Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 100 Junior, I am very touched by your behavior~~ (Please subscribe!)

"Okay then! You can go to the Metropolitan Police Department in the next few days!" Officer Sato thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Although she was speechless about what Kishida said, he had helped the police several times anyway, and the other party seemed to have a good relationship with Officer Megure, so Officer Sato would still give it to him.

"Then I'm sorry for you!" Kishida said with a hearty smile, and without waiting for Sato and Takagi to nod, he turned back to the dessert shop.

"Oh~ You said this guy is just like Detective Mori, finding things wherever he goes!" Officer Sato couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the mess left by Kishida.

"So the person that Officer Megure is complaining about now also includes Mr. Kishida? But I think it's okay. At least Mr. Kishida won't be like Detective Mori, where people die wherever he goes!" Takagi responded casually.

"Well, that makes sense! But it still causes us a lot of trouble!" Hearing this, Sato couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, are you just going to let him go like this? He stunned me!" Seeing Kishida just leaving like that, Nagai Tatsuya, who was lying on the ground, suddenly started struggling.

"I originally wanted to call an ambulance for you, but judging from your current appearance, your injuries should not be as serious as they actually look! In that case, just follow us back to the Metropolitan Police Department!"

"..." Nagai Tatsuya couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this, and passed out completely.

"Uh, Takagi, it looks like we still need to call an ambulance!" Sato stuck out his tongue cutely at Takagi, a little embarrassed.

"Ha, haha~ Okay!" Takagi smiled dryly and took out his mobile phone.


"Well, I think that person won't be able to appear in front of you for a long time! Well, I happen to know a very powerful barrister. We can consult her on how to make that guy better. Let’s receive the ‘education of love’!” Kishida said to Nishitani Saki as soon as he returned to the store.

As for how long Nagai Tatsuya can be detained for such behavior, Kishida, who does not understand the laws of the island country, can only choose to leave the matter to professionals. Although it may be a bit overkill, it is like destroying this little girl. You are a scumbag, and it would be great if you spend a few more days in jail!

Alas, it's a pity that I don't have much say in the Metropolitan Police Department. No one except Officer Megure will criticize me. Otherwise, I can have this guy locked up with Director Tsukawa and his group, and then quietly report to him. It would be even more flattering for those in prison to reveal that they had a very good relationship with this man!

While Kishida was thinking, he picked up his cell phone and dialed Fei Yingli's number.

"Thank you, thank you!" Nishitani Saki said with slightly red eyes and a choked voice.

"No need to thank you, as long as you cheer up in the future and work hard to earn more money for me! Of course, if you strongly demand that I give you less monthly salary, I won't mind either!" Kishida He patted her shoulder and expressed relief in a joking tone, showing his white teeth.

"This..." Nishitani Saki nodded repeatedly when she heard the previous words, but by the time Kishida finished speaking, she was dumbfounded and unable to speak.

"Pfft~ Saki, the boss is just joking! Don't take it too seriously~" Akemi couldn't help laughing softly, and then she explained to Nishitani Saki with a smile.

No, sister! I do think he meant what he said! Haiyuan, who was standing aside, complained in his heart.

No, no, if she is really willing to do this, I really won't mind!

Kishida thought this in his heart, and just as he was about to reply, his call to Fei Yingli happened to be answered.

"Moxi Moxi, are you the concubine's lawyer?"

"Well, you're Kishida, right? What do you need from me?" Fei Yingli's lazy voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, it's me. Something happened here and I want to ask you about it!" Kishida explained.

"Okay, tell me, I happen to be free now!" Fei Yingli, who had just finished settling her affairs, said while lying on a soft chair in the office while petting a Russian blue cat named Goro.

"Hmm, that's great if you happen to be free! But I have something urgent to do now, so I'll ask the person involved to tell you the details! Sorry to trouble you, thank you~"

Kishida finished speaking with a crackle, and then handed the phone to Nishitani Saki.

"Moxi Moxi, hello, lawyer!" Nishitani Saki took the phone and had no choice but to say hello first.

"Hello!" In less than a second, a different voice came from the other end of the phone. This made Fei Yingli, who was petting the cat, subconsciously pause, and then shook her head helplessly. It seems that this person is really like Xiaolan said, weird!

"Okay, now there are no customers in the store to receive desserts, and Nishitani has also been sent away. If you two sisters have anything on your mind to talk about, hurry up!" Kishida gestured to Nishitani Saki who was busy talking on the phone. He said softly to the two sisters Haiyuan and Mingmei who were still looking at him with disdain,

"This...I just thought you, boss, were just trying to be lazy and didn't want to waste your words before you said that. I didn't expect you sent Sha Ji away specifically for us. Thank you~~ Junior! Senior sister is very kind I'm so touched~" Akemi, who thought she had misunderstood Kishida, first stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, and then joked with a bright smile.

This guy is so kind that he even considers this kind of thing for us! ? Huiyuan looked at Kishida in surprise, feeling half touched and half confused.

No, my main purpose is really just not to waste time telling the lawyer, the whole thing!

Tsk tsk, so this is the art of language! It is obviously the same thing, as long as I use words to "remind" them and lead them to look at this matter from another angle, the result will be different!

It seems that if I continue to win the favor of the senior sister like this, I will be able to eat food that even Huiyuan can't compare to! Hey, Kishida, you are really a genius! ! Oh hehe~~

Seeing that Mingmei was really touched, Kishida thought happily, and then did not disturb the two sisters to whisper, sat alone at the table and looked out the window to be a quiet handsome man!

"Hey, junior, do you want to try this!" However, before Kishida could completely pose as a handsome man, Mingmei came out of the kitchen with a plate.

"What is this?" Looking at the exquisite desserts on the plate, the foodie Kishida couldn't help swallowing his saliva and asked.

"I just made this by myself, and I plan to see if it can be used as a signature dish in the store! You are the first person to try it, boss~" Mingmei explained with a smile and teasing.

"Is that so? Then I am really honored!" Kishida chuckled.

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