Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 293 Why are your pectoralis major muscles so exaggerated! ?

This guy's acting is pretty good! Kishida watched the man in the red hooded windbreaker in front of him retreat again and again, looking scared, and he felt a little different in his heart.

However, he was at least sure that there was something wrong with this guy. First, he was too alert after seeing him; second, his hand subconsciously reached into his pocket, and he initially judged that there should be a gun in it; third, he could have shouted loudly, but he didn't shout loudly. This is not the normal reaction of a normal person when encountering such behavior.

Kishida doesn't believe that a man would be so scared that he couldn't even shout loudly when facing another man who tried to do something bad to him. This "Don't! Brother Jie~~" can prove that in this regard, the resistance of normal men will be very strong, unless this person actually likes to be hehehe by men, so he doesn't want to shout for help at all, or this guy doesn't dare to shout!


Accompanied by Yin's laughter, Kishida rubbed his hands excitedly and slowly approached Nishitani, step by step like claws and teeth, like the pace of the devil.


However, an accident happened at this time. Because of being too emotional, or acting too realistically, Nishitani, who was retreating repeatedly, "accidentally" stepped on a small stone, and fell straight to the ground with a "plop".


Kishida heard a slight groan of pain, and the expression on his face became more excited.


Nishiya Xia, who was feeling a little pain in her butt, heard a clearer swallowing sound, and a flash of surprise flashed through her heart. This perverted pervert wouldn't have any other excessive fetishes?

Thinking of this, Nishitani Xia's face under the mask really turned pale, thinking in her mind if she could make a move now without making any noise and knock this pervert out cleanly without any effort!


However, this guy is really handsome~~ If he doesn't have any fetishes, he would reluctantly agree to it if he gets some advantage. After all, with this face, he won't lose anything, and he might even make a little money~~ But why does this guy, who looks so good, want to do this kind of thing?

Is it because it's so exciting! ? Hey, you know what, this kind of plot is indeed a bit exciting! Well, it's all because the boss has been too busy these days and hasn't come to see me at night these few days!

Xi Gu Xia, who deliberately fell to the ground, had a pale face, but her lips under the mask couldn't help but pursed them, her face was a little flushed, and her legs couldn't help but close a little. If it wasn't inappropriate now, she wouldn't mind playing with this guy in the alley~~

Of course, now this guy can only sleep here alone for one night...

"Hey, sorry, buddy, I scared you! Although I did it on purpose, I will help you up now, but as a condition for helping you, can you let me rape you first?"

Just when Xi Gu Xia's mind was full of trains, a deep, rich, magnetic, pleasant but contradictory, greasy and disgusting voice came to Xi Gu Xia's ears, making her stunned.

The voice is good, although a little greasy, but it feels okay.........Wait!

Xi Gu Xia's eyes suddenly glared, and several question marks flashed across her forehead. She looked at Kishida with a look of surprise and disbelief.

Dude! ? ! What the hell is this? !

Do I look like a man? My figure looks so exquisite, and my chest is still full...No!

Xi Gu Xia suddenly remembered that every time she was a support, she would disguise herself. This time, she just chose a very neutral outfit, wearing a mask and a hat, and her chest was covered tightly by a loose hooded windbreaker, which made her look like a man! In fact, she had deliberately dressed like this before........

If the pervert opposite thought I was a man, and he still chose to attack me, then it would prove that this guy is a total gay! ! ?

ヽ(*.\u003eД\u003c)o゜hiss~~ So scary!

Xi Gu Xia took a breath in her heart, and just when she was about to say something, a smooth and white face suddenly appeared in front of her, with thin and lightly pursed lips, a high nose bridge, and a handsome face with sharp edges and corners. He wore glasses on his handsome face, which made him look a little gentle, but there was a hint of a rascal smile on his face. This contradiction and unity made him very charming!

Unfortunately, he is a gay!

Xia Nishitani pretended to be scared, but she felt a little sorry. Her hands, which were originally supporting the ground, were ready to move. At such a close distance, Kishida was in a half-squatting position, which made her feel certain and wanted to do it.

"Brother, why haven't you spoken since just now? Are you a mute? What a pity. I wanted you to shout "Help", and then I shouted "No one will come to save you even if you shout your throat out!"

Xia Nishitani hadn't made a move yet, but her face had been touched. Kishida's fingers started from her forehead and gently stroked her cheek through the mask. His fingers stopped on her face. His eyes seemed to be looking at something precious. He was affectionate, soft and tender, and said with pity.


Xia Nishitani felt goose bumps all over her body. But she didn't feel disgusted. As a normal woman, she didn't discriminate against gays at all. After all, girls are more or less rotten.

For example, when they see two handsome guys being intimate, they are more likely to be excited than disgusted, so she just got goose bumps when Kishida looked at her. Well, she was completely aroused, even though Kishida actually treated her as a man!

What a pity.....


Just when Nishitani Kasumi was about to make a move again, Kishida suddenly made a sound of surprise, which attracted her attention again.

"Strange, buddy! Have you ever worked out specifically? Otherwise, why are your pectoralis major muscles a bit exaggerated!?"

The doubtful voice reached Nishitani Kasumi's ears. She found that Kishida was staring at her body intently. She couldn't help but lower her head following his gaze, and then she found that the fullness that was originally covered by the loose hooded windbreaker was propped up again because she fell back and supported herself with her hands.

"Because I'm a woman..."

Hearing this, Nishitani Kasumi looked like she was smiling, and finally spoke, but her voice was a little hoarse, as if she was angry and her voice changed. In fact, it was nothing more than being cautious and not wanting to speak in her original voice.

"You are a woman!?"

Kishida's eyes widened instantly, his face full of disbelief.

"Humph, isn't it obvious enough!?"

Nishiya Kasumi straightened her waist, and deliberately straightened her chest. She raised her hands from her back to her chest, pretending to unzip her hooded windbreaker a little, as if she wanted Kishida to see her deep ravines.

But her hands were already on her chest, so Kishida could clearly see her intention.

Are you going to do it?

Kishida was stunned, and his fingers that were still on the woman's cheek hooked, and he pulled off her mask without hesitation.


In an instant, a very white, naive, and very cute face appeared in front of Kishida under the hood! Kishida was so surprised that he didn't even dare to breathe!

Now! !

Seeing Kishida suddenly stunned, Nishitani Kasumi flashed a smile on her face, and took the opportunity to move!


It seemed that the sky was drizzling again like in the morning, dripping on Nishitani's forehead and across her cheeks, making her hideous face feel a little cool and wet.

Very quickly! Then there was another light sound of "Shua", and her hand instantly reached Kishida's neck.......


Then, something unexpected happened, accompanied by a muffled sound, someone fell down...but it was not Kishida who fell.

"Young man, stop when you are done!"

Looking at the woman falling straight to the ground, Kishida shook his fingers, covered his nose and still dared not breathe, but suddenly raised his head and said.

"Why did you suddenly change the plan? I haven't seen enough!"

At this time, a head suddenly appeared on the house on the left side of the alley and said..........

PS: As usual, I wrote a few hundred more words to make up for my guilt to my friends~~嘤嘤嘤~

In addition, as usual, I ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets and reward support in the evening~~Lazy Fish thanks you! I feel much better today.....there really is nothing that a person cannot overcome, come onヾ(?°?°?)??!

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