Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Village kills Matt woman in serial attack

"Oops... there's a new case..." Mizumayuki reluctantly threw the document with the temperature of the printer on the table.

It's been a week since the last arson case. Of course, Mizumayuki hasn't had a day of calming down, and all day long, the crime scene is drugged to drive Conan.

Speaking of the day when the arsonist was caught, the six little devils followed Sato and the others to Shinagawa, but they were blocked by Mizumayuki, so they found a shop, and after showing the police officer's card, asked the vicious shopkeeper to assist in the name of the police's mission. I am optimistic about these bear children, and it really works very well.

However, it was also thanks to the fact that the arson case was too big last time. This time, there was another case of serial attacks on women. The upper level meant that they could suppress as much as possible, so they simply handed it over to the investigation department to force the crime into three departments and one department. The case is handled alone. Anyway, you have a person as evil as Shui Jianyue, are you afraid that you will not be able to solve the case?

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone's expectations, Mizuma Yue reluctantly took over the information file of the case, and scolded the high-level Metropolitan Police Department and Conan to the sky.

"Girl 109...what the heck, a group of country murderers..." Mizumayuki looked through it, and the only thing that the women who were attacked so far had in common was that when they were attacked, they were all dressed in heavy makeup, which is popular nowadays." 109 Girls". It was probably due to Mizumayue's mental age that this kind of dress was so ugly in his eyes that he gave these little girls a word of country killing Matt that popped out of his mind.

"How about it, did you find anything?" Mu Mu Shisan stood aside and looked at the water moon with shining eyes.

"..." Mizumayue was silent for a long time: "Good fight!"

"How can you say such a thing!" Mu Mu Shisan suddenly exploded.

Mizumayuki shrugged. Anyway, he didn't like this kind of dress very much. If he had a daughter dressed like this, then he would like her to meet the attacker. Anyway, the victims so far have suffered minor injuries. , it's good to learn a lesson if you can't die.

"There seems to be no good way... For this kind of targeted crime, there seems to be no other suitable countermeasures other than the bait plan, right? Besides, there are so few of us," Mizumayuki analyzed.

"Touch!" The big fat hand of the Mumu Police Department slapped the table on Shui Jianyue's table, and a pair of Xiaodou's eyes suddenly sharpened: "Shuijian, can you think of something else."

"Huh?" Although Mizumayue was surprised by the sudden change in the attitude of the Mumu police department, the way to do it was not to be surprised, "There is really no good way, otherwise women in the whole country will be banned from dressing like this, and offenders will be caught and thrown in prison. Protection in disguise?" In fact, Shui Jianyue somewhat supports this plan, of course, this is really whimsical. Besides, with the authority of the three series, it is not even possible to appeal to women not to wear this kind of dress as much as possible.

"Okay, let's take the bait plan, but shall I go with you too?" said the Mumu police department very helplessly.

Mizumayue couldn't figure out where his helplessness came from, as if someone begged him to follow him.

Speaking of the candidate for the bait, there seems to be only one candidate for the entire three series... In fact, Takagi also has potential, but since Sato Mikazu is suitable for the bait, there is no need to harm the three views of this young man.

After thinking that the suitable bait is Sato Miwako, the gloomy face of the Meguro Police Department has been much better, at least Sato Miwako's self-protection ability is already high and can't be higher.

It took about ten minutes, and a heavily made-up Miwako appeared.

"How is it?" One hand was not used to adjusting the miniskirt, and the other hand wanted to touch the thick lips but dared not touch, Sato Miwako walked out of the locker room awkwardly, and asked shyly.

"Not so good..." As the judges, Mizuki and Mu Mu Shisan said disappointedly. This kind of clumsy dress only made people laugh, and did not make people want to hit people.

"Senior is not very good at using cosmetics..." Takagi, one of the decoy candidates, even sighed.

"Forget it... Let's go directly to the styling design... I guess this kind of bad street clothing store and barber shop can also do it, and Takagi, if you don't want to be a bait for her, don't irritate Miwako." said.

After hearing Mizuma Tsuki's words, Sato Mikako stopped secretly barking at Takagi, and returned to the locker room to change into normal clothes.

In the afternoon, Sato Miwako's shape was ready, and she was sitting in the cafe restlessly fiddling with her nails and wigs.

"Isn't it uncomfortable?" Opposite her, Mizuma Yue sat there with her chin on her back, and asked Mikazu Sato, who was wriggling around. She felt uncomfortable just by looking at her.

"Hum..." Sato Mikazu didn't speak. She was already playing a role. Today's task is to pretend to meet her friends in a cafe, then go shopping with her girlfriends to buy a set of clothes like this, and go to a bar at night Turn around, and finally walk on the night road for an hour and a half. All the activities are around the area with high incidence of attacks.

Now Mizuma is playing his friend, and ten minutes later, the best friend played by Miyamoto Yumi, who is on vacation today, will come and take her to the mall.

"Speaking of which, you don't seem to wear high heels very often. Is it alright to walk all day today?" Mizuma Tsuki saw that she didn't reply just now, and continued.

"Hmph." Sato Mikazuko still didn't answer, she looked like she was upset and turned her head to one side.

Mikako Sato has worn high heels about ten times in her life, five times for various casual tasks, one for a college prom, two for a banquet such as a wedding, and two for a blind date. My mother put it on first, so I should add it again. When I bought the pair of high heels with Miyamoto Yumi, I tried them on once. Of course, I didn't walk two steps at all.

"Dang!" A flamboyant figure walked into the and walked straight after looking around for a week.

"Hey, I found you." Miyamoto Yumi, who was also dressed in fashion, sat beside Sato Miwako.

"I'm telling you, Miwako, I found a wonderful cake shop..."

"Hey, you painted your nails beautifully today..."

"Hey, where is the best place to play at night..."

As long as you don't keep thinking about "doing bait and acting now", the two girls will soon enter the usual shopping state, which is no different from ordinary girls before they go shopping.

"Let's go, let's go, Mizuma-san, let's go together." Miyamoto Yumi pulled Sato Mikazu up to go shopping, and even called Mizumayuki to go together...

"I won't go, there's one more thing to do." Mizumayue vomited blood in her heart, what the **** is Big Brother Mizuma...

"Goodbye." Sato Miwako said goodbye to Mizuma Tsuki normally, and suddenly said, "It's good to wear high heels occasionally. I feel like I should be taller than you now, hee hee."

Another reason why Sato Miwako doesn't often wear high heels is because she is very tall among women because she is full of sports cells. After wearing high heels, she is indeed a little taller than Tsuki Mizuma.

"Idiot, what you wear is not called high heels, it is called platform shoes!" Miyamoto Yumi corrected.

"Eh? Wasn't it?" Mizuma Yue bent down and re-examined Sato Miwako's shoes.

"It seems that it is really different from high heels. The forefoot is also very thick... No wonder Miwako is taller than me now, this thing is twenty centimeters faster? Ehhh!"

"what happened again?"

"It's nothing, you go shopping, I think there is still something to do." Mizuma Yue is now eager to confirm one thing.

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