Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 278 Department Store Robbery Group

"I suspect she has a pistol hidden there..."

Mingmei's eyes were solemn, but her tone was a little uncertain. As she spoke, she pointed at her thighs and waist. This position was almost the same as the thigh where she strapped the gun.

That's why as soon as she entered the elevator, she pulled Kishida and surrounded Haibara and Conan behind them.

Yes! Remembering that there was something hard hidden in her thigh, when Mingmei entered the elevator, she naturally thought about whether the thing hidden by the other party was also a small pistol like hers. She felt it from her left hip when she touched it. Judging from the texture and hardness, she felt it was very likely.

But as an elevator lady, the other party still wore white gloves on her hands due to work requirements, so Mingmei couldn't further observe whether her hands had gun calluses from holding guns frequently when she pressed the elevator button.

Of course, whether there is a gun cocoon is just a small observation that Mingmei wants to make to confirm her guess. It doesn't hurt if she can't see it. And even if she sees no gun cocoon, it doesn't mean that the woman is not hiding a pistol. After all, women are protecting their hands. I still care!

Unlike men who just hold a gun and shoot bullets, they usually just shoot it out and it's over. They don't take care of their girlfriends at all afterwards, and they don't care about their girlfriends at all! Of course, this may also be related to the status...

"Huh?! Pistol!?"

Kishida looked at the position indicated by Akemi, his eyes narrowed slightly in surprise.

However, Kishida looked at the three brats running to the burger restaurant in front of him, as well as Haibara and Conan who were looking at him and Akemi with strange expressions on their faces, but he seemed to think that it was normal for him to encounter this situation. So much so that Kishida didn’t doubt the conjecture in Mingmei’s words at all, and subconsciously became silent that this was a fact.

So, did I encounter another case led by Conan, the god of death, and assisted by the young detective team?

Kishida rubbed his chin, his brain working rapidly, recalling the Conan episodes he had watched before. However, unfortunately, he still didn't have much relevant impression this time, so that he couldn't remember it for a while. He only vaguely remembered that there seemed to be similar cases!

Because this is related to personal hobbies, when he watched Conan in his previous life, except for the first few episodes, such as Maple Leaf Gold Coin, which was very impressive about the cases that only appeared in the Young Detective Team, he either fast-forwarded and watched them wholeheartedly, or simply watched them. After reading a little bit, I skipped directly to the episode, and few people watched it carefully. Unless there is a particularly exciting plot, he will go back and watch it again carefully to pass the time. However, this is rarely the case.

Even in the episode with the highest number of views in Conan history, the episode in which Haibara wore a knitted sweater but unfortunately exposed his vagina in the car, Kishida only watched the first half carefully and skipped the rest... .......

"Did you discover anything special?"

Haibara saw that the two of them were whispering since just now, and after his sister pointed at his thigh, Kishida fell into deep thought, and couldn't help but whisper curiously.

thigh? ! Then meditate!

This is adult time, Haibara, you shouldn’t ask such subtle questions! !

Conan must have misunderstood, but he was a little disapproving. There was a smile on his face that all adults could understand. In contrast to the child's face, it looked very strange.

"Bang!" Kishida was so fast that before Conan could see clearly, his hand "gently" touched Conan's head.

"it hurts!"

Conan screamed, his eyes were filled with stars, tears were squeezed from the corners of his eyes due to pain, and there seemed to be a big bump on his head that was visible to the naked eye.

"How many times have I told you, children should act like children and don't show such obscene expressions!"

Kishida shook his aching hand and looked at Conan swaying, feeling a little embarrassed. He almost forgot that he was a very human being and accidentally used too much force.

(〃> dishes<)!

"Damn it!" After a long pause, Conan gritted his teeth in anger. This guy clearly knew that he was an adult, so he definitely hit himself on purpose!

"Don't look at me like that, I'm doing this for your own good. By the way, let me ask you, do you come to this mall often?"

Kishida shrugged and changed the topic with a natural expression.

"Absolutely!" Conan glared at him angrily.

"Then have you seen that elevator lady before?" Kishida asked without hesitation.

"I've seen you once or twice. I don't just take this elevator. Did you find something wrong with that elevator lady?" Conan replied, and then immediately reacted and asked curiously.

"Well, there's a good chance she has a gun hidden on her body!"

Kishida nodded without hiding anything. As for whether it was discovered by Mingmei or him, what's the difference?

"Gun!?" Conan and Haiyuan were slightly startled, but of course, they didn't react much. After all, I just saw a large bomb yesterday. Compared to a small weapon like a pistol, tsk! (* ̄rǒ ̄)

"How's it going? Have you thought of any useful clues?" Kishida saw that Conan immediately became interested, and asked casually with some humor.

"Please, what can I think of with just an uncertain gun!" Conan said angrily.

"Department store bandits!"

Haiyuan on the side suddenly said coldly.

"Department store robber group?! Er, you mean the bandit group that was mentioned in the newspaper recently that robbed jewelry, antiques, electronic products, etc. after closing time!?"

Conan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he held his chin with the index finger and thumb of his right hand, thinking about this possibility.

"Well, I happened to see it on the TV news today. This bandit group is still active in Tokyo and has robbed three large shopping malls this year. However, it seems that the police still have no clues about it."

Haiyuan nodded and added, but at the end of his words, he inevitably made fun of the island police's ability with a faint smile.

"Isn't this a normal phenomenon!? Haha~" Kishida asked Haibara with a smile.


The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"By the way, since they are a gang of robbers wanted by the police, does the news say how much the reward is for them?"

Kishida's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked quickly.

"Well, I don't know. I just saw it by chance."

Haiyuan thought for a while, shook his head, and suddenly said a little strangely: "Don't you read the news every morning when you get up for breakfast?"

"Ha, haha~~"

Kishida and Akemi looked at each other and laughed in unison.

PS: A short and weak chapter (Lazy Fish complained about it himself)

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