After the last incident, Miyamoto Han finally opened up the favorability of Xiaolan and Okino Yoko. Although this initial favorability is not as high as Yumi, it is also at the level of good friends.

Since it is close to the office, Miyamoto Han goes to the office when he has nothing to do to improve Xiaolan's favorability. At the beginning, Xiaolan's favorability, under Miyamoto Han's continuous efforts, did continue to rise, and soon reached a favorability of 79, but after reaching this score, no matter how hard he continued to work, he could not break through the most important 80 mark.

In the end, Miyamoto Han also guessed that this point is obviously not so easy to improve. The current 79 points are the highest that he and Xiaolan can reach. Generally speaking, a favorability of 80 means that they can become boyfriends and girlfriends.

Obviously, Xiaolan is still unable to let go of her childhood sweetheart, Kudo Shinichi, so the point that breaks through 79 has been delayed.

Miyamoto Han can also understand. He and Xiaolan have only known each other for less than two months, and she and Kudo Shinichi have been childhood sweethearts since they were young. This special feeling makes her unable to accept Miyamoto Han in her heart. Unless she can let go of Kudo Shinichi in her heart, the favorability between him and Xiaolan will always stay at 79.

After understanding this, Miyamoto Han was not discouraged. He had expected this situation at the beginning. However, after that, although he still often went to the detective agency to play, he also began to prepare to attack the other person who opened the door last time.

Okino Yoko is an idol star. Now she has become a star of Miyamoto Han's entertainment company under the Hantian Group. After Miyamoto Han's instruction, the general manager of the entertainment company, Sakurai Naoto, spent a lot of company resources to cultivate Okino Yoko.

With the backing of the Hantian Group, Okino Yoko, who was already famous, is now on the rise. But fame always comes at a price.

In the past, Yoko Okino was very busy every day, filming TV series, movies, taking notices from TV stations, and occasionally taking advertisements. It can be said that she was extremely busy. And today she had a concert, so she was completely busy.

Although Yoko Okino's singing is only average, she is beautiful and has many fans, so it is normal for her to hold a concert. Miyamoto Han also came to see how Yoko's concert was going.

After the concert, Yoko Okino was removing her makeup in her personal lounge

"I'm so tired! Giving a concert is much more tiring than filming a movie. Mr. Yamagishi, I want to take a day off tomorrow. I haven't had a good rest for a long time." While asking the makeup artist to remove her makeup, Yoko Okino complained to her agent Yamagishi Sakae, and also hoped to take a rest tomorrow. However, Yoko Okino knew that her agent Yamagishi Sakae would not agree to this idea.

Sure enough, when Yoko heard what he said, Yamagishi Sakae panicked and advised Yoko:"How can this be possible!


You are at the rising stage of your career now, how can you take a rest casually? You have to know how much resources the company has invested in you, and there are many people behind you who are very envious and are waiting for you to make a mistake so that they can replace you.

" Of course, Yoko Okino knew what Yamagishi Sakae said, and she could understand it, but she really felt that she was too tired these days and couldn't even rest.

"Think about it carefully! Yoko, I am doing this for your own good."Yamagishi Rong persuaded her earnestly.

Just when Yoko was about to compromise, Miyamoto Han walked in.

"Although work is important, health is equally important. Don't overwork yourself and ruin your health, Yoko. If you want to take a break, just tell the company and I'll arrange it for you."Miyamoto Han said to Okino Yoko seriously.

"Boss!"Yamagishi Rong originally wanted to ask who dared to interfere in his and Yoko's affairs, but when he saw that the person coming over was Miyamoto Han, Yamagishi Rong did not dare to say anything more.

""Miyamoto-kun, are you coming to my concert?" Okino Yoko's face was filled with a happy smile. Since the last time, Yoko got used to calling Miyamoto Han"Miyamoto-kun", just like Xiaolan.

""Yeah! The concert was very good." Miyamoto Han said with a smile.

After hearing this, Yoko Okino was very happy, but she was also aware of her own situation:"Don't laugh at me. Although I like singing very much, I also know clearly that I don't sing very well. It's just that the fans don't dislike me."

"That's already good"


"Judging from your face, you must have been very busy recently! You don't look very well!"Miyamoto Han has god-level Chinese medicine skills. He can tell Yoko's current condition at a glance. It is obvious that this is caused by overwork."Usually you should pay more attention to rest."

"I want to rest too! But there are so many things to do, and I can't sleep for long every day."Yoko pouted and complained to Miyamoto Han in a low voice.

After hearing what Yoko said, Yamagishi Rong almost cried. He was very worried that if the boss in front of him was unhappy after hearing what Yoko said and stopped supporting Yoko, he, the agent, would also be in trouble.

But obviously, this matter was completely Yamagishi Rong's own worry.

"In the future, I will ask Sakurai to help you choose some excellent collaborations that will help your image and reputation. Don't do those miscellaneous things. Not only will you not make much money, but it will also easily damage your image and make you very tired."Miyamoto Han smiled and said to Yoko Hino���After hearing this,

Okino Yoko and Yamagishi Sakae were very happy, while the makeup artist beside them looked at Yoko with envy.

"I almost forgot, I came here to give you something!" Miyamoto Han suddenly remembered the purpose of his visit and slapped his forehead.

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