Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 229: Confession! Lover!!


A huge heat wave rushed in with a loud noise, and thick smoke instantly ignited around. The car door was instantly blown away, and the glass was blown everywhere. Two of them happened to shoot towards Mingmei and Kishida, and pierced the shoulder of Kishida who was holding Mingmei and pulling her down.


Kishida grimaced in pain and couldn’t help but gasp.

TMD, this is “absolute safety”? Bullshit!

Kishida cursed in his heart, and sweat flowed from his forehead. It wasn’t because of the pain, he wasn’t that fragile. Mainly because of the increase in dynamic vision when the prop was turned on, Kishida saw clearly that if it wasn’t his shoulder, the two pieces of glass would have pierced Mingmei’s fair and slender neck.

Therefore, he already understood that if he had not been lucky enough to exchange positions with Huiyuan at this moment, even if he had time to open [Yinyan·See the beginning and know the end], he would not have been able to block this crucial blow for Mingmei at this critical moment.

"Kishida, sister!!"

Before the surroundings were completely calm, Huiyuan came over with a pale face and shouted.

"Well, I'm fine."

Kishida moaned softly and turned off the prop power. The feeling of weakness instantly surged over his whole body, causing his body, which was just about to stand up from Mingmei, to fall softly on her again.

"Junior, junior!!"

Amei under Kishida was very flustered and thought he had fainted directly.


Kishida didn't have time to feel it just now, but now he felt the warmth and softness under him again, which made him very embarrassed. He didn't reply in silence, which made Mingmei and Huiyuan even more anxious.

"Tap tap tap~"

"Officer Shiratori, Officer Shiratori!"

Just when Kishida was embarrassed and wanted to get up from Akemi again, a burst of hurried footsteps, accompanied by panicked screams, reached the ears of Kishida and others, and then within a few seconds, several surprised voices rang out.

"Mr. Kishida?!"

"Brother Kishida!?"

Sato, Takagi and Conan realized that the other car affected by the bomb was actually Kishida and his group.

"Don't worry, it's okay, just a little injury to the shoulder!"

Kishida struggled to get up from Akemi, and then gently helped Akemi, who was covered with a little dust, and watched her eyes anxiously scanning back and forth on him, and finally fixed on his shoulder, and then smiled and indicated that he was fine.


"Hey, everyone, what a coincidence!"

Before Akemi finished speaking, Kishida had already turned his head and greeted Takagi and others helplessly.

"Are you all right, Officer Shiratori, Mr. Kishida?!"

Takagi squatted down beside Officer Shiratori anxiously, lifted the car door that was pressing on his feet, and asked worriedly.

"It's too dangerous here, leave here quickly! Unfortunately, I can't escape the clutches of the criminals like you did."

Officer Shiratori, with blood all over his forehead and injuries all over his body, half-closed his eyes, and murmured to Officer Sato with a dull look.

"Officer Takagi, block this road quickly and call an ambulance."

Officer Sato ordered with a livid face, and then lowered his head to comfort Officer Shiratori:

"But since you can still speak, it shouldn't be a big deal!"


Kishida took a closer look at Officer Shiratori's injuries, and then took a slight breath.

Look, Officer Sato, you are still talking like a human being!

With regard to Officer Shiratori's injury, Kishida was hesitant whether to take out the talisman given by Koizumi Hongzi last time and put it into his mouth. However, considering the side effects after taking it and the impact of the incident in public.

Well, hold on, Officer Shiratori!

Kishida encouraged Officer Shiratori in his heart. Conan had already stepped forward to hold Officer Shiratori's hand and measured his muscle tension. Then, with cold sweat, he said seriously: "No, there is bleeding on the right side of his head, and his left hand and right foot are also paralyzed. This is probably..."

"Acute subdural hematoma!"

Huiyuan glanced at Officer Shiratori and took over Conan's words lightly. When Officer Sato's face suddenly changed, he continued to add:

"If you don't send him to the hospital for emergency treatment quickly, it will be very dangerous!"

"So serious?!"

Amei knew that her sister was a genius, and her knowledge was far beyond that of ordinary people, so she trusted Huiyuan's judgment. She glanced at her eyebrows and opened her red lips. Just as she was about to ask Huiyuan to take a closer look at Kishida, she heard Dr. Agasa's urging voice:

"Once the gasoline in the tank catches fire, it is easy to cause another explosion, so before the ambulance arrives, let's move Officer Shiratori out of the police car first."

"That's right!"

Officer Sato nodded.

A few minutes later, with many people talking about it, the two policemen ran towards the police car with fire extinguishers.

"Really, how could this happen?"

"Yes, who would do such a thing?"

Yuanta and Mitsuhiko muttered as they watched the police put out the fire.

"Although we don't know who the murderer is, it is certain that his target is the police!"

Conan on the side heard the words and reasoned softly.


"The murderer first lied and reported that he had installed a bomb in Brother Kishida's dessert shop so that he could lure the police out. Then while the police were searching for bombs, he had enough time to install a real bomb on the police car and was driven away. The customers who come out to take refuge can give him the best cover."

Seeing that the two of them didn't understand, Conan explained patiently.

"In my opinion, Officer Shiratori should have pulled off the safety of the bomb when he opened the door, and when he wanted to open the door to escape, he detonated the bomb. However, why did Officer Shiratori do it in such a short period of time? How can I figure it out within the time limit?”

Conan looked at Officer Shiratori, who was still lying on the ground, and wondered.


Hearing this, Officer Shiratori remembered what he had forgotten, struggled with the piece of paper he was holding tightly in his heart, and handed it to Officer Sato tremblingly.


"I want to give it to you right away, because this will be an opportunity for you to erase that troublesome memory..."

Sato took the paper in confusion, and slowly opened the tissue as Officer Shiratori spoke softly and unhurriedly.


A scream rang out at the right time, attracting everyone's attention. Even Sato put down the paper and looked over curiously.

"Ha, haha~ It's okay, it's okay..."

Kishida was seen pulling up a chair and sitting at the door of the dessert shop, with a blushing face, and laughed a few times at the people who looked over.

He originally wanted to sit at the door and watch the excitement, but he didn't expect that at this moment, someone would watch the excitement...


Everyone saw Akemi next to Kishida, who was holding a pair of small forceps holding a piece of glass, looking at a loss. There was also a simple medical kit next to her. Then they glanced at Kishida, who was obviously holding back pain. They didn't know what was going on. What did he say? He suddenly looked like he couldn't help but laugh.

"I said, do you know how to treat wounds? If not, just let Hui Yuan go."

After rolling his eyes at the people who were laughing at him, Kishida turned his head and complained to Akemi in a low voice.


"Sorry, I haven't treated anyone's wounds for a long time, so my hands are a bit raw."

Mingmei pouted slightly and explained awkwardly.

"Then let Hui Yuan do it! The last time she changed my wound, she handled it very well."

Kishida rolled his eyes and complained helplessly.


"I can... okay... Xiao Ai, you can handle it, I'm being disliked... huh~ huh"

Mingmei curled her lips slightly when she saw this, glanced at Kishida a little aggrievedly, and then slowly handed the tweezers to Haibara. At the end of the sentence, she twitched her nose slightly, as if she was pretending to sob and cry.

"Hey, hey, that's not it, isn't it just to treat a wound? Uh..."

Seeing Akemi acting, Kishida was at a loss of whether to laugh or cry, but as soon as she finished speaking, he found that her eyes were indeed slightly red.

Really crying or fake crying! ?

Are my words really that hurtful?

Kishida muttered in his heart, a little suspicious, so that the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

"Do you think I'm useless? Apart from cooking, I don't seem to be of any use to you. If I can't help you, forget it. I just injured you, and now I can't even treat the wound..."

Before Kishida could say anything, another faint sound sounded in his ears.

"Stop, stop it!"

Seeing that Akemi's eyes really tended to get redder the more she talked, Kishida felt his head hurt, and quickly interrupted her words. With a rare sincerity on his face, he continued amidst Akemi's blank expression:

"Actually, I am very afraid of death, and I always think that someone wants to harm me. Of course, in fact, there are always some blind people who want to harm me, which makes me cherish my life even more. Therefore, someone who can make me risk my life to save me , there used to be one, but he is no longer in this world. Now, there are two and a half..."

"Two and a half?"

Mingmei asked subconsciously.

"Well, you count one, she counts one, Dr. A Li counts half. The doctor is too big. If something dangerous happens, I can't stop him, so I can only count half."

Kishida glanced at Akemi, Haibara, and Dr. Agasa not far away, and joked with a chuckle.


Hearing this, Mingmei didn't react yet, but Haibara on the side laughed softly first. She seemed very happy, and she didn't know if she was laughing at Kishida teasing Dr. Agasa. Anyway, she only saw her holding her little hands behind her back and lightly kicking the ground. Behind the small rocks, when Kishida and Akemi looked at her in surprise, they blushed slightly and turned their heads away.

"And you can make me risk my life to save you, it doesn't depend on whether it is of any use to me! I say this, do you understand?"

Kishida glanced at Haibara in a funny way before continuing to Akemi with a chuckle.

"I understand. You will be kind to whoever is nice to you. Is that what it means?"

Akemi asked thoughtfully.

"Roughly the same."

Kishida nodded gently, then immediately glared at Akemi as if changing his face in a Sichuan opera, and said angrily:

"Now that you understand, why don't you help me treat the wound quickly? You didn't see that my shoulder is still bleeding!"


Mingmei opened her mouth, stunned, and didn't respond for a long time.

Now, why are you letting yourself deal with the wound again?

"Tsk, is this troublesome again? Then I'd better leave it to Haiyuan."

Seeing this, Kishida raised his eyebrows frivolously, and then pretended to signal Haibara with his eyes.


"Eh! No! No way! Xiao Ai is too young now, so it's up to me to do this... Hey, hey~"

Mingmei immediately shook her head, and then, amidst her sister's disdainful look, she spoke more and more quietly, and finally took the tweezers again with a smile.


Seeing this, Kishida narrowed his eyes slightly in amusement, with a very contented expression. However, before he could be happy for a long time, another sharp pain suddenly came from his shoulder.


Fortunately, Kishida was mentally prepared this time. He suppressed the scream, gritted his teeth, and took another breath.

"I said you are such a gentle person, why do you treat the wound so hard? You couldn't do it on purpose, right? God, I shouldn't have spoiled you..."

Kishida had a trace of sweat on his forehead and stared at Akemi.

"Hug, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'll hurt you again, and then..."

Mingmei was so embarrassed that she couldn't speak.

"Forget it, let's disinfect it first and then wrap it with sterile gauze."

Kishida was helpless, but he didn't notice the disdain on Haibara's face.

In fact, Kishida's wound was only a superficial injury, and there was pain and bleeding, but it was not serious at all. Haiyuan also found this very strange. Even though the glass was flying so fast after the car exploded, this guy was lucky enough to only be slightly injured, and he didn't look unlucky at all.

Of course, fortunately he was not as unlucky as before!

Haiyuan thought happily, but he heard the voice of his sister who was disinfecting someone, and couldn't help but raise his ears again.

"Well, can I ask you a question?"

"Huh?! OK, ask!"

Kishida almost answered directly, "I loved you, I won't date you, I will keep you alive, you won't regret it" and other nonsense, but in the end he held it back.

"You just said that before us, there was someone you were willing to risk your life to save. Is that person very important to you?"

Mingmei's eyes flickered, she hesitated for a moment, and finally asked.


Thinking of Lao Yang from his previous life, Kishida nodded without hesitation.

"Is that so, um, that, that, is that person a man or a woman?"

Hearing this, Mingmei asked again.

"This should be the second question, right?"

Kishida said amusedly.


Akemi was speechless, but her eyes were still looking at Kishida expectantly, hoping that he could answer her question.

"Does it matter whether he is a boy or a girl? He is no longer in this world anyway..."

Kishida raised his eyebrows and asked pretending to be confused.

"Of course it's important! I care!"

Akemi nodded heavily, and said matter-of-factly under Kishida's surprised expression.

"Um, what if I say he's a woman?"

Seeing this, Kishida became very curious and curious about what she would say, so he asked deliberately.

"Then, then I will work hard to replace her position in your heart!!"

The cotton swab soaked in disinfectant dropped on Kishida's injured shoulder. Akemi's hands were weakly leaning on Kishida's neck. When she finished speaking hesitantly, her pretty face was already covered with an intoxicating blush.

"Is it so direct?"

Kishida stared at her blankly, his heart seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible hand, almost suffocating him, his mind went blank, and he murmured subconsciously.

And Huiyuan's face has already changed. This is different from what he promised. Sister, you have only persisted for two days, why did you fall so quickly? !

"Yes, I originally wanted to wait for you to speak in person first, junior fellow, so as not to make fun of me with this matter in the future, and then I would have no status at all. But now that I think about it, if something like this happens in the future, You should be the first to stand in front of me, right?"

Minmei half-bent her body and gently tapped her chin on Kishida's head, completely ignoring the strange looks from the people around her.

"If you are willing, I will always exist!"

He was greeted with strange looks from the people around him, especially because of Kishida's face. He couldn't help lowering his voice, but his tone was also extremely firm.

"I do not want to!"

Mingmei said decisively, then her chin left Kishida's head, and she almost squatted down. Her sapphire-like eyes looked directly at Kishida for a while, and then she said seriously: "I hope that when we are in danger in the future, I will be the one standing in the way. in front of you."

Seeing that she was serious about what she said, Kishida was shocked and a little moved in his heart. He rubbed his nose that itched for the first time, then gently raised his head forward and gently placed his forehead against Akemi's forehead. Staring intently at the pair of blue eyes, he smiled gently for a while, and after a long time he said softly:

"He is a man. You don't need to take his place, and you don't have to take his place."

"Yeah, then I'm really lucky~~"

Mingmei smiled sweetly, still with a pair of intoxicating pear dimples, her eyes were flowing, and the faint light surrounding her eyes seemed to suddenly light up. Seducing Kishida's mind.

"No, I should be the lucky one."

Kishida rubbed her head with one hand, remembering something he had read somewhere before, and continued to whisper in her ear:

"I have walked on bridges in many places, seen clouds many times, and drank many kinds of wine, but I only liked one person who was at his best age. At that time, I had not seen the universe, until I met you here. Eye to eye."


"Hmm~ I didn't expect you to say such disgusting words!"

Mingmei felt weak all over, and the heat radiating from her body suddenly increased, but she pretended to be nauseous.

However, his eyes were the same as those of Hui Yuan beside him, and his joy was beyond words.

"Ha, haha~ Actually, I think so too. How about you just pretend I didn't say it?"

Kishida laughed a few times and nodded in agreement. Then he looked expectantly and asked Akemi in a suggestive tone.

"What do you think?"

Mingmei rolled her eyes slightly and asked a little funny, then she suppressed her shyness and said with a cheerful smile:

"Actually, I quite like listening to it~"

"Well, actually, I'm a rather vulgar person, and I don't speak too pleasantly, and I hope you can speak first. But after thinking about it, it's more appropriate for me to say this - well, I like you, Will you be the boss of my dessert shop?”

Kishida gasped and slightly closed the distance between the two of them again, leaned close to Akemi's ear and spoke softly.

Mingmei's body trembled and she said nothing. She stretched out her arms awkwardly, as if she was ready to hug Kishida, and also seemed to be ready to wrap her arms around his neck, using body language to express her feelings.

Joy and excitement continued to hit her heart. For a moment, she was unable to speak. She could only close her eyes shyly, not daring to open them, but her fingers squeezed his collar hard.

It seemed like a long time passed before Kishida heard her murmuring in a sleepy voice:

"I~~I do!"

After saying this, her whole body went limp, as if she had exhausted all her strength. If Kishida hadn't reacted quickly and immediately hugged her waist, she would have collapsed.

Obviously, compared to the first sentence, the second sentence's simple confession undoubtedly made Mingmei more moved. However, the two of them had completely forgotten what kind of situation they were in now...

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