Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 281 Conan: Isn't it normal for us to go to school for one day and have two days off? ?

PS: MMP, I was confused. After I posted it, I saw that the number of chapters in the title had not changed...

"Wow, this building is so high! My dear, why don't we stop by and take a look tomorrow?"

Kishida raised his head and saw a beautiful young woman hugging a middle-aged man with a big belly in the TV exclusive area two or three meters in front of him, pointing at one of the TVs that was playing the news and said coquettishly.

"Well...I have made an appointment with an important client to discuss business tomorrow."

The middle-aged uncle said with some embarrassment.

"What about the day after tomorrow? We can go the day after tomorrow too~ Besides, the day after tomorrow happens to be Valentine's Day..."

The young woman held the middle-aged man's arms in her arms, rubbed them in his arms, and said coquettishly again.

"this and that......."

The middle-aged uncle was reluctant and wanted to take his arm out of the woman's arms, and then refused forcefully, but he couldn't let go of the feeling of fullness in his arm, and his face became even more embarrassed when he was in a dilemma.


The young woman's face finally showed a change, and the smile on her face was a little ugly.

"Probably not the day after tomorrow..."

The middle-aged uncle explained with a dry smile.

"what happened?!"

The young woman let go of his hand.

"After tomorrow's business talk, I will take the client to visit Tokyo the day after tomorrow. He is from Kansai and has never visited Tokyo before. When I contacted him last time, he said that he would take advantage of this opportunity to visit Tokyo. Visiting Tokyo, you know, this project is very important to me, so..."

"All right."

The woman nodded, and after the middle-aged uncle breathed a sigh of relief, she spoke again: "Then let's go the day after tomorrow! It just so happened that people said that the Twin Towers will be opening the day after tomorrow. With your status, dear, you should Can I get an invitation? We can join in the fun then."


The man was completely silent.

"Why don't you tell me?"

The woman's face gradually turned ugly.

"I can get the invitation letter. In fact, the Tokiwa Group has already sent out another invitation letter. If nothing else happens, the company should receive it, but..." The middle-aged uncle hesitated to speak. glanced at the woman.

"Just what? Don't tell me, is it possible that you have a vixen outside!?"

The woman's face instantly turned pale.

"...Dear, don't forget, I have a family, and you are a vixen! It's not suitable for me to take you with me on such a formal occasion!!"

The middle-aged uncle held in his constipation face for a long time before vomiting quietly.

Oh, yes! ! I am a vixen! That's okay then......

The young woman's face turned red and white.

"Puch! Hahahaha~~"

When Kishida passed by this strange couple, he happened to hear the middle-aged uncle's words and finally couldn't help laughing.

Then, as expected, he received glares from the two frightened dogs and men.

They were so engrossed just now that they didn't even see anyone coming...

"Don't, don't look at me like that. You say yours and I laugh at mine. Well, I just suddenly remembered something happy."

Kishida waved his hand and couldn't help laughing when he looked at the two dumbfounded people.


The young woman's eyes widened and she was about to blurt out a curse. When she took a closer look, she found that the guy who was laughing at her was very handsome and the clothes he was wearing were worth a lot of money. She suddenly felt a little straight-eyed.

The middle-aged uncle's face was a little green. Akemi frowned and took a step forward with an unkind expression, blocking her gaze from Kishida.

Vixen is vixen, and the smell is really too strong!

Kishida was a little funny, complaining inwardly.

"Brother Kishida, what are you laughing at? Also, what is a vixen!"

Yuantai asked a little confused. Obviously, he also heard the last words of the middle-aged uncle.


The young woman's face immediately turned red and she was very angry. She turned her head and stared at Genta, just about to speak.

"Ahem, dear, let's go first! Don't be like them. Haven't you always wanted the latest model of Puda La's leather bag? Let's go up and buy it right now, and I'll buy it for you!!"

The middle-aged uncle's face also turned red, but his face was red from embarrassment. After all, he was still an "elite" who wanted to show off!

"Really? Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!!"

The young woman's eyes lit up, and she immediately happily took the middle-aged uncle's hand and rushed to the eighth floor. The entire floor was devoted to clothing, including shoes, clothes, boxes, etc.

"The world is going downhill. Vixens now dare to come out blatantly and shamelessly! Sure enough, if they can do such a thing, maybe they have lost their face!"

Kishida shook his head with emotion. He absolutely despised this kind of marital infidelity! Oh, let alone marriage, even if someone did this during a relationship, he would still find it very disgusting.

If you no longer have feelings, or simply don’t like it anymore, you can choose to divorce or break up! When the time comes, you can do whatever you want, and no one else will say anything!

However, it is a pity that some people just like to have affairs! "A wife is not as good as a concubine, a concubine is not as good as stealing, and stealing is not as good as not being able to steal." This proverb directly points to the nature of human desire.

This kind of desire, regardless of gender, everyone has it more or less. It's just that some people have more, some people have less, some people can control it, and some people can't control their lower body! And those who can't control their lower body, both men and women, you know, it's not just men who cheat! !

And it has been said before that Kishida is a guy who believes in gender equality, so if a woman, even a beautiful woman, makes him unhappy, or wants to hurt him, he will beat her up without hesitation. So, Kishida puts himself in her shoes and thinks about it. If he hates his partner's cheating and never forgives it, then why should he let her forgive him for making such a mistake just because he is a man?

Everyone has desires, but everyone is selfish about love. If you still like the other person, don't hurt him/her from the beginning.

Of course, the above topic is except for some brothers and sisters in Gongba who have other fetishes. He/she may like it... cough cough! !

"Hey, is that the twin tower building that the sister just mentioned?"

Just as Kishida's thoughts were flying further and further away, Ayumi pointed at the sample TV and asked curiously.

The introduction of the twin tower building was played again on it in a loop. In order to build momentum for the opening ceremony and the twin tower building, the Tokiwa Group invested a lot of advertising fees and placed advertisements in major shopping malls and other places.

"This is the first twin tower skyscraper in Japan newly built by the Tokiwa Group in Nishitama City in front of Mount Fuji. The two skyscrapers are 319 meters and 294 meters high respectively. They are the tallest twin tower buildings in the island country! Moreover, I heard that you can clearly see Mount Fuji inside the skyscraper!!"

Mitsuhiko pointed at the twin tower building on the TV and slowly explained science to Ayumi and Genta.

"Tsk, tsk, you know so much! Little Mitsuhiko!"

Kishida touched Mitsuhiko's head and praised him. He paused and was about to speak again, but Mitsuhiko waved his hands and shook his head and said, "That's enough, no need to say anything more, Kishida brother. I just happened to see this news when I passed by a TV store on my way to school this morning."

After Mitsuhiko finished speaking honestly, he immediately pointed at the TV. He didn't want Kishida to continue talking. He could still remember what happened to Genta after he was praised just now! !

Sure enough, the information he just mentioned was broadcasted after a while.

"I really want to go and see it!"

Genta looked at the twin towers on the TV and couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, Ayumi also wants to see it! It's a pity that we can't go anywhere now!"

Ayumi nodded and shook her head helplessly.

"Alas, it just happens that tomorrow is a holiday..."

Mitsuhiko sighed and said helplessly.

"Wait, didn't you guys just have a small winter break yesterday? How come you only had one day of class today and you're on holiday again!?"

Kishida heard their conversation and was laughing to himself. He was happy that he saved a few suicidal teenagers, but suddenly he felt something was wrong.

"Is there anything strange about this?"

Mitsuhiko scratched his head and asked subconsciously.

"Don't you think it's strange?"

Kishida looked at Conan, Huiyuan and others in confusion.

"Isn't this normal? One day of school, two days of holiday, it was always like this before!"

Conan gave him a strange look instead.

"Really? Hehe~~ You fish for three days and dry the net for two days! Can you continue to study?"

Kishida shook his head, feeling that their tuition fees were paid in vain, but he always felt envious in his heart...

Why didn't I have such a good thing when I was studying! ! !

PS: I was careless, I didn't dodge! Today I still have so many things to do, it's so overwhelming, I'm so tired, I can't muster any strength, oh, I'll write the next chapter after I take a shower and buy a bottle of Red Bull, as for the length of words, it depends on my condition, oh, I remember I still owe one more chapter.........It's so overwhelming... Things are unpredictable, let's see if I can stay up late in the next two days...

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