When Miyamoto Han and Xiaolan returned to the community center with the only old policeman on the island, Maori Kogoro had already become impatient.

"How come you guys were gone for so long?"

"It's not our fault! When we arrived at the police station, he was patrolling on the island, so we had to look for him everywhere." Xiaolan replied immediately.

At this time, the old policeman had not yet come to his senses, and asked innocently:"Why did you call me over? What happened?"

"It's this detective from Tokyo who wants to see you. His name is Maori Kogoro!" Hirata, the village chief's secretary, quickly introduced the old policeman.

"Oh!" The old policeman tapped the palm of his right hand with his left hand, and then said with an expression that he knew what was going on,"It's the famousSpace pilot!"

"Poof~" Miyamoto Han, Xiaolan and Conan beside him burst into laughter. At first they thought that the old policeman on the island actually knew Kogoro. Even Maori Kogoro looked very happy.This old man doesn't know

""Hmph~" Although Maori Kogoro was very unhappy in his heart and felt that he was fooled by the old guy in front of him, he still told him what happened here.

As a result, the old man complained directly:"How could such a thing happen on this island! I don't know how to deal with it at all!"

Okay! Everyone present was convinced by this old man, but Miyamoto Han could understand it. After all, Yueying Island is just a small island. There are no major cases on the island on weekdays. At most, there are small disputes between neighbors. It is not surprising that the old policeman has no experience in this kind of homicide case.

In the end, they could only choose to contact higher-level police to deal with it. However, before that, Miyamoto Han and Maori Kogoro had no qualifications to detain other people. In the end, they could only let them all go after warning them.

""Han, come here! I want to hear your opinion." Maori Kogoro was still confused about this case, so after letting those people leave, he quickly called him over.

He still had great trust in Miyamoto Han's ability and immediately hoped that he could have some good opinions. But before that, he still told Miyamoto Han some of the information he knew so far.

"The deceased is Kawashima Hideo, a capitalist on Yueying IslandThe time of death is about 30 minutes to an hour.Left on the body"

While Maori Kogoro and Conan were telling Miyamoto Kan about the incident,

Cheng Shi, who had not returned yet, was chatting with Xiaolan. Although Cheng Shi is a man, after dressing up as a woman, it is obvious that he has worked hard and studied a lot about women's issues. No wonder he was able to disguise himself as a female doctor on this small island for so long without anyone discovering his identity.

While chatting with Xiaolan, the two talked about where the food in Tokyo is delicious, which store has cheaper cosmetics, and which clothes are cheaper and more beautiful. After a while, the two became familiar with each other.

At this time, Cheng Shi carefully glanced at Miyamoto Kan and the other three, and pretended to ask Xiaolan casually:"Xiaolan, wouldn't it be cold for you to stay outside before the case happened?"

""It's OK!" Xiaolan smiled awkwardly and said insincerely. Although it is not the cold season like winter, Yueying Island is a small island on the sea after all. When the sea breeze blows at night, it is still very cold.

"Why don't you come in and wait! Even though the community center is holding a ritual, you can't stay outside all the time!" Cheng Shi continued.

Xiaolan had no choice but to tell Cheng Shi the truth. In fact, it was because Conan messed with the piano that they were driven out. Since the ritual began, the four of them have been sitting in front of the door of the community center. After

Cheng Shi heard what Xiaolan said, an incredible expression appeared on his face, but at this time Xiaolan was thinking about something and didn't notice it.

How is it possible, how did he do it!!! Cheng Shi muttered in shock in his heart.

In fact, Cheng Shi actually knew about Miyamoto Han a long time ago.

He also heard about it by chance from a former medical school classmate.

After graduating from medical school, his classmate successfully infiltrated the Metropolitan Police Department and became a forensic doctor.

It was because he heard that classmate accidentally mentioned Miyamoto Han during a chat, and he secretly helped the Metropolitan Police Department solve several cases, so he sent such an extra letter of commission.

Originally, Cheng Shi didn't have any hope for Miyamoto Han. Maybe it was just a sudden thought in his mind, so he sent it. Such a commission letter. But even he himself did not expect that a few days before the full moon, Miyamoto Han actually changed his identity and came to his clinic, and revealed his identity in one sentence, and also knew his next revenge plan. Originally,

Cheng Shi thought that he had no hope of revenge. Although he sent the commission letter in the hope that someone could stop him, when Miyamoto Han really appeared, he felt a little regretful and relieved.

But what Cheng Shi did not expect was that Miyamoto Han came here to stop his revenge, but he also promised him that he would avenge his whole family. Originally, he thought Miyamoto Han was just joking, but who knew that when the full moon came, he met him again, and when the two met, Miyamoto Han had already given him a hint.

But Ma Cheng Shi really couldn't figure out what method Miyamoto Han used to kill Kawashima Hideo. What surprised him most was the moonlight piano music, how did it suddenly disappear without a trace.

(Thanks to the book friend Feng Juan Can Yun for the 1000 points of reward support! Xiao Miao Miao wishes that the Cat God will buff you and bless you!)

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