Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 201: Crashing into a Porsche 356A in the Science World! ? (Part 1)

"My conditions are very simple. I want you to obey me..."

Kishida said quietly while rubbing his chin. One golden eye and one gray-blue eye looked at Haiyuan from bottom to top, and finally settled on her delicate and cute little face. Then he seemed to have thought of something and nodded with satisfaction. .



Maybe there was a misunderstanding. Before Kishida could finish what he said, Haibara's expression suddenly changed and he took a step back in fear. His shocked eyes were guarding Kishida as if he was looking at a scumbag.


"What are you thinking about in your little head all day long? Can you please listen to what I have to say?"

Kishida's face tightened and he said very depressedly.

With your small body and not even a ounce of flesh on your body, even if I wanted you, you wouldn't be able to sell it for much money! !

This thought flashed through his mind, but Kishida still didn't dare to speak out what was in his heart. He was afraid that speaking out would kill someone.

"I always feel like you're thinking of something rude."

Quietly taking another step back, Haibara still looked at Kishida defensively.

"No, no, I'm just thinking about what kind of posture I want you to pose for me to take pictures in the future! Well, that's right! My condition is that if you lose, you must obediently let me take some pictures and actions. The kind of posture that makes me satisfied~~hehehe~~"

Kishida rubbed his chin, his movements were frivolous, his tone was frivolous, and he laughed exaggeratedly at the end.

"Haha, it seems that I really need to re-examine and define you as a person..."

Haibara's eyes darkened slightly, and he sneered a few times, looking at Kishida with an expression full of disgust.

"What's wrong with a man being a little perverted! Just tell me whether you agree or not!?"

Kishida put his hands on his hips and said solemnly.

Haibara's eyes flickered, and she thought for a long time before nodding helplessly. Then, before Kishida could show joy on her face, she suddenly shook her head.

"what do you mean?"

Seeing her erratic appearance, Kishida was confused.

"It's okay to take pictures! But I can't pose according to your wishes. I decide the specific poses myself, and the photos taken are not allowed to be sold in your store or held in activities. No, not anywhere!"

Haibara glanced sideways at Kishida and said calmly.

"No, on your terms, what's the point of me taking your photo! And besides Didan Elementary School, do your photos have a market price? Tsk!"

Upon hearing this, Kishida immediately shook his head and refused to accept it. At the end of the sentence, he made a small sarcasm.

"...Then let's end this matter."

Haiyuan shrugged his shoulders casually, then turned around and walked out of the toilet, as if he meant to let the matter rest if he didn't accept it.


Kishida tapped his forehead with his fingers, his thoughts running rapidly.

If you can't allow yourself to stage and sell photos, then there seems to be no need to take Haiyuan photos yourself, and you can't make a living by keeping them.

Wait a minute, when it comes to eating, if I develop these photos and give them to Mingmei, she will probably like them very much, right? Then I can take the opportunity to ask for something excessive, right?

For example, ask her to give herself an extra meal if she has something to do, or make herself some late-night snacks and send them to her home. Well, she doesn’t seem to have transportation, so pass!

Oh, forget it, it is originally a gambling game that adds fun to daily life, why do you think so much about it? Just a small lottery head, just a small lottery head, it can be used as a souvenir.

Seeing that Haibara was really about to walk out of the toilet, Kishida, who had clear thoughts, sighed softly in his heart, and then chuckled:

"Okay, I'll do as you say, but I also have a small condition. The photos I take must be cute and as cute as possible. After all, children must be like children!"


Hearing this, Haibara looked at Kishida strangely, but this time she didn't refuse.

Although taking a cute photo doesn't fit her personality and will embarrass her, it actually doesn't hurt.

"OK, then it's settled!"

"Oh, let's see if you can win!"

Haiyuan said contemptuously, and as soon as he finished speaking, he opened the toilet door, but when his hand just touched the door handle, he turned back and said calmly:

"I won't ask why your eyes suddenly turned into two-color pupils, but it doesn't mean that others are like this too. You should first think about how to solve this problem."

"Yeah, I know. Although my eyes look like this and I look a lot more handsome overall, it's really a problem. It's too high-profile and doesn't fit in with my reserved and low-key personality."

Kishida said distressedly.

"Reserved and low-key? I would like to ask, does someone not have a clear self-understanding of himself?"

Haiyuan Banyue glanced at Kishida, as if he was exploring how thick-skinned he was.

"Hey, but at least you didn't refute the fact that I became handsome."


Haiyuan was silent, rarely refuting,

These golden and gray-blue eyes seem a bit weird at first, but after looking at them for a long time, they do have a strange sense of beauty, which adds a lot of charm to Kishida, who is already good-looking.

"Hey hey hey~"

Upon seeing this, Kishida's distress disappeared instantly.

After all, troubles are only temporary, but becoming handsome is a lifelong matter!

"You'd better think carefully about how to explain it to the doctor when you go out."

Grayhara rolled his eyes. This guy didn't want to solve the serious matter, and always dragged the topic to other places. The key is that his thoughts are always led astray. It's simply poisonous.

"Well, I remember I have a pair of sunglasses in my car. How about you go down and get it for me, and then you can give it to me after I wash up. I will deal with it first, and when I go to do things later, I will buy a few more contact lenses. I will deal with it for a while, and I will talk about the rest later."

"It's the only way now, but the doctor already knows that there is something wrong with your eyes, and if you suddenly wear sunglasses..."

"It's okay, my mind is often out of tune and nervous, and the doctor is used to it. It's just that I suddenly wear sunglasses, and the doctor won't ask anything. But if the doctor sees my eyes become like this, he will definitely worry and ask questions."


The first time I heard someone scolding himself for having a problem with his brain, and scolding so freshly, unconventionally and proudly, it was probably only this guy in front of me.

Huiyuan was powerless to complain, and finally had to say helplessly: "I know!"

As soon as the voice fell, accompanied by the sound of "creaking" the door opened, Huiyuan walked out of the bathroom.

Alas, if everyone is as considerate as you, it would be fine if they didn't ask anything.

Watching Huiyuan close the bathroom door again outside, Kishida sighed in his heart, and then turned his head and walked to the mirror again without thinking about it. .

"Although it's a little bit second-year, I still want to say, 'The evil king's true eyes are the strongest'!"

Silently staring at the eyes reflected in the mirror, focusing on his golden right pupil, Kishida pretended to lift up the bangs that didn't cover his eyes, and suddenly laughed softly with second-year syndrome.

For some reason, he inexplicably thought of the petite female patient with second-year syndrome who used an eye patch to cover her right eye with a golden iris color-changing contact lens, had purple ahoge, and set herself as the "Evil King's True Eye User".

Of course, the difference between me and her is that I am not a chuunibyou, and my evil king's true eye really has superpowers.

A few golden characters suddenly appeared on my head in the mirror. The Japanese word "good luck" made Kishida smile even more brilliantly.

Today must be a good day that I will never forget!

The word "good luck" turned into golden light, and Kishida, who felt happy, picked up a disposable toothbrush and brushed his teeth happily.

You know, there is a rich breakfast bento outside, waiting for me to solve it.

Kishida is still looking forward to that bento. He had heard from Huiyuan that Mingmei's cooking skills were great, and he could also find out from the desserts she made. However, desserts are desserts after all, and they are different from regular meals.

Originally, he could have eaten the big meal made by Mingmei last night, but so many things happened!

As for why Kishida knew that today's breakfast was made by Mingmei, not bought by Huiyuan outside. Actually, it was the lunch box in the bag that Kishida still remembers clearly. It was the lunch box that Akemi won yesterday when she reached a certain amount of spending to get a second chance to draw a lottery.

Originally, there was nothing to remember clearly. The main thing was that after seeing Akemi draw the third worst thing, Kishida laughed at her for a long time, and then he went up to draw the lottery and drew the last prize, a roll of paper towels...

Well, after that, things changed. Akemi always "inadvertently" compared the two prizes in front of him, causing the dark-hearted Kishida to "accidentally" break a small mark on the lid of the lunch box.

The same lunch box, the crack in the same position, it's no wonder that Kishida knows who made this breakfast.

Tsk tsk, since you brought breakfast here early in the morning, I will definitely solve the thing you asked me to do for you today. And this way, I can also win your sister, and take some cute photos of your sister for you.

In this way, it is the same thing, and I have done Mingmei a favor twice! If this is a game, and there is such a thing as favorability, I should have gotten it quite high!

I just hope that after my operation, Mingmei can be sincere to me, unreservedly contribute her best cooking skills, and work for me attentively...

Holding a series of expectations for the future, Kishida finished brushing his teeth, washing his face, cleaning his intestines and stomach to make better organic fertilizer for crops, then slowly opened the toilet door, took the sunglasses from Huiyuan who was waiting impatiently behind the door, and put them on directly, with one go.

"Next is the happy tasting time!"

Taking a step without recognizing relatives, Kishida walked directly to the table next to the bed and picked up the lunch box in the bag.

During the whole process, Dr. Agasa really just looked at Kishida a few times, thinking that this child didn't know what was wrong again, sighed for a long time, and after feeling that Kishida was really hopeless, he watched the TV news by himself.

Sure enough, the doctor is used to it!

Huibara, who was secretly observing this scene, nodded silently in her heart.



However, before Huibara could breathe a sigh of relief, Kishida, who was standing beside her, suddenly made a deafening shout, which scared her.

Huibara swore that the only person who could disturb her heartstrings all the time was this speechless guy in front of her.

"Yuichi, what are you doing again?"

Dr. Agasa, who had just turned back to watch TV, was also frightened and said with a face full of blame.

"Why, why is my breakfast..."

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