Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 19: Yuichi, you still said you can't hypnotize! ! (Please support!)

In the fifth nightmare, in the dark villa, a blood-red mist filled in through the window, making the vision full of layers of hazy red mist, as if there was blood in the pupils that could not be wiped off, and the wind outside whistled like the roar of a beast, making people's hearts sink a little bit.

"Don't come over again!" Chikako covered her thigh that was constantly oozing blood, and slowly retreated step by step, looking at Kishida with horror and numbness in her eyes. He was wearing a cloak, his face was deliberately half-bandaged, and he was holding an axe in his hand.

Kishida followed her and slowly approached her step by step, and the axe in his hand dripped blood on the ground. With every step he took, his face wrapped in half a bandage sometimes turned into Atsuko, sometimes turned into Takahashi, and sometimes turned into himself.

"Bang" Chikako, who was retreating backwards, hit the wall at the end of the corridor. She was panicked and a little numb, and finally leaned against the wall weakly and fell to the ground.

"Hey, I got you!" Kishida raised the axe, tilted his head, and smiled pervertedly with white teeth.

Chikako's tears had long dried up. She closed her eyes tightly and couldn't help trembling, waiting for the judgment of fate like a weak rabbit. She had no intention of resisting. After all, she had been killed four times, but she didn't know whether this nightmare cycle would continue after she died this time.

"Regret it in hell!" Kishida said hoarsely, still looking at Chikako coldly. After saying that, without waiting for Chikako's reaction, he chopped with the sharp axe in his hand.

And Chikako's head was separated from her body again.

Penta Kill (five kills)! ! Kishida seemed to hear the sound effect of the five kills in League of Legends, which was a pleasant sound that he could only hear on other people's computers.

[Five nightmares have passed, do you choose to continue? ]

The system interface popped up the option again, and this time Kishida had already clicked [No] in a dull manner. If he continues playing, Chikako will probably have to be sent to a mental hospital.

Alas, I am kindhearted after all! Kishida shamelessly touched his chin. His eyes seemed not to see Chikako curled up on the sofa, trembling all the time, with a pale and wrinkled face, cold sweat, and groaning from time to time.

"What's wrong with Chikako? She has been like this since just now. Nothing will happen, right?" Although Ayako was angry at everything Chikako did, she couldn't help but worry when she saw her old friend in such a state.

"It's okay, it looks like she had a nightmare! It should be fine after a while." Kishida comforted.

"What kind of nightmare can scare you like this!?" Sonoko retorted disdainfully. She was going to challenge Kishida no matter what.

Well, if you want to experience it, I can let you experience it for free after the skill cooldown is over. Then you will know why she is like this. Kishida thought darkly. Of course, it was just a thought. After all, this was a killer move. How could he waste a cooling time on Sonoko?

"Hmm~" Soon after Sonoko finished speaking, Chikako opened her eyes with her head in pain. She looked at the familiar ceiling and subconsciously touched her neck.

Was she trapped in reincarnation again?

"You woke up, Chikako! You, ah~~" Ayako looked at Chikako with a complicated look, and finally turned into a deep sigh.

"Ayako? Is it you!?" Chikako looked at Ayako weakly, and her hands hurriedly groped her neck and head.

"Connected, connected. I'm not dead!? With Ayako here, this must not be reincarnation!" Chikako's excited snot and tears flowed down, she was talking nonsense, and the makeup on her face was blurred, but she didn't care. The sense of reality and pain that the five nightmares gave her were still clearly engraved in her mind.

Now, as long as she doesn't fall into that nightmare anymore, even if she loses everything, she feels that life is so beautiful!

"Chikako, Chikako, what's wrong with you!?" Ayako shook Chikako and said worriedly.

Is this ruined by myself? Kishida shook his head, looking very upset.

"I'm fine, Ayako! I'm fine!" Chikako cried with a smile.

"Chikako, don't lie to me, did you really plagiarize Atsuko's work?" Ayako asked with narrowed eyes and a very serious expression. Although she already knew the truth, she still wanted Chikako to admit it herself!

"I, I..." Chikako said hesitantly. Her eyes drifted, and then she suddenly saw Kishida walking towards her step by step. When everyone was looking at her, she tilted her head secretly, showing her white teeth, and mouthed "I got you" to her.

"Don't come over here!! (*+﹏+*)~" Chikako subconsciously hid behind Ayako and yelled, trembling.

"Yes, that's right, I really plagiarized! My fault, it's all my fault!" Chikako leaned on Ayako's shoulder and cried again, and she finally admitted it.

"This??" Everyone present looked at Chikako who "simply" admitted it with a puzzled look, and then looked at Kishida who looked at her with fear.

? ? ? Not only Conan, the little boy, was present, but also had many questions.

Kishida was about to spread his hands and act innocent and confused, but saw Ota excitedly said as if he suddenly realized something, "It's hypnosis, it must be hypnosis!"

"Yuichi, you said you can't hypnotize!" Ota pointed at Kishida excitedly.

I also said that I was born with magical skills? Kishida rolled his eyes.

"Hypnosis? Is that why I fell asleep inexplicably and then had that kind of nightmare?" Chikako muttered to herself.

"I said it was a misunderstanding, do you believe it?" Feeling the strange looks from the people around him, Kishida said aggrievedly.

"What's the smell?" At this time, Yuanzi frowned and sniffed his nose, and found a smell. He looked towards the source of the smell and found that it was coming from Chikako.

Chikako's pale face instantly became steamy and flushed. She felt that her lower body was a little wet...

No, are you really scared to death? This, the kidneys are not good! Kishida twitched the corner of his mouth and thought randomly.

At this moment, a familiar light word popped up in front of his eyes.

The crisis is over, evil thoughts are being converted into props, countdown to 7:00...

This was a success! ? Yes, this woman is so scared when she sees me walking one meter away from her, let alone wanting to stab me in the back, so is this a different kind of influence?

In any case, the villa incident ended with such a ridiculous ending. This day was an exhausting day for everyone. Even Kishida was pestered by Ota to ask for advice on hypnosis. Of course, Kishida also directly Just ignore him.

As for Chikako, she will have to bear the corresponding consequences later, but these are none of Kishida's business. Everyone has to pay the corresponding price for their wrong behavior, but some people have more and some less!

PS: Post another chapter, please give me a reward, recommend a ticket and collect it for three times in a row to support~~Heehee (#^.^#)

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