Suwa Yuji's legs went weak and he fell to his knees:"I lost!"

"Why don't you go and catch him!

" Inspector Megure was also very angry.

If it weren't for Miyamoto Han's excellent skills this time, then the problem would have been serious.

The criminal killed people right in front of them, the police, and the samurai sword was snatched from their hands.

What made Inspector Megure most angry was that he had a very good impression of Miyamoto Han.

He had strong reasoning ability and knew how to behave.

Although he was a young master from a wealthy family, he had a very good temper and was usually very polite to him.

Such an excellent person almost let the criminal hurt him because of his negligence, which made Inspector Megure feel guilty.

The police officers were also extremely angry at this time. Several of them rushed towards Suwa Yuji at the same time and handcuffed him. After that, there were still four policemen who surrounded him tightly from the left, right, front and back to prevent him from escaping again.

"Are you okay?"Mouri Kogoro, Ran, and Conan all came over with concern and asked worriedly.

Inspector Megure also came over with an apologetic look on his face, and said to Miyamoto Han very embarrassedly:"Brother Miyamoto, I'm sorry for you this time. I almost got you chopped by the criminal. I'm really sorry!"

"Master! Are you okay?"At this time, Naoto Sakurai also ran over to express his loyalty,"I was really scared just now. If something happened to you, how would I explain it to the master and the mistress!"

"Am I fine? You don't have to worry. I've told you before that I'm very powerful!" Miyamoto Han said with a smile.

Everyone recalled the battle between Miyamoto Han and Suwa Yuji just now. At the beginning, they all thought that Miyamoto Han would definitely die. After all, Suwa Yuji looked murderous, and even ordinary people could see that he had completely killed and showed no mercy.

In addition, after hearing Denjiro's wife say that Suwa Yuji's strength was even stronger than Denjiro, who was a third-degree kendo master, they became less and less confident in Miyamoto Han.

However, things turned out to be beyond all of their expectations. Miyamoto Han not only easily blocked all of Suwa Yuji's attacks, but also directly knocked the samurai sword in Suwa Yuji's hand away with a sword and subdued him. The handcuffed Suwa Yuji looked decadent. When he saw Miyamoto Han, he asked,"I lost. I hope you can treat Kikuchiyo well. Maybe only you are truly worthy of it."

"It's not your turn to worry about my knife. I just bought it as a birthday gift for the old man at home. I don't even like that kind of knife!" Gong Benhan said with disdain.

"you"Suwa Yuji's eyes widened in anger.

Inspector Megure was worried that Suwa Yuji would do something wrong again, so he quickly asked his men to take him away.

The biggest beneficiary of this incident was Marudenjiro's wife.

Originally, because of the affair, she was about to face the crisis of being kicked out of the house, but she didn't expect her luck to be so good.

She happened to meet Suwa Yuji who killed Denjiro.

Not only could she get Marudenjiro's large inheritance, but she could also be with Dr.

Hatano in the future.

It can be said that she gained both money and people.

The most tragic one is probably Maori Kogoro.

Although he successfully solved the case with the help of Miyamoto Kan, the Marudenjiro he originally accepted the commission for was dead, and he didn't even get a dime of the commission fee.

As for Suwa Yuji, his crime is serious. Not only did he commit murder, but he also committed attempted murder, assaulting police officers, resisting arrest with violence and many other crimes. It is estimated that he will never be able to come out in this life.

After the incident, Sakurai Naoto drove Miyamoto Kan and Maori Kogoro and their group back together.

On the way, Conan pretended to be innocent and asked Miyamoto Han curiously:"Brother Han, your sword was so cool! But why is it gone now? Where did you hide it?"

In fact, everyone else present was also very curious, but unlike Conan, no one took the initiative to bring up the matter.

"You little brat, why are you asking this!" Kogoro Mouri punched Conan on the head and scolded him. It's not that he is not curious, but because he thinks this should be Miyamoto Han's secret, and he can't ask casually.

Miyamoto Han replied indifferently:"This is not a secret. The sword is called Shuihan Sword. It is a famous sword in China during the Pre-Qin period. It is made of thousand-year-old cold iron. The Shuihan Sword has a light and agile sword style, a slender and sharp sword body, and can emit cold air and even freeze. As for where the sword is hidden, that is my unique skill, and I can't tell you about this. Conan!"

Conan nodded. Although he didn't know where Miyamoto Han hid the sword, he didn't pursue it too much.

"However, Han is indeed a descendant of the Miyamoto family. His swordsmanship is so amazing that he defeated the awesome Suwa Yuji in one fell swoop. Haha.~�"Maori Kogoro said admiringly

"It's not as good as you said, Uncle Maori! It's just that Suwa Yuji's strength is not that good, so I defeated him so easily. Another thing is that I didn't learn the swordsmanship passed down by the Miyamoto family. I learned the swordsmanship from China."

"Chinese swordsmanship?"Xiao Lan said in surprise

"Hmm! The real swordsmanship of China is much stronger than that kind of kendo, and it can even be said to be something of a completely different level. The move I used to defeat Suwa Yuji before was actually just a move from the basic Chinese swordsmanship!"

Mouri Kogoro, Xiaolan, Conan, and Sakurai Naoto who was driving were all greatly shocked tonight. What Miyamoto Han said was like a fairy tale to them, and they were all silent in the end.

PS.The Shui Han Sword is a famous sword from a Chinese animation in Miyamoto Han's previous life, and comes with a sword move called"Yi Shui Han".

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