"Ah~" Accompanied by screams, the whistling roller coaster in front flipped over the last track, slid into the stable area, and slowly stopped on the platform.

After the car stabilized, the safety clamp popped open, and immediately one or two tourists staggered out of the car, rushed to the trash can not far away, and then vomited with a sound.

Other tourists also supported each other to get off the car, only the two men in black sitting in the last row were stable, as if the weightlessness and flipping stimulation of the roller coaster had no effect on them at all, and they walked out of the empty fast lane as if nothing had happened.

Kudo Shinichi helped Mao Lilan down, but his eyes kept looking at the direction where the black-clothed man disappeared, frowning thoughtfully, the detective's intuition told him that these two people must be not simple, and his inner curiosity prompted him to want to find out.

"I'm sorry, Xiaolan, please go back first, I have something urgent to do." Kudo Shinichi spoke quickly, and without waiting for the girl's response, he chased in the direction of the black-clothed man.

"Hey~" Mao Lilan's face was full of reluctance, but Kudo Shinichi had already run away, leaving behind a chic back.

Tsk, so how much he loves the case, I don't know what kind of blessing he had in his previous life, even with this lonely behavior, Mao Lilan still stays with him.

"Mr. Kishida, what are you still looking at? Aiko is leaving." Hirokawa Hitomi's voice sounded beside his ears, Kishida retracted his gaze and turned his head to look.

The girl named Aiko has already carried her bag and walked away without looking back. It seems that even the wind whizzing by the roller coaster can't blow away her resentment. The girl with glasses looked back and forth at Kishida, and finally gritted her teeth and chased in the direction of Aiko.

"Let's go, we've already decided to break up." Kishida said calmly. Since he couldn't escape the fate of being murdered, he had to do it according to his own wishes. There was no need to force himself. At least he didn't plan to maintain a romantic relationship with a girl he just met.

So, the enemy was coming, and the one who needed to be dealt with more was the Hirokawa Hitomi who had already started to kill.

"So as long as you decide to break up, you can abandon the other party without hesitation?" Hirokawa Hitomi looked at Kishida, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her expression ugly, and she was emotional.

It seems that she thought of herself, but why did you yell so loudly?

Kishida looked around, and sure enough, Hirokawa Hitomi's roar attracted the attention of the surrounding tourists.

"If you don't mind, please come with me, I have something to say to you."

Hirokawa Hitomi looked at him woodenly and nodded for a long time.


In the relatively empty beverage shop in the amusement park, he ordered two drinks casually, found an empty table, pulled out a chair and motioned Hirokawa Hitomi to sit down, and Kishida sat opposite her.

Kishida pursed his lips and stared at Hirokawa Hitomi, staring at her until she twisted her hands together unnaturally, and then he said in a low voice, "You are going to kill me today, right?"

This sentence was like a bomb, blowing up a ripple in Hirokawa Hitomi's already restless heart. She stared with disbelief, her lips moving, but she couldn't say a word, speechless.

"It seems that I was right." Kishida nodded gently. Making this matter clear was the way he could think of to resolve the murderous intention. Looking at all the Conan episodes, many of the tragedies were often caused by misunderstandings. Even if this case is not a misunderstanding, but a murder of love, as long as you fool around well, oh, communicate, the problem may be solved.

"I..." She was very emotional.

"Calm down, I know you invested a lot in our previous relationship, and I am sorry for my previous behavior, but have you ever considered whether we are really suitable? Do we have the same personality and hobbies? Will we be happy together?" Kishida said sincerely.

"Then are you and Aiko suitable? Aiko is so willful, and I am so gentle to you..." Hirokawa Hitomi couldn't help but refute after hearing what Kishida said.

I also want to know this, is the original owner a masochist?

"Not suitable either, so as you can see, I just broke up with her." Although I was muttering in my heart, I still had to say what I should say.

"Although it may be a bit bad to say this, for me, since it is not suitable and cannot enter the palace of marriage, it is better to cut the Gordian knot quickly. It is better to suffer a short pain than a long pain. I can't drag you for a lifetime."

"I, I... Humph" Hirokawa Hitomi lowered her eyes, her eyelashes like fans trembled slightly, a crystal tear slid down her face, her eyes looked at the table with empty eyes, her body twitched slightly, and she was at a loss.

Cry? Just cry! It will feel much better if you cry, and you won't hold it in and always think of backstabbing me.

"Alas, there are too many choices in life. You deserve to find someone better than me. Don't think about doing anything stupid in the future. Think about your family and your future life. I am not the only one in your life. There are better ones..." Kishida was going to pursue.

"I, I want to ask you what you hate about me?" Hirokawa asked with red eyes, interrupting Kishida's combo.

No way, sister? I said so, shouldn't you slap me hard, then leave me with relief, and never see each other again? Why are you still asking this? After I finish answering, you still want to say that you can't change? Oh my God, have dignity, don't choose to be a licking dog just because of this handsome face!

No, I can't answer this question myself. Do I have to use my ultimate move?

"Xiao Tong, there is a bottom line for people to interact with each other. I understand one thing from my short relationship with you and Aiko. The more you want to accommodate each other in a relationship, the more unpredictable situations will occur, unless you don't fall in love." Kishida answered the question irrelevantly.

"Kishida, what do you want to say!?" Hirokawa Hitomi was stunned.

"I don't like women, Hitomi!" Kishida said against his conscience.

Anyway, he won't fall in love before the evil thoughts are completely erased. He doesn't want to have a girlfriend after all the hard work, and then be stabbed in the back. He can think of reasons, such as the two sides are enemies. Kishida remembers the world of Conan, and there are many such things.

So, even if saying this may be mistaken for being gay, it doesn't matter.

"Puff!" To Kishida's surprise, Hirokawa Hitomi laughed out loud.

"I feel like you've become a different person today, but you're still as humorous as before. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you anymore." She wiped the tears from her face, her eyes seemed gentle and free and easy.

It seems that she has come to her senses? Just thinking about this, a light word popped up in front of her:

The crisis is resolved, the evil thoughts are being converted into props, and the countdown is 6:00.......

"Huh~" Things are going so smoothly, which makes Kishida slightly relieved. It turns out that crying is still useful!

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