When Xiaolan and Conan found out that Chengshi was the one who sent the strange letter, they were both very surprised.

Xiaolan, in particular, was very concerned about Chengshi after she found out that Chengshi's father was Keiji Aso.

However, with Miyamoto Han's warning, Chengshi, the pseudo-girl, knew how to keep a distance from Xiaolan.

Due to the conditions on the island, the forensic doctor who came with the team and the body of Kawashima Hideo have been transported back to Tokyo by helicopter for a forensic autopsy.

"Inspector Megure, you can't be too optimistic now! Although we don't know who the criminal is yet, there is a great possibility that he will strike again!" Maori Kogoro walked to the side of Inspector Megure and whispered to him.

Inspector Megure nodded, indicating that he understood. However, Inspector Megure's biggest suspect now is Cheng Shi. Even though he was the one who told the commission, Inspector Megure will not stop suspecting him just because of this. Because of

Kawashima Hideo's death, there are currently no useful clues. Even Miyamoto Han and Maori Kogoro, the two people he relies on the most, are now helpless, so he can only keep an eye on Cheng Shi as much as possible.

"In fact, there is another person who is also very suspicious, that is Ken Nishimoto."Inspector Megure said lightly.

Maori Kogoro was also impressed by Ken Nishimoto and felt that he was a little suspicious:"Indeed! Whether it was during the interrogation or when Mr. Kawashima's body was found, he looked trembling, as if he was afraid of something."

"Not only that, I heard from the only policeman on the island that Ken Nishimoto, the deceased Mr. Kawashima, the current village chief Mr. Kuroiwa, and the former village chief Mr. Kameyama who died two years ago, these four people are actually friends with Keiji Aso since childhood. It is said that before Keiji Aso died, the relationship between the four of them was quite good."

"There was also Nishimoto Ken, who didn't have a job on the island, but was very rich. Even though he spent his days drinking and partying, he never worried about money. But since the death of the former village chief Kameyama two years ago, he has changed completely. He no longer likes to go out, and he has become weird and timid. He hides at home drinking all day, living a life of drunkenness and dreams."

"It seems that Nishimoto Ken is becoming more and more suspicious."Inspector Megure pondered for a moment, and finally said,"You three, go to the vicinity of Nishimoto Ken's home and keep a close eye on him. By the way, just in case, you two should go to the village chief Mr. Kuroiwa and the fishermen representative Mr. Shimizu."

""Yes!" Several of Inspector Megure's men responded immediately.

Although Inspector Megure's reasoning ability is not good, he has been a criminal police for so many years and is very experienced. Soon, people were sent to keep an eye on the three people who were more suspicious and most likely to be killed next. In name, it was protection, but in fact it was also surveillance.

Seeing Inspector Megure sending people out, Miyamoto Kan smiled in his heart, suddenly apologized to the others, and ran towards the toilet.

Inspector Megure and the others thought that Miyamoto Kan was just in a hurry to pee, so they didn't care much and continued to think about the case.

When Miyamoto Kan confirmed that there was no one around, he immediately and carefully slipped out of the toilet window. At this time, he had already changed into a new set of clothes, and he was wearing a black ghost mask on his face.

"Well, it's finally time for the final climax of this drama. Ken Nishimoto, Tatsuji Kuroiwa, it's time to accept your dirty souls."

Under the moonlight, a black shadow quickly moved across the roofs of the houses on the island. Miyamoto Han didn't have much time. If he went back too late, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of Conan, so he had to move quickly.

Miyamoto Han circulated the Qingdi Changchun Qi in his body to his feet, and the whole person suddenly became like a ghost, floating lightly to the vicinity of Ken Nishimoto's residence. For this plan, he bought a lot of good things from the Money Universal Mall before coming, such as ice bullets, glasses that can see through walls, vaporized portable speakers and other props.

Miyamoto Han found a suitable A good place to snipe at Ken Nishimoto's house, take out the special glasses that have been prepared long ago and put them on. This pair of glasses has the function of seeing through walls, and it is a high-tech product from a certain gambling god world.

Wearing it, even if Ken Nishimoto is hiding at home, it is still easy for Miyamoto Han to find him. He soon found Ken Nishimoto's figure. At this time, he was hiding in the corner of the room and shivering as expected.

Miyamoto Han took out the sniper rifle, loaded an ordinary sniper bullet and a special ice bullet into the gun one after another, then casually raised it and aimed the eyepiece at Ken Nishimoto, with a confident smile on his face:"Goodbye, Ken Nishimoto. You are really lucky."

As soon as Miyamoto Han finished speaking, he immediately pulled the trigger in his hand.

The ordinary bullet in the barrel was the first to be ejected, drawing a beautiful white trajectory in the air.

Before the previous bullet hit, Miyamoto Han fired another shot.

This time, the special ice bullet was ejected from the muzzle.

The ice bullet was shot along the trajectory of the previous ordinary bullet.

The ordinary bullet directly shot through the wall of Xibenjian's house, and Miyamoto Han seemed to have calculated that the first bullet would lose power after shooting through the wall and eventually fall to the ground.

At this time, the ice bullet shot immediately after followed the hole in the wall shot through by the first bullet and shot into the house, directly hitting Xibenjian's forehead between the eyebrows.

""It's bad!" Two consecutive gunshots, the three policemen who were originally sent by Inspector Megure to monitor Nishimoto Ken, immediately realized that something was wrong, and the three of them immediately ran out from the dark. When the three of them broke into Nishimoto Ken's house, they found that Nishimoto Ken was dead.

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