quiet?"

Cheng Shi had just finished speaking when a car passed by them with a loud speaker on the road, which made Cheng Shi embarrassed.

"This is just an exception, because the island is currently holding a village chief election. Cheng Shi then introduced them to three candidates for village chief: fisherman representative Shimizu Masato, current village chief Kuroiwa Tatsuji, and the island's capitalist Kawashima Hideo.

"Miss nurse, we are not interested in the election of village chief on the island. Maori Kogoro was also impressed by Cheng Shi's endless talk. He had something to ask the village chief Kuroiwa Tatsuji, so he interrupted him and said

"I'm sorry!" Cheng Shi hurriedly apologized, but corrected Maori Kogoro,"But don't look at me like this, I have a medical license, I'm the doctor here, not a nurse! My name is Asai Cheng Shi."

Maori Kogoro and Xiaolan were also afraid of Cheng Shi, so they thanked him quickly and hurried to the community center. They didn't notice that when they left, Miyamoto Han turned around and gave Cheng Shi a mysterious smile, and Cheng Shi also gave the same smile to him.

Following Cheng Shi's route, Miyamoto Han and his team finally found the community center. When they arrived, they also saw residents protesting outside the community center, but it was none of their business, so they ignored them and went straight into the community center.

However, the current village chief, Kuroiwa Tatsuji, did not intend to come out to meet Maori Kogoro, but just asked his secretary to entertain them, and then ignored the four of them. Time passed by minute by minute, and the sun had gradually set from the sky to the sea.

"How long does the village chief want us to wait here?"

Mouri Kogoro, who had been waiting here for several hours, was in a very bad mood. The calmest ones were Xiaolan and Miyamoto Han. Even Conan was walking around the room because he was bored.

I don't know if the goddess of luck in this Conan world is Conan's biological mother, or what, but just by walking around, Conan actually found the piano that Keiji Aso gave to the village.

Curious, he walked in. Although Xiaolan wanted to stop him, Mouri Kogoro was impatient and followed him in. Conan played the piano a few times.

At this time, the village chief's secretary suddenly appeared and drove them out of the piano room very angrily, but they also learned from the village chief's secretary that the piano was a gift from Keiji Aso. The story of the piano being sent away, as well as the rumors about the piano curse circulating on the island.

However, neither Maori Kogoro nor Conan believed in the rumors about the piano curse, especially Conan, who was a staunch scientific thinker and did not believe in things like gods and ghosts.

However, after hearing those rumors, Xiaolan felt a chill on her back. Miyamoto Han certainly would not miss this opportunity and hurried to comfort her.

Miyamoto Han and his friends who were kicked out of the piano room happened to meet Cheng Shi who came outside to attend the anniversary memorial service for the former village chief Kameyama. At the same time, they also met Shimizu, one of the three candidates for village chief. The memorial service for Kameyama had been going on for some time. Outside the community center, a full moon was hanging high in the sky, and the silvery moonlight seemed to want to purify the sins of the world.

"On the night of the full moon, the gorgeous revenge is about to begin"Gong Benhan looked up at the night sky, looking at the bright moon, and silently said in his heart:

"Bang!"Under the moonlit night, a loud gunshot broke the silence of the night sky. Then, a melodious piano music came from somewhere.

""Oh no!"

Conan and Maori Kogoro, who were sitting outside the community center waiting for the ceremony to end, immediately realized that something was wrong and rushed into the community center.

"Miyamoto-kun, why don't you go in?"Xiaolan looked at her father and Conan who rushed in, and before she could even shout to stop them, they were gone. Then she noticed that Miyamoto Han was still beside her.

Miyamoto Han smiled and said to Xiaolan,"Although I don't know what happened, but that sound should have been a gunshot. I'm worried about you being alone outside, Xiaolan. Uncle Maori and Conan can take care of the things inside. I'd better stay to protect you."

After hearing Miyamoto Han's heartwarming words, it would be a lie to say that I'm not moved. Xiaolan unconsciously compared Miyamoto Han with Kudo Shinichi. If it was Shinichi, he would probably rush in like his father and Conan at this time!

(Thanks to book friend lvpeizhi1234 for the 1,000-point reward support, and thanks to book friend Wangu Hanye for the 588-point reward support!)

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